Become Stronger and Immortal By Picking Up Attributes From the Battlefield

Chapter 94: Annual salary Linsha Village! The expectations of Zhao Ying and her daughter!

Chapter 94 Annual Salary Linsha Village! The expectations of Zhao Ying and her daughter!

Hearing what Zhao Yan said.

No matter how unintelligent Guo Kai was, he was still stunned.

"Your Majesty."

"Even if Ying Zheng resents his mother, she is still his biological mother and the nominal queen mother of Qin."

"How is it possible to kidnap Zhao Ji from Qin?"

"Yongcheng, this is also an important city of Qin!" Guo Kai said.

"Prime Minister, are you willing to do anything for me?" Zhao Yan turned his head and looked at Guo Kai very seriously.

Under this gaze, Guo Kai was also a little uneasy.

But everything he has as the prime minister was given by Zhao Yan. If he doesn't answer nicely, Zhao Yan can deal with him at any time.

You must know that above the court, Lian Po, Li Mu, and even Zhao Yan all want to get rid of themselves!

"Everything I have is given by the king. I am willing to go through fire and water for the king, no matter what." Guo Kai immediately knelt down to show his loyalty.

Upon hearing this.

Zhao Yan stood up excitedly, came to Guo Kai very moved, patted Guo Kai's shoulder heavily, laughed and said: "Okay, okay, Guo Kai, you are worthy of being my confidant. With you, I am better than Lian Po and Li Mu are much stronger."

"Thank you for the compliment, Your Majesty." Guo Kai immediately replied.

"Signing an alliance with Qin is actually not difficult. What is difficult is that even if Ying Zheng really signs an alliance with me, we still have to worry about whether he is sincere. What if after the alliance is signed, we attack Yan and Ying Zheng breaks the alliance? , sending troops to attack our country, Zhao, would be a bad thing.”

"So we must catch Zhao Ji. As long as we catch her, Ying Zheng will not dare to mess around."

"If Ying Zheng dares to tear up the alliance, I will dare to kill his mother." Zhao Yan said with a sneer.

Everyone seems to have seen that his plan succeeded, captured Zhao Ji, threatened Ying Zheng I, and trampled Ying Zheng under his feet again.

"Great King Shengming."

Looking at the ecstatic Zhao Yan, Guo Kai naturally echoed loudly.

"So, I need the Prime Minister to personally do this for me."

But Zhao Yan's words confused Guo Kai.


Guo Kai looked at Zhao Yan in surprise, and knelt on the ground in horror: "Your Majesty, I... I am just a weakling, how can I do it? Your Majesty, please find another adult to complete it."

Zhao Yan did not get angry, but smiled: "Prime Minister, when did I tell you to do it yourself? I just asked you to lead me and let your elite do it."

"I am the most elite Wang Wei of Zhao."

"I will give you five hundred people. In addition, the spies and secret agents lurking in Yongcheng will also be transferred to you."

"You personally go to Qin State to plan, and you must capture Zhao Ji." Zhao Yan said with a smile.

There was a look in his eyes that Guo Kai could do it.

But this kind of trust made Guo Kai feel a little bitter.

"Your Majesty... I... I'm afraid I can't do it." Guo Kai said in a trembling voice.

Sneak into the Qin State and capture Zhao Ji.

How is this possible?

Once discovered by Qin, he will die without a burial place.

Guo Kai was too scared to die.

Seeing Guo Kai's fearful look, Zhao Yan frowned: "I trust you so much, aren't you willing?"

"I...I am willing!"

Guo Kaixin was frightened, but when he met Zhao Yan's cold eyes, the former understood that if he refused, he would lose his position as prime minister, and even his life.

"very good."

"He is worthy of being the most important minister I rely on."

"I believe you can definitely capture Zhao Ji."

"Only you and I know about this matter. Other than that, it is not allowed to be leaked."

