Become Stronger and Immortal By Picking Up Attributes From the Battlefield

Chapter 98: Zhao: I didn’t expect to see it again! Fusu is really lucky to have you!

Chapter 98 Zhao: I didn’t expect to see it again! Fusu is really lucky to have you!

 “In addition to General Zhao’s salary and fertile land.”

“I’m here this time to read out the royal edict as ordered by the king!”

At this time, Yan Bing took out the Wang Zhao from Xianyang from his arms.


Expand the king's edict.

"Daughters of the people listen respectfully to the king's edict."

Hearing the word "Wang Zhao", Zhao's eyes flashed with confusion, but she reacted instantly and immediately saluted and knelt down to greet him.

Zhao Ying next to her immediately did the same.

the surrounding villagers.

All the nobles knelt down.

So are all the soldiers.

When the king's edict comes, he is like a king in front of you.

Disobeying the king's edict is equivalent to rebelling against the king.

"Edict of the King of Qin."

"Vice-general Zhao Feng has made great contributions to the country, but his mother has no one to take care of her in the countryside. He gives her a craftsman to build a mansion for her, fifty slaves, a hundred gold, ten thousand coins, and a ginseng plant that will last for fifty years."


"A thousand acres of fertile land belonging to General Zhao Feng will be exempted from land tax for two years."

Yan Bing read loudly.

The content of this royal edict is not long, but it shows the kindness given to Zhao Feng.

"The daughter of the people takes the imperial edict on behalf of her son."

Zhao responded immediately.

Yan Bing immediately stepped forward, helped Zhao up, and handed the Wang Zhao into Zhao's hands.

"Bring up the king's gift." Yan Bing turned his head and shouted behind him.


Only a group of county soldiers were seen.

Fifty slaves were sent, perhaps because Zhao Feng only had his mother and sister at home. All of these slaves were women, and there were no men.

And looking at the appearance of these slaves, they are all trained. They are slaves and will never dare to disobey their master's orders.

Except for these slaves.

Many county soldiers brought up many more boxes.

One hundred gold, ten thousand money.

There is also a fifty-year-old ginseng.

"Mrs. Zhao."

"The slaves given by the king, as well as the gold and silver, are all here. The slave status of these slaves are also in these boxes. Like the field deed, the slave status deed has been transferred to Shaqiu County. If these slaves dare to escape and disobey They can be executed at any time according to Mrs. Zhao's order," Yan Bing said with a stern look, targeting these slaves.

This can be considered as beating, cutting off the minds of these slaves.

"Thank you, Lord Sheriff, for reminding me." Ms. Zhao thanked her immediately.


Zhao naturally invited Yan Bing and the accompanying officials to sit in the hospital, and the latter naturally exchanged thoughtful greetings.

After a while.

Yan Bing retreated with his subordinate officers.

"Mom, I'm really convinced."

"You were able to talk to this county guard for so long. I stood aside and didn't know what to say." Zhao Ying looked at her mother with admiration.

"It's just some false feelings. This county governor just saw that your brother is young and has potential, so he came to befriend you."

"If your brother hadn't made great achievements and had potential, let alone the county magistrate, he wouldn't have come."

"If Brother You really loses his power one day, these so-called honors will be a joke." Zhao said calmly.

Hear this.

Zhao Ying nodded with some understanding, and then looked at the dozens of maids who were serving in the yard and did not dare to move: "Mom, what should I do with these people?"

Seeing these maids in front of her, Mrs. Zhao also had a look of helplessness on her face.

"It's really difficult to accommodate so many people." Zhao said helplessly.

At this moment.

An older craftsman walked slowly over and said respectfully to Madam Zhao: "Madam, we are craftsmen from the county, and we are here to build a mansion for Madam on the orders of the county governor."

Mrs. Zhao glanced at the maid in front of her, then looked at the craftsman and asked, "I wonder how long the construction period will take?"

"Please rest assured, madam."

"The mansion will be completed within a month." The chief craftsman replied immediately.

"Thank you then." Ms. Zhao thanked her immediately.

With so many maids, even if my small courtyard is crowded, I can't squeeze them in, so I can only rely on building a mansion later.

"Uncle Wu."

