Lin Beifan looked at a leafy potted plant next to him and spat out a word: “Die!” ”

Under Lin Beifan’s gaze, the dead qi of this potted plant quickly devoured and grew rapidly, more and more dead qi, less and less vitality, which was manifested externally, this leafy potted plant first quickly changed and withered, and then fell down and became bare.

Immediately afterwards, the green color of the branches gradually faded, and the moisture was completely lost, and it became very unsightly cracked. And the trunk, too, began to crack, as if moisture had been drained….

In the end, the potted plant turned into a dead tree, a process that lasted only a dozen seconds.

In this way, this potted plant was killed by Lin Beifan, just a glance.

“It’s really amazing, give me life now!”

A little green light emerged from the potted plant, which was the anger of life, quickly devouring the gray dead qi around it, and constantly developing and growing. The potted plants were also revived due to the increase in vitality, and green began to emerge from the branches, and a few tender green shoots appeared.

Maybe in a few days, he will be able to return to his original appearance.

“It’s always easier to kill than to save someone!” Lin Beifan concluded.

Looking out the window, there were exactly three sparrows flying over there, but they were glanced at by Lin Beifan, and they all fell down, falling into bloody flesh and blood.

“The weaker the breath of life itself, the easier it is to be killed!” Lin Beifan continued to conclude that the life breath of these three sparrows can be said to be very weak, and even 5% of people cannot reach it, and as a result, they are seen to death at a glance.

Just then, the nanny knocked on the door, carrying a live chicken in her hand.

“Today I just went to the market and found a vendor selling the most authentic local chicken, so I specially selected one and came back, and I killed it and stewed it later, ensuring that Mr. and Mrs. Lin ate their mouths full of oil!”

“Let me kill this chicken!” Lin Beifan ran over and carried the chicken into the kitchen.

“Huh?” The nanny was forced.

In the kitchen, Lin Beifan used the Qiqi Technique.

Under his gaze, the life breath of this native chicken quickly decreased, and it died completely after about 3 seconds.

“The more vigorous the breath of life, the more difficult it is to kill, and the longer it takes!”

At this moment, Lin Beifan was a little dizzy.

He smiled bitterly in his heart: “It seems that using the Hope Qi Technique to kill people is not without consumption… It consumes mental power, and after a while, the brain can’t withstand it. ”

Lin Beifan estimated that with his current double mental power as a normal person, he could only kill at most two people in a day, or save one person, and if he had more, his spirit would not be able to withstand it and he would faint.

In fact, he also understands in his heart that the ability to see who dies, killing is invisible and unstoppable, and there will definitely be restrictions. Otherwise, the people who had obtained the Son of Heaven’s Hope Qi Technique in the past would have already made a big mess in the world.

However, Lin Beifan was not discouraged.

Because as his strength grows, his spiritual power will also increase, and these restrictions will naturally open slowly. And if you touch it with your own hands, then the consumption will be greatly reduced, and the consumption is only 1/10 of the original.

If you only use the abilities of “Chaotic Qi” and “Imperial Qi”, the consumption will be less.

Thinking of a certain possibility, Lin Beifan’s eyes flickered: “System, if I use this ability to save people, will the medical expenses given to me by others be counted into my wealth?” ”

After all, his ability has the ability to bring back the dead, if he uses it to cure the rich, wouldn’t the money come from a bang?

“Ding! This is an illegal practice of medicine, it is an illegal act, and medical expenses are not included in the wealth. ”

“Can’t you cure people?”

“Ding! No way! Unless the host has a medical certificate, and this qualification must be obtained by the host in accordance with the law, the medical expenses are not counted in the wealth! ”

“In that case, forget it.” Lin Beifan couldn’t talk about being disappointed.

Do you even have to go to the examination? A certificate that is very difficult to test for a doctor’s qualification certificate takes several years, and he is not in the mood to do this. With this time, with the cultural wealth in his head, he can quickly earn wealth, and he does not have to bother so much at all.

Moreover, he did not want to be the great demon king of troubled times, nor did he want to be a living bodhisattva who saved the world, he just wanted to live happily in the moment. With such a powerful wife here, I am afraid that I will not make money?

“But what is that black gold card?” Lin Beifan asked, he saw that there was an extra black and gold card on his interface, which looked very noble and elegant, full of the aura of a divine trench.