"Qin's intelligence is not weak. If it is leaked, Prime Minister, you will be in danger." Zhao Yan laughed, very pleased.

But Guo Kai could only suppress the pain in his heart and was extremely worried.

time flies!

Sand Village!

Bang bang bang.

The sound of striking gongs resounded throughout the village.

Accompanied by Li Zheng's shouting: "All the military service households in the village are coming to the village entrance, and the people from the government are coming to distribute their annual salary."

"All military service households should go to the village entrance."

Wu Lizheng's shouts resounded in the village.

Hearing the sound and the sound of gongs, many households in the village quickly gathered towards the entrance of the village. Most of them had children serving in the army, and some were watching the fun.

After all, apart from brothels and gambling, there are not many entertainment activities in this era, so watching the excitement is also the biggest entertainment activity.

The people in Sha Village gathered towards the entrance of the village.

And at the entrance of the village.

A total of five hundred people from the main camp personally escorted the car with the annual salary.

Obviously, there are really not a few young men in Shacun who have enlisted in the army.

In the courtyard of Zhao Feng's house.

"Mom, what happened to the gong? Can I go take a look?"

Zhao Ying heard the sound and looked out of the yard curiously.

Wu Li was standing at the entrance of the village shouting. Naturally, it could not be heard, but the sound of the gong could be heard clearly.

"Will the government come to distribute the annual salary?" Zhao said expectantly.


What she is looking forward to is not her salary, but to know the news about her son.

"It's possible." Zhao Ying nodded.

"Mom, let's go take a look too." Mrs. Zhao was about to get up immediately.

But Zhao Ying pressed her directly onto the cushion.

"Mom, just wait at home."

"I'm going to take a look. I don't know how long the queue will be. After all, many people in our village have enlisted in the army."

"You wait at home, I will come back and tell you as soon as I hear the news about my brother." Zhao Ying said with a smile.

Then, without waiting for Zhao to refuse, he turned around and walked out of the courtyard, closing the door behind him.

See this.

Although Zhao looked expectant, she didn't say anything.

Zhao Ying, who turned around after leaving the yard, was a little uneasy: "Brother, you must not get into trouble, you must live."


Zhao Ying deliberately prevented Zhao from going. If something happened to her brother, she could prevent the news from reaching her mother's ears if she knew about it. But if Zhao went by herself, it would be It's irreversible.

Village entrance!

It didn't take long for hundreds of people to gather, including men, women, old and young. The non-military households were looking at the fun, while the military households were anxious and expectant.

Disbursed with annual salary.

Each household can live a better life and use the annual salary to buy some better things for life and buy some charcoal.

Winter is coming soon, which is the most difficult time.

In this era, many people freeze to death every year, and money is widely available in Great Qin.

"Wu Lizheng, are all the military households in the village here?"

Lord Five Hundred, who was under the control of the young master, looked at Li Zheng and asked.

"Return to my lord."

"All the military households are here."

Wu Lizheng glanced at it and replied immediately.


"Then the annual stipends will begin."

Lord Five Hundred nodded, and then looked at the gathered villagers.

He was not a soldier in the main battle camp, nor a logistics force, but a county soldier on duty in the county and city. During the war, he patrolled the county and city to guard against spies and enemies from causing trouble in the rear. After the war, he cooperated with the young government to pay out the annual salary.

There are a lot of bandits in this era, and these require real troops to prevent.

Even the most powerful state of Qin still has bandits.

In the past.

There were also cases of daring mountain bandits plundering the annual salary. However, after Yingzheng took office, he paid special attention to the annual salary and the soldiers who joined the army. He directly issued an edict. Anyone who dared to rob the annual salary would have their homes confiscated. Genocide.

By the way, after directly sending troops to eradicate most of the bandits in the country, the villains in the entire Great Qin Dynasty also knew that soldiers' salary should not be robbed, and daring to rob would lead to death.

Under the iron law of Da Qin.

