Become Stronger and Immortal By Picking Up Attributes From the Battlefield

Chapter 69: Open the treasure chest! Zhao mother and daughter!

 Chapter 69 Open the treasure chest! Zhao mother and daughter!

 “Four first-level treasure chests.”

"And the attributes collected by my warriors from burying the corpses today have not yet been claimed."

"I hope my luck will explode today." Zhao Feng thought to himself.

Then first collect the attributes of the buried corpse in the part.

"Receive the picked-up attributes." Zhao Feng said.

A prompt immediately appeared on the panel.

"This part buried 6,790 corpses, and gained a total of 679 attribute points."

"Pick up 168 points of strength."

"The picking speed is 139 points."

"Pick up 96 points of constitution."

"Pick up 88 spirit points."

"The picking life is 188 days."

Detailed pickup attribute prompts appear on the panel.


"Not to mention anything else, just by picking it up successfully, it will last half a year and you will make a lot of money."

“Sure enough, there is still strength in numbers.”

"I wonder when the power of the Luck Official Seal will change. Instead of picking up corpses by burying them, it will be good if they can be picked up by killing enemies." Zhao Feng thought secretly in his heart.

"Follow the general trend and capture King Han, gain good luck, and be rewarded with a second-level treasure chest."

At this time!

Another prompt appeared on the panel.

See this.

Zhao Feng's slightly confused eyes suddenly sobered up.

"Second-level treasure chest."

"This is the first one."

"This treasure chest can yield second-level items for the last time, and they are more valuable." Zhao Feng thought with a happy face.

This second-level treasure chest was a complete surprise for Zhao Feng.

Although after capturing King Han, Zhao Feng really had the idea of ​​killing him directly, but when he thought that the value of living was higher and Zhao Feng could gain greater benefits, Zhao Feng held back.

And once you kill the king, it's not a good thing.

"The king's luck is too strong, so this is the second-level treasure chest reward."

"There are five other hostile kings in the land of China. I hope to catch them with my own hands one day, and their luck is stronger than that of King Han."

Looking at the reward from this treasure box, Zhao Feng became even more moved.

"Four first-level treasure chests and one second-level treasure chest."

"God bless, bring me something good." Zhao Feng prayed.

Then he ordered: "Open all the treasure chests."

"Open the first-level treasure chest."

"Get [1,000 taels of gold]."

"Acquired [Intermediate Medical Skills]."

"Get [Map of China]."

"Acquired the Xuan-level low-grade martial skill [Flying Wind Sword]."

"Open the second-level treasure chest."

"Acquired the low-level martial skill [Hundred-Step Flying Sword]."

The prompt appeared on the panel immediately, almost in the blink of an eye.

All five treasure chests were opened.

See this.

Zhao Feng directly skipped the first three and landed on the two martial arts skills he drew later.

"Two martial arts, and one martial skill for the lower class. I'm really lucky this time." Zhao Feng thought with joy on his face.

Now Zhao Feng's attributes are much higher than those of ordinary people. With this powerful attribute, he can sweep all directions on the battlefield. But with the blessing of martial arts, Zhao Feng can exert his own strength with stronger attributes.

"Learn [Fengfeng Yijian]."

"Learn [Hundred-Step Flying Sword]."

Zhao Feng immediately learned these two martial arts.

A burst of light fell, and two extremely mysterious martial arts were directly instilled into Zhao Feng's consciousness.

Ancun! Early morning.

A girl in a faded dress was walking slowly toward the village, holding a medicine basket.

Along the way, villagers carrying hoes came out to work in the village.

"Miss Ying is back from collecting medicine?"

"Yes, Uncle Li, when the sun rises, not only are there good herbs, but also nectar is collected."

"Haha, I am a layman who doesn't know that much, but Miss Ying, your medical skills are as good as those of your mother. Uncle Li's leg disease is caused by your medicine."

"Uncle Li, your legs need to be continuously applied with medicine to activate blood circulation to completely heal. After you go to work in the fields, remember to come to my house to apply medicine."

"Don't worry, I remember."

A middle-aged villager stood up and talked to the girl, looking very happy.

Looking at the girl who is straddling the medicine basket, her hair is only **** in a bun, and she is wearing a faded red dress, but her youthful and beautiful appearance is not affected by the outfit. Instead, she has a sense of familiarity with Xiaojiabiyu. Very elegant.

Follow the girl step by step into the village.

Villagers along the way also greeted her one after another.

"Miss Ying, are you back from collecting medicine?"

"The herbal tea I made at your place last time was very fragrant. I'll ask for some more."

"Miss Ying, I have brought back the cloth and grain and oil you asked me to collect in the county. I will give them to you when I get back from the fields..."

Naturally, the girl greeted the villagers who greeted them one by one.

And looking at her natural expression, it was obviously like this every day.


The girl returned to a courtyard, opened the door familiarly, and walked in.

There were some chickens and ducks in the yard, chattering non-stop, in a standard farmhouse style. In the yard, a young woman with bunted hair was holding a dustpan and spreading some chicken food.


"I'm back."

After the girl came back, she immediately shouted to the young woman in the yard.

The young woman turned her head, with a smile on her face.

Looking at her, she was about thirty years old.

in this era.

It is common for women to get married and have children at the age of twelve or thirteen, and it is common for women to have children in their thirties.

Looking at the appearance of this young woman, there is not much blush on her face, but a sickly paleness. Although her appearance is beautiful, she is sickly, just like a sick beauty, she looks very haggard.


"You're not too far into the mountains, are you?"

"You can only collect herbs on the outside of the mountain. You can't go too deep. If you don't have anyone to accompany you, it will be bad if you encounter wild animals."

When she saw her daughter coming back, the young woman immediately said worriedly.


"Don't worry."

"I have been collecting herbs outside the mountain and have not entered the mountain." The girl replied helplessly.

Go out every day and come back every day.

Her mother always reminded her repeatedly, and she felt helpless.

"Anyway, listen to mother. There is no news about your brother's return yet, and mother is really scared." The young woman said with a sad look on her face.


"I learned all my medical skills from you. You also know that depression can lead to illness. Don't think too much about it. Nothing will happen to me." The girl immediately comforted her softly.

It can be seen from this.

The two people in front of him are Zhao Feng's closest relatives.

The young woman is his mother, Mrs. Zhao.

The girl is his sister, Zhao Ying.

"After all, she was drafted into the army. Mom is really scared." Zhao still had a sad look on her face.

"Didn't we ask Li Zheng to inquire about the news earlier? There should be news soon."

"Mom, don't worry, brother will be fine." Zhao Ying continued to comfort her.

Mrs. Zhao nodded. Her son had been enlisted in the army for almost ten months. In addition to worrying, she could only pray.

At this moment!

An old man walked slowly towards Zhao and her daughter...

PS: Please give me recommendation votes, monthly votes, and follow-up reading. I would be grateful.

(End of chapter)

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