“Ding! The Black Gold Card is actually a loan card, with which you can immediately apply to Swiss banks interest-free and unsecured loans for one year! ”

Lin Beifan was happy in his heart: “This is good!” Interest-free and unsecured loans, free to use bank money to make money, make yourself richer and richer, what rich person does not aspire to have such a card? I don’t know, how much can I borrow? ”

“Ding! As much wealth the host has, it can borrow as much money! ”

“Doesn’t that mean that if I have 10 billion in wealth, then I can borrow 10 billion?” If I have 100 billion, can I borrow 100 billion? ”

“Ding! The host understands exactly right! ”

“This black gold card is really a good thing!” Lin Beifan couldn’t put it down.

Lin Beifan felt that this card might not be useful now, but the more it went to the back, the more useful it became. As he becomes richer, the more money he can borrow, the more effective it becomes.

Because the business is getting bigger and bigger, more and more funds are needed, and there is a common shortage of funds.

In later years, the biggest problem that hinders wealth growth is often money.

Therefore, it is necessary to borrow large amounts of money from banks for development. But banks are not philanthropists, and in addition to charging high interest rates, they have to mortgage, set various conditions, and other considerations, and the procedures are very cumbersome.

Borrow 10 billion, without a few months, you can’t approve it at all.

Borrowing 100 billion cannot be approved for a year and a half.

At that time, the yellow cauliflower was cold.

But with this black gold card, everything is easy to work out.

The strength has increased greatly, the life span has become longer, and there is one more BUG skill, and Lin Beifan is in a good mood.

Kicked the au pair out of the kitchen and cooked her own cooking.

That night, Bai Qingxue returned home with a smile on her face and saw Lin Beifan, who was busy, trotting over with a happy face, and hugged Lin Beifan hard from her back.

“Husband, I love you to death!” Bai Ruqiaoyu’s face was close to Lin Beifan’s back.

“What’s so happy?” Lin Beifan asked with a smile.

In fact, he had already guessed the reason why Bai Qingxue was happy, but who made his wife happy, he had to pretend to be confused.

“Husband, do you know, on the investment promotion of the unit today, our show “Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere” was watched by a super group, and we spent 800 million to buy all the advertising space, and we made a profit!” Bai Qingxue said excitedly.

“Wow! So much? Lin Beifan said in surprise.

“Yes, at first, I didn’t expect so much, I thought that 4 to 500 million was already up to the sky, but I didn’t expect that the result was far beyond my imagination!” Bai Qingxue’s current appearance is like a little girl who has been rewarded with candy.

“It’s really amazing! If you sell 800 million in one quarter, won’t you sell 3200 million in that year? Qingxue, we are really going to get rich! Lin Benfan turned around and suddenly picked up Bai Qingxue and spun around twice.

“Cluck, let me down!”

When Bai Qingxue was put down, Bai Qingxue said with a smile: “Husband, you can’t say that.” The reason why it began to earn 800 million is because this show appeared for the first time, which was very eye-catching, so the ratings were very high. But as the program continues to broadcast, the freshness will gradually decrease, and the ratings will slowly decrease and stabilize, so you don’t have to think about taking another 800 million in the future. But despite this, 500 million per quarter is still guaranteed, which means that we can probably earn more than 2000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ”

“You can make 2 billion with a show alone, which is also very good! We also have another program “It’s Not You”, if you push him out, not to mention that he can earn 200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Lin Beifan said happily.

“Husband, thank you!” Bai Qingxue said emotionally.

“Don’t talk about this, try your husband’s craft…” Lin Beifan brought out a pot of soup.

“Hmm.” Bai Qingxue smiled.

With this 800 million capital injection, Starlight Satellite TV, which was originally financially tight, suddenly became abundant, Bai Qingxue is ready to rely on this money to develop his ambitions, and began to organize the second variety show “It’s Not You”, you can also buy TV series, or enrich other columns, in short, to make the TV station bigger.

Lin Beifan also got one of the most direct benefits, that is, 20 million yuan of “alimony” to Lin Beifan to spend.

At the same time, Bai Jingxue also expressed her “dissatisfaction”: “Husband, it’s only 5 million, why haven’t you spent it for so long?” You can’t spend money as fast as I make money, and you waste my talent to make money! If others knew, they would think I abused my husband! Well, if you love me, go and spend money, Mo Mo Da~~”

“It seems that my little white face can’t be washed black.” Lin Beifan looked at the eight-digit number on the bank card and smiled bitterly in his heart.

Just then, he received a phone call.

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