There is not much room for mountain bandits and bullies to survive in the Qin State. Of course, the closer to Kyoto, the more so, but the more remote and mountainous and forested there are, there are still mountain bandits.

No matter how powerful an era is, there will always be evil.

"The king has issued an edict to the military household of Great Qin!"

Five hundred masters held a copied edict in their hands and held it high.


Most of the people in front of the village entrance knelt down, while a few bowed to worship.

"Hear the king's edict respectfully!"

Those in the Qin Dynasty who hold the title of war meritorious service can meet the king without kneeling, but those who do not have the title must kneel down and worship.

This is also a great manifestation of the military merit system, which allows meritorious people with titles to enjoy glory and dignity.

"Due to our Qin's attack on Korea, the original salary of one salary per quarter was postponed. Now Korea has been destroyed. Yingchuan County is established in the territory of Nahan. All the elite soldiers of our Qin army have contributed."

"Today, I am giving one year's salary to all the elites of Great Qin."

"I will use it to protect the meritorious men of the Qin Dynasty."

The Lord of Five Hundred said loudly.

"The Qin Dynasty lasts for ten thousand years, and the Great King lasts for ten thousand years."

All the villagers shouted loudly.

For the villagers.

Naturally, he also understood that this was a true congratulatory event from Da Qin.

"Now it's up to me to read the name."

"When you read your name, you can receive your military salary."

"My name is Chen Fen, and I am the commander of the 500 soldiers of Shaqiu County. I am here to serve as the official for distributing this annual salary by order of the young master."

Chen Fen said loudly.

Then he raised his hand.

He picked up a bamboo slip from the hand behind him, which contained the annual salary list.

Open the bamboo slip.

Chen Fen said loudly: "Under Shaqiu County, Wu Da, Sha Village, is a second-level nobleman. He has a long term, and enjoys an annual salary of one hundred dan, and an official monthly salary of three dan, which is thirty-six dan a year, and a total annual salary of one One hundred and thirty-six stones.”


Wu Da's family immediately greeted him with joy.

He said with great excitement: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your annual salary."

And behind.

Several soldiers who were paying their annual salary took out the sealed money bags and handed them to Wu Da's father.

"Press your fingerprint to receive it." The soldier who handed out the weapons said loudly.


Wu Da's father immediately pressed his fingerprint on a piece of cloth.

Then he took the money bag with satisfaction and opened the seal.

After all, in this era, not everyone can read, and not everyone has the opportunity to learn it.

The reason why Zhao Feng knows the characters of this era is also because of the similarities in later generations and the teachings of his mother.


The annual salary is issued in Qin money, and all money is linked to the purchasing power of the annual salary and to the price of grain.

This year's salary payment is equivalent to being able to purchase 136 shi of food.

This is enough for a family to live well.

After putting away the annual salary.

Wu Da's family all took the money and returned with happy faces.

"When you get your annual salary, count it immediately and report any discrepancies immediately."

"If you deliberately lie about your salary and hide it with false intent, it is a felony." Chen Fen said loudly.

"The grassroots understand."

Wu Da's family immediately went aside.


"Your Wu Da has been promoted again. He was still a corps commander last year, but now he is a senior."

"Hahaha, I don't care if he gets promoted, as long as he survives, that's great."

"That's true."

The surrounding villagers congratulated Wu Da's family.

"When you count the money, you can't make any mistakes."

Uncle Wu said to his family.

Then I started counting money.

The money was strictly drawn up when it was distributed, and then put into money bags. Each money bag had a name and a seal on it.

If the escorting soldiers commit suicide while guarding, they will be punished by death and the whole clan will be implicated.

This is also a kind of rigor. Qin Wangzheng will never allow anyone to tamper with the annual salary.

the other side.

"Girl Zhao, don't worry, you will know your brother's situation later."

Wu Li was looking at Zhao Ying beside him and said.