"Can I trouble you with something?"

Zhao looked at Wu Lizheng again.

"Just tell me if you have anything." Wu Lizheng replied immediately.

"There are so many people, so many mouths. Could you please arrange for some people to go to the county town to buy some things for daily life."

"As for the title fields, I would like to ask Uncle Wu to make some arrangements. Our family cannot cultivate much of these fields. We will leave ten acres of land for our own cultivation. Uncle Wu will help with the rest by renting it out. As for the renting, we can rent it from the same village. If people want to plant, half of the rent will be waived for them, while other villages will rent according to the market rent," Zhao said to Wu Lizheng.

"From the Zhao family? Are you sure you want to pay half the rent to the same villagers?" Wu Lizheng said in surprise.

If it were just a few acres of land, the number would not be obvious, but in Sha Village there were hundreds of acres, and the number added up to a lot.

"This is our family's thanks to the folks for their care over the years." Ms. Zhao said with a smile.

"From the Zhao family, don't worry."

"Leave these things to me, and I'll keep them in good hands for you." Wu Lizheng said immediately, then turned and walked out of the yard.

At this moment!

A slightly older maid looked at Zhao and her daughter.

He knelt down directly and said, "See Madam."

All fifty maids knelt down, very respectful.


Naturally, these maids have been arranged, but the construction of the mansion has not started yet, and it will take time to settle them into the mansion.

But looking at the courtyard, Zhao Feng's salary and the rewards from Xianyang are enough to support these maids.

"I never thought that I would be able to see the royal edict issued by your own hands again in my lifetime."

Mrs. Zhao held the Wang Zhao in her hand, opened it and looked at the words that were particularly familiar to her. She also had mixed feelings in her heart.


The school ground where the military camp is stationed!

Point on the general platform.

Zhao Feng is wearing a deputy general's armor, with a Longquan Sword on his waist. He has a straight figure. After picking up attributes, Zhao Feng is now 1.8 meters tall, and this is not Zhao Feng's limit. I think he will wait until he is fully grown. , it can be longer.

The young and handsome appearance, the aura of killing on the battlefield, and the deputy general's armor make Zhao Feng even more majestic.

And under the general platform.

An army of sixty thousand stood.

Just glance at it.


The five ten thousand generals command the armies under their command and have completed the reorganization of the soldiers. Each ten thousand generals camp has exceeded the limit of ten thousand troops, and each ten thousand generals camp has thirteen thousand troops.

The extra soldiers were all demoted and reorganized.

A casual glance.

You can see the difference between those lowered soldiers and sharp soldiers.

The soldiers were surrendered without armor!

This is the difference between them and the elite soldiers in the army.

I want to own a battle armor and become an armored man.

The first thing is to break away from the slave body, then kill the enemy and perform meritorious service, and become a true noble warrior. Only in this way will you be awarded the battle armor.

"Where are the soldiers stationed in Weicheng?"

After Zhao Feng glanced at it, he shouted with authority.

"Wind, wind, wind."

All around the school grounds, all the soldiers shouted in unison.


The roar of the wind was mixed with thirty thousand Korean surrendered soldiers. Their voices were weak and they had completely lost their morale. After being confused, this originally elite army was also greatly affected.

And this scene.

The tens of thousands of generals who originally disapproved of the reorganization and reduction of soldiers were even more dissatisfied.

But on the general stage, Zhao Feng didn't care.

To the soldiers being reorganized at the moment, they were just a group of living zombies.

When the mother country dies, there is no place to escape.

Although he was reorganized into the army, he was already a slave.

For them, there is no future, so how can they have fighting strength and fighting spirit.


Zhao Feng raised his hand.

The roar of the wind gradually subsided.

"From now on, the entire army will repeat my words."

Zhao Feng said seriously.

One hundred guards around the general platform immediately accepted the order in unison: "No."

"This general, Zhao Feng, has been ordered to guard Weicheng."

"Under past practice, the soldiers who were demoted would not have the opportunity to be reorganized. They would all be sent to the northern border to build the Great Wall and be demoted as slaves to build the Chidao."

"But now I am in charge of the army, setting a precedent, and reorganizing all your subordinates into the army to serve the Qin Dynasty." Zhao Feng said loudly.