"Yes." Zhao Ying nodded, but to be on the safe side, Zhao Ying lowered her voice and said, "Grandpa Wu, can I ask you something?"

"Girl Zhao, tell me." Wu Lizheng said immediately.

"If there is really any bad news about my brother, can you tell the villagers and ask them not to spread it randomly? My mother's health is not good to begin with. If something bad happens, my mother will definitely not be able to bear it. ." Zhao Ying said very worriedly.

Hear this.

Wu Lizheng thought for a while and nodded: "I promise you."

Naturally, Wu Lizheng was very clear about Zhao's physical condition. then.

It was he who took pity on Mrs. Zhao and allowed her to enter the village, and it was he who had been silently taking care of Mrs. Zhao.

It can be said.

Wu Lizheng was very kind to the Zhao Feng brothers and sisters, and to the Zhao family.

"Thank you, Grandpa Wu." Zhao Ying thanked her immediately.

Then he looked at Chen Fen who was reading.

Chen Fen held the roster in his hand and did not stop reading: "Lifu, Shacun, Shaqiu County, has a third-level hairpin, a hundred generals, an annual salary of 150 dan, an official monthly salary of 4 dan, a monthly salary of 48 dan, a total of The salary is one hundred and ninety-eight stones."


"From the Li family, your eldest son is very impressive. He is now a third-level noble and a hundred generals. This is the glory of our village."


The villagers on the side were all amazed.

In a small village like Shacun, it is very good to be able to produce a hundred generals. For ordinary villagers, a hundred generals are already an extraordinary official, and he is also a third-level noble, which is a great honor.

A hundred generals command a hundred men, and they also command real warriors.

Under the admiration and envy of the villagers.

The Li family also walked towards Chen Fen with excited smiles on their faces.

Wu Lizheng was paying attention.

When distributing stipends, it is natural to confirm the identity. Chen Fen, who is responsible for distributing the stipends, must look at Wu Lizheng every time, because the disbursement must be accurate.

The responsibility for confirmation lies with Li Zheng, and this is the case in every village.

If it is in a county or county town, special household registration is required to receive it.

"Press your fingerprint to receive your annual salary."

When the Li family members came to Chen Fen, a soldier took out a bag of more money and handed it to the Li family members.

The latter naturally thanked him profusely after taking it.

Then the family took the money and went aside to count it.

As a farmer who has land for farming, when he has money, he does not buy food, but cloth and various daily necessities.

The Ruish family members serving in the city need to go to the grain store to buy food.

This may be the difference between cities and rural areas in later generations.

The same is true in this day and age.

"Luo Miao, Shacun, Shaqiu County, is a first-class nobleman, chief of the official staff, with an annual salary of fifty dan, a monthly salary of one dan for his official position, and a monthly salary of 12 dan for a year, and a total salary of sixty-two dan."

"Shacun, Shaqiu County, Xiao Yi, second-level knight..."

Chen Fen continued to read.

Each and every military registered household went to receive their salary with a smile on their face.

Even for a first-class noble, the annual salary is very considerable for ordinary people.

Sha Village may not be big, but there are many young people of right age serving in the military over the years. There are more than 60 people in Sha Village serving in the military.

"So many people have been announced, why hasn't my brother arrived yet?"

Zhao Ying has been listening quietly and watching the villagers go to receive their salaries one by one.

But after reading it for a while, there were about thirty people receiving their annual salary, but they still didn't hear their brother's name.

This made Zhao Ying very worried.

On that day, Wu Lizheng sent news that her brother had been transferred to the main battle camp. Although Zhao Ying herself did not believe that her brother had the ability to enter the main battle camp, she was still worried in her heart.

Although I have heard since childhood that the warriors of Great Qin are very powerful, invincible in battles and invincible in all attacks.

But fighting can kill people.

The main battle camp does the kind of thing of charging into battle.

Zhao Ying is really worried.

"Girl Zhao, don't be anxious."

"There are more than 60 people serving in the army in our village, and now less than half of them receive annual salary."

Seeing Zhao Ying's anxiety, Wu Lizheng immediately comforted her.

He grew up watching the Zhao Feng brothers and sisters, and his relationship was very deep. As the village leader of Shacun, Wu Lizheng was not just based on his age, but also his three sons. After decades, his three sons all fought for the country. died.

Wu Lizheng was also favored by the government. As Lizheng, hundreds of villagers in Sha Village also respected him very much.

"Grandpa Wu, will something really happen to my brother?"

"That day you said that my brother had been transferred to the main battle camp, couldn't it really be him?" Zhao Ying was getting more and more worried at this moment.

Chen Fen's reading continues.

Many villagers excitedly collected their sons' annual salary.

The entire entrance to the village was filled with joy.

But Zhao Ying is not the only one who is worried about her, there are also other villagers whose names have not been read out.

After all, the annual salary payment this time is no better than usual, and there are usually few wars, but this time Qin is attacking Han, so there will definitely be casualties.

The further back you go, the greater the possibility of casualties.

Just like those who joined the army but did not report their names thought.

After Chen Fen glanced at it again, all the list of annual salary distribution on the bamboo slips had been read out.

"The salary of all the surviving and uninjured soldiers in Shacun has been paid." Chen Fen closed the bamboo slips and said loudly.

As soon as these words fell.

There are still about ten households in the village who have not received their annual salary.

And all these people were panicked.

"My son hasn't given his name yet? Did something happen to my son on the battlefield?"

"No, my son has only been in the army for two years. Nothing will happen to him. He is only seventeen years old."

"No, he will be fine."

"Sir, is it true that my son Wu Lin is not on the list of recipients of his annual salary?"

"grown ups…"

All those who had not received their annual salary were panicked.

This includes Zhao Ying.

She had always been on tenterhooks.

At this moment, her heart was completely in her throat, and her face became ugly.

"Quiet, everyone be quiet."

Seeing that the situation was out of control, Wu Lizheng immediately shouted loudly.

Then he walked up to Chen Fen and asked: "Sir, are all those who haven't read their names..."

That's it.

Wu Lizheng didn't ask so obviously, but it was already very clear.

"The surviving warriors and surviving soldiers have all received their annual salary."

"What has not been paid is the salary of the soldiers who were disabled and died for the country." Chen Fen said to Wu Lizheng.

Wu Lizheng nodded, then looked at the villagers who were already crying, and said gently and comfortingly: "It's okay, let this adult read out the list, everything is not guaranteed."

With Wu Lizheng's comfort, the situation was slightly under control.

But the joy at the entrance of the village has all subsided, and everyone is silent. Even the villagers who have received their annual salary, living in a village, they are not so heartless that they can laugh at such a moment.

"Now read out the list of disabled people who fought for the country."

Chen Fen took another bamboo slip from the soldiers behind him.

"There are a total of seven disabled warriors from Sha Village, Sha Qiu County."

"With the king's favor, he will be given a title and an official position with twice the annual salary, and arrange suitable errands in his place of origin. The king has decreed that the Qin Dynasty will never forget any warrior who serves the country."

"Wu Er, a second-level noble, a very senior official, with an annual salary of one hundred dan for the title, three dan for the official monthly salary, and thirty-six dan for the year and month. The king's favor doubles the pension, and the total annual salary is 272 dan."

Chen Fen read loudly.

The words fell.

Wu Er's family came out with tears in their eyes. However, compared to the previous worries about their son being killed in battle, they were more relaxed now. It was better to be disabled than to have no life. At least they could come back alive.

"Dare to ask my lord."

"My son is disabled, when can he come back?"

Wu Da's mother asked anxiously.

"The disabled warriors will return home. The Shaofu has its own arrangements. It should be within this month." Chen Fen replied.

"Thank you, sir."

Mother Wu thanked her, then took the money and stepped aside.