Repeated by the guards, these words spread throughout the army.


As far as the descendants are concerned, they still don't have too many waves.

"Ben will know."

"For you and other surrendered soldiers, even if you are reorganized into the army, you think you will become cannon fodder, unable to get rid of slavery, and unable to live uprightly."

"But today."

"I can tell you a piece of news, which is related to all the surrendered soldiers, and even more to all the captured and surrendered soldiers of our Great Qin in the future."

"From now on.

"Anyone who is reorganized into the army and becomes a soldier, kills one enemy for the Qin Dynasty, can be pardoned as a slave, and has the salary of an ordinary soldier. If he kills five enemies for the Qin Dynasty, he can be knighted, become a true warrior of the Qin, and enjoy the military merits and promotions of the Qin Dynasty!" Zhao Feng announced loudly.

These words are still repeated by the entire army.

At this moment!

All the soldiers who heard the news were stunned. They were originally numb and now a kind of flame of hope was ignited. They originally thought of living a day-to-day life, but now their thoughts also changed.

"Did the king issue an edict? Didn't the king agree to the strategy proposed by General Zhao to reduce the soldiers and reorganize them?"

When Chen Tao, Zhao Tuo and other generals heard this announcement, they couldn't help but be shocked.

When Zhao Feng presented this proposal that day, they all felt that this proposal would not be approved by the king, and those surrendered soldiers would be reorganized into cannon fodder by then.

"real or fake?"

"As long as we kill enemies for the Qin State, we can escape from slavery? Can we also get promoted to nobility by killing enemies?"

"If that's the case, wouldn't there be a chance for us to go home? A chance to see our families again?"

"Isn't this General Qin deceiving us? If he really did this to us, why didn't he do it in the past?"

"Have you never heard of this way of dealing with a surrendered pawn?"

For the surrendered soldiers in the army at this moment, most of the surrendered soldiers are looking forward to Zhao Feng's proposal to kill the enemy, break away from the slave status, and enjoy military merit and promotion. However, there are also many surrendered soldiers who do not believe it. After all, in Deep down in their hearts, they were still wary of Qin.

"Ask the general."

"Is this true or false?"

A reorganized soldier asked loudly.

As soon as he said these words, many of the soldiers turned their attention to Zhao Feng on the general stage.

face this inquiry.

Zhao Feng didn't waste any time. He directly took out the imperial edict that had been urgently sent from Xianyang and held it high.

"What I have just said is an act of approval by the present king."

"From now on."

"The soldiers who have been reorganized into the army and surrendered are collectively called the [Prisoner Army]. In the name of prisoners, they are saying that they have committed crimes!"

"Every prisoner army goes into battle to kill an enemy for the Qin Dynasty, is pardoned as a slave, becomes an ordinary soldier, and enjoys the basic soldier salary."

"Any prisoner who kills five enemies after being pardoned as a slave can be awarded a first-class title."

"This is the kindness of the current king to the prisoner army." Zhao Feng shouted loudly.

When the whole army recited these words, they looked at the royal edict held high by Zhao Feng.

The entire school grounds were moved by this.

"If this is true, I am willing to fight for the Qin Dynasty and kill the enemy in exchange for my freedom."

"That's right."

"If I can really escape from slavery and have the opportunity to see my family again, I will fight for Great Qin on the battlefield."

"me too."

Countless surrendered soldiers discussed, and a light of hope ignited in their eyes.

next moment.

These voices come together completely.

"The Qin Dynasty lasts for ten thousand years, and the Great King lasts for ten thousand years."

"The Great Qin Dynasty for ten thousand years..."

this moment. All the surrendered soldiers shouted loudly.

The entire school grounds were enveloped by this overwhelming morale, and the initial gathering of soldiers' morale to surrender.

The elite soldiers in the army were also affected. They looked at these surrendered soldiers in surprise, and then joined in the loud shouts of surrendered soldiers.


"Are these reduced pawns really usable?"

"General Zhao's reorganization strategy is really feasible?"

Seeing these reorganized and demoted soldiers who burst out with outrageous morale, even Chen Tao and Zhao Tuo, who were originally opposed, felt a kind of surprise in their hearts at this moment.