Other villagers who had not received their annual salary also became nervous.

It might be a good thing if you can return home disabled.

Coming back alive is the best thing.

"Brother, you must come back."

"Even if you are disabled, you must come back."

"If you can't come back, mom really can't hold on, and neither can I."

"You said you would take good care of me and my mother, and you would personally get me married. You must not break your promise."

Zhao Ying clenched her hands nervously, feeling uneasy.

At this moment.

She was like those other villagers who had not waited for news about their son. She would rather hear the news that her brother was disabled and was returning home than that he had been killed in battle.

"Cao San, a third-level nobleman, a hundred generals..."

Chen Fen continued to read.

in a blink.

The names of the remaining six disabled veterans who were about to be discharged were also read out.

This also gave these six military families a sigh of relief.

"Is it true that my brother has..."

Zhao Ying was completely panicked and could not even stand still.

"Girl Ying, it's okay."

An aunt on the side immediately stepped forward to help Zhao Ying up and said with concern.

The aunties who had received their annual salary also gathered around, fearing that Zhao Ying would not be able to support him.

From now on.

Zhao Ying's brother seems to have really been killed in battle!

He is not included in the list of pension recipients, and there is not even a list of persons with disabilities.

At this moment, in addition to Zhao Ying, there were four other households who were also in the same situation. They couldn't bear it and collapsed on the ground, crying loudly. The surrounding villagers naturally came forward to comfort them, but this was naturally useless.

Seeing this, Wu Lizheng could only sigh helplessly: "Zhao Feng, oh, what is his mother going to do? It took so much effort to bring these two brothers and sisters together, how could they die in battle!"

In Wu Lizheng's view, Zhao Feng might have been killed in battle this time.


There is no other explanation.

See this.

Even Chen Fen, who was receiving his annual salary, had a look of helplessness in his eyes.

This Sha Village was not the first village where he came to distribute his annual salary. Before coming to Sha Village, he had already visited several villages. Naturally, he also encountered this kind of situation. How could anyone with parents not feel this kind of sadness? .

But as the chief official in distributing annual salary, Chen Fen naturally has to fulfill his responsibilities.

"Now announce the list of dead." Chen Fen said loudly.

Picked up the last roster letter.

But at this moment.

The few remaining households are completely desperate.

The list of the dead probably includes a few of their families whose names were not read out.

At this moment, almost all of them were slumped on the ground, very powerless. This was no longer something they could change.

"Wuke, Shacun, Shaqiu County, is a first-class nobleman with an annual salary of fifty dan. The king's kindness is so great that he has given three times the annual salary. The total annual salary is 150 dan, and he has also favored the children of the local government."

The words fell.


"My son."

"How could you die?"


A shrill cry resounded.

Face this situation.

Chen Fen could only continue to read: "Sand Dune County..."

Every name appears.

There must be a family crying.

The pain of losing a son, the pain of losing a grandson.

This is a real bone-crushing pain.

It looks very sad, but in this era of chaos and conflict between nations, how could this not be a microcosm of this era?

There are constant wars and disasters.

As long as there are people around, the war will never stop.

Even if it seems to unite the world into one country, the killing will never stop due to interests.

This is human nature!

But when Chen Fen read it out, it was finished.

"The list of all those killed in battle has been read out." Chen Fen read out loud.

Six warriors were killed in battle, and six households in Sha Village were wailing.

But Zhao Ying, who was slumped on the ground with tears on her face, was very surprised.

The surrounding villagers were all the same, looking at Chen Fen and then Zhao Ying in confusion.

Under this surprised look.

Zhao Ying suppressed her heartache and rekindled a sense of hope. She walked forward slowly, looked at Chen Fen in front of her and asked, "Sir... why is there no name for my brother?"

PS: Please give me monthly votes, recommend votes, and support, thank you very much! Another 7,000-word chapter is delivered.

(End of chapter)

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