Judging from the military morale and morale at this moment.

Zhao Feng's strategy of reorganization, the strategy of surrendering soldiers to kill the enemy and pardoning them, and the strategy of military merit seemed to be really feasible.

And at this moment.

Zhao Feng looked at the generals in the audience and smiled from the bottom of his heart: "The strategy of the Prisoner Army was originally adopted by the Qin State in the process of destroying the Six Kingdoms, but I proposed it in advance. If it is not feasible, it would be a denial of history. The prisoner army."


Zhao Feng raised his hand and pressed it.

The bursts of enthusiastic shouts subsided.

"The strategy of the prisoner army was the first of its kind by this general, and it was the grace given by the king to all the surrendered soldiers."

“There is both grace and commandment.”

"Every soldier who is reorganized and surrendered will be killed without mercy and the whole clan will be killed if he surrenders and rebels again."

"Anyone who reorganizes his troops and retreats before the battle, will be killed without mercy, and the whole clan will be killed."

"Anyone who reorganizes his troops and abandons his robe will be killed without mercy and the whole clan will be killed."

"This is an iron law. Any soldier who violates this rule will not be tolerated." Zhao Feng shouted coldly.

The whole army repeats this.

All the surrendered soldiers felt their hearts tightening and felt a sense of awe.

I gave you kindness before, now you give me warning.


"From today on."

"All the soldiers who have been surrendered will be trained like warriors to practice our Great Qin battle formation." Zhao Feng shouted in aweful voice.

"The last general takes orders."

Chen Tao, Zhao Tuo and the five generals responded immediately.

Military camp, meeting hall!


"This is the rotation inspection list compiled by the general."

Zhang Han took out a bamboo slip and handed it to Zhao Feng respectfully.

Zhao Feng took it and took a closer look, and nodded with satisfaction: "Each battalion guards the border for one month, and it is rotated every month. It is indeed good."

"General Zhang and other generals have also read the rotational inspection list. It is indeed feasible." Zhao Tuo also agreed.

"Now that you've seen it all, let's implement it accordingly."

"Weicheng is a border city, and Wei is also on guard. It has an army of 10,000 to guard the border. If there is a war, Weicheng's 40,000 troops can quickly rush to help." Zhao Feng nodded and smiled.


"Now that the weather is getting colder, we still need enough charcoal and cloth to keep out the cold." Chen Tao said.

"This matter has already been reported to the general. In the near future, there should be enough charcoal for heating the entire army. As for the thick cloth, I believe the imperial court will also arrange it." Zhao Feng said.

This era!

There aren't many things to keep out the cold.

Mainly charcoal.

Then there are thick cloth clothes.

As for cotton-padded clothes, they have not appeared at all, and they have not appeared on the land of China. Cotton-padded clothes are mainly made of cotton, and cotton was only introduced to China during the Han Dynasty.

If you have cotton-padded clothes, it will be much easier to keep out the cold, and the Chinese people will not have to die so many people every winter.

"Cotton seems to have come from the Western Regions, right? If I really dominate the Qin Dynasty in the future, I must lead my troops into the Western Regions and seize this cotton. This way I can save countless people." Zhao Feng thought to himself.

There is not much to do while guarding Weicheng.

It's nothing more than the training of the troops under his command, and some military deployment.

This is the Qin army without war.

This is not only true for Zhao Feng, but also for Da Qin's troops stationed in other places.

Wait until all the generals have left.

"It has been less than three months since the Qin Dynasty destroyed Han Dynasty. There will be no more wars in the short term."

"Historical records indicate that the next one should be the destruction of the Zhao Kingdom."

"This is also the hardest bone for Qin to crack in the process of destroying the six kingdoms." Zhao Feng thought to himself.

Know the history well.

Zhao Feng naturally had to integrate into it and take advantage of it.

"Wang Jian was also the one who destroyed Zhao in history. Although I am guarding Weicheng, I still have the opportunity to perform meritorious service on the battlefield."

"Compared to daily practice, it is faster to go into battle and kill enemies to improve attributes." Zhao Feng couldn't help but sigh.


Open your own properties panel.

Host: Zhao Feng

Age: 16 years old

Realm: Innate Third Heaven (The higher the realm, the stronger the true energy, and the stronger the exertion of one's own strength.)

Strength: 2810 (The stronger the strength, the corresponding power can be exploded.)

Speed: 1732 (The higher the number, the faster.)

Physique: 1739 (The stronger the physique, the faster recovery from injuries, endless physical strength, and faster recovery of Qi.)

Spirit: 1730 (Spiritual power can be released fifteen feet outward, and practice can absorb fifteen feet of spiritual energy from the void, heaven and earth.)

Lifespan: 150 years plus 5 years and 140 days

Merit: 563 points (can be converted into free attribute points, can be converted into skill points)

Portable space: 19 cubic meters

Cultivation method: Dragon Elephant Technique

Martial skills: Dragon Subduing Palm, Exploding Fist...

"This short period of training is not bad. All attributes have increased by nearly 300. More importantly, the true energy has also increased several times, and the strength has been greatly improved." Looking at his own attributes, the accurate values ​​​​naturally inspired Zhao Feng every day. Practice continuously every day.

Moreover, the rich zhenqi in the dantian is even more impressive.

If attributes are Zhao Feng's physical strength, then Qi is Zhao Feng's inner strength.

But now his physical body is much stronger than his true energy.

In a short period of time, Zhao Feng's cultivation level increased by two levels, which shows that the aura of heaven and earth in this world is considerable.

At this time!


"There is someone outside the military camp who wants to see you by name. He claims to be a disciple of the current eldest son."

Zhang Ming, the general of the personal guard, arrived and bowed respectfully to Zhao Feng.

"A disciple of the eldest son?"

Zhao Feng was stunned for a moment, with an inexplicable look on his face: "I have nothing to do with Fusu. Could it be that my father-in-law said something in the court, and asked Fusu to do it because of Yan'er? Why don't you come to offend me?"

Think of this.

Zhao Feng also seemed to understand.

Apart from this, Zhao Feng really couldn't think of any other reasons.

So much time has passed.

Zhao Feng had no idea what happened in Xianyang, and he also had no eyes and ears.

When Zhao Feng's power really takes shape and spreads all over the world, his hands and eyes will reach the sky.

"My lord, do you want to receive me?" Zhang Ming asked again.

"Bring it in." Zhao Feng waved his hand.

He also wanted to see what Fusu wanted to do.

Not a moment.

A scribe came to the military meeting hall.

When he saw Zhao Feng, the scribe glanced at him with a look of arrogance.

"Are you Zhao Feng?" the scribe said to Zhao Feng a little arrogantly.

Zhao Feng took a glance, his face was calm, but there was a bit of ridicule in his heart: "Are these people in Fusu's sect? At first glance, they look like dogs looking down on others."

"If you have something to say, get out of here." Zhao Feng said coldly.

From then on, the man's attitude was that of raising an army to hold him accountable, and Zhao Feng would not tolerate him.

What about Fusu?

Zhao Feng really couldn't be afraid of him.

Upon hearing this.

The scribe frowned and glared at Zhao Feng with some annoyance: "Bold, do you know who I am? How dare you be so rude to me?"

"I am Meng Jia, the eldest disciple of Chun Yuyue, the Grand Tutor of the current dynasty, who has been designated by the King as the teacher of the eldest son."

"The eldest son and I are from the same sect."

"How dare you, a warrior, be so rude to me?"

The scribe said very proudly.

Moving out of Fusu and Chunyu Yue undoubtedly demonstrated his so-called nobility. In other words, for Zhao Feng, who came from the bottom, and even many generals who came from the bottom, these nobles always have a kind of self-righteousness. Have a arrogant attitude.

Listening to the self-introduction of the man named Meng Jia in front of him, Zhao Feng glanced at him and replied calmly: "Oh."

"What's your attitude?"

"I am here to represent the eldest son, how dare you be so rude?" Meng Jia frowned and said angrily.

As a fellow disciple of the eldest son and the eldest disciple of the current Taifu, Meng Jia used to be treated with courtesy wherever he went, even the generals in Xianyang, but today Zhao Feng's attitude made him uncomfortable. And angry.

"I will tell you something. The eldest son has no military position and is not qualified to give orders to me."

"If you have something to say, just get out of here." Zhao Feng said coldly.

Since this man was sent by Fusu and was so arrogant, Zhao Feng would not tolerate him.


Seeing Zhao Feng's unafraid attitude, Meng Jia raised his finger and pointed, even more angry.

But looking at Zhao Feng's untroubled look, Meng Jia sobered up and realized that this was Zhao Feng's home field, not Xianyang, and that this time he had an important task assigned to him by the teacher.

Moreover, his teacher also said that if this task is completed, the eldest son will definitely be happy and he will be put to greater use.

"Are you in love with General Wang Jian's daughter?" Meng Jia asked coldly, in a questioning tone.

"none of your business?"

Zhao Feng replied coldly.

"Do you know that your so-called love affair ruined the eldest son's marriage?"

"Originally, the eldest son could be in love with a daughter of the Wang family. Because of your intervention, the eldest son was rejected by General Wang Jian and the marriage was broken. Do you know how big a crime you have committed?" Meng Jia said angrily.

Speaking of this, it was as if Zhao Feng had truly committed a heinous crime.

Zhao Feng, on the other hand, looked at Meng Jia in front of him like he was a fool.


Zhao Feng didn't even understand why such a fool would say such a thing, or in other words, could a normal person really say such a thing?

Zhao Feng and Wang Yan were in love, but he actually said that Zhao Feng interfered and ruined the marriage between Wang Yan and Fu Su?

Looking at the person in front of him, Zhao Feng felt angry and funny at the same time.

"Are you really sent here by Fusu?" Zhao Feng asked with a somewhat funny tone.

"Nonsense." Meng Jia replied arrogantly.

"Fusu is really lucky to have subordinates like you." Zhao Feng sighed from the bottom of his heart.

But this blessing is not real blessing.

Looking at Meng Jia in front of him, Zhao Feng may have figured out why Fusu in history was so ignorant of flexibility, and why he couldn't compete with Hu Hai even though he had real innate advantages. With the help of these "capable people", he wanted to obtain the crown prince The location is difficult.

Maybe he can't get that position, and the people around him are also the key reason.

"Zhao Feng."

"I've heard stories about you."

"You were awarded the title of deputy general after joining the army for one year. You are indeed very powerful, but you have to know that everything you have is given by the royal power. If the king wants it or the eldest son wants it, everything can be taken away from you at any time."

"Who is the eldest son?"

"He is the future prince and the future king."

"If you go against the eldest son, you are seeking death."

"Since I'm here today, as long as you report to General Wang Jian that you are no longer in love with his daughter, and that Mr. Fusu is the one who has a good relationship with the Wang family's daughter, I will give you a chance to follow the eldest son."

Meng Jia said with a serious face, as if he really gave Zhao Feng a chance to rise to fame.

Zhao Feng did not speak, but slowly stood up from his general position and walked slowly towards Meng Jia.

"What are you going to do?"

Looking at Zhao Feng walking over, Meng Jia was a little panicked by this tall figure.

But the next moment.

There was a snap.

Zhao Feng slapped Meng Jia on the face, causing the latter to stagger and fall to the ground.

" dare to hit me?"

Meng Jia covered his face in severe pain and looked at Zhao Feng angrily, but more in disbelief.

He was born into the Meng family, a wealthy noble family in the Qin Dynasty. Although he was not as powerful as he once was, he was still not weak. Who dared to do this to him since he was a child?

Now he was beaten by a little lieutenant?

"Someone's coming."

Zhao Feng drank coldly.


A dozen personal guards immediately rushed into the hall and bowed to Zhao Feng.

"Just hit me, don't kill me."

"After the fight, throw them out of the barracks." Zhao Feng shouted coldly.


A dozen personal guards immediately looked at Meng Jia who was lying on the ground, and then moved their feet and kicked fiercely at the Meng family.



"I am the eldest son of the same sect, and I am the eldest son of Meng...How unbridled..."

Meng Jia screamed in pain, but there was nothing he could do against these personal guards.

pS: I’m sending you 7,000 words. I’m asking for monthly votes and recommendation votes. The key is to pursue it. I’m very grateful.

(End of chapter)

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