“I don’t know the two seniors, what are you looking for me? To be honest, I had an urgent matter that I had to rush back, and the time was very tight. Lin Beifan said nonsense with his eyes open, in fact, he had a lot of time.

The wife is responsible for making money to support the family, he is responsible for looking beautiful like a flower at home salted fish, do you say he can run out of time?

It’s just that since he “poured” to the rich woman, there have always been many strange people, acquainted or unacquainted who have come to him to borrow money or invest in him. There are also people who don’t know from which time to climb with him, and even an old aunt came to recognize her relatives, saying that it was her sister who had been missing for many years….

Lin Beifan was disgusted.

Therefore, for these people with impure purposes, Lin Beifan has always turned them away.

“That’s right, Senior Brother Lin, we are planning to make a TV series, this is a story about young men and women in the city, it is a boutique work that we have been thinking for two years, I believe that when it is filmed, it will be popular throughout the country.” It’s just that the current cast is undecided, the funds are insufficient, and the script … Ahem, we brought the script, please take a look! ”

The two people handed over the script with both hands, and looked at Lin Beifan pitifully, with some despondent eyes full of hope.

Lin Beifan did not take it, but sneered: “You guys want to invest in me, right?” Do you look at me like a fool? If your script is really as good as you say, will those professionals not see it? Will you still lack investment? What does this mean, it means that your script is not good at all! ”

“It’s not like this, our script is very good, many people are full of praise after reading it…” Wang Yuan said excitedly: “It’s just that we put forward a condition, and the two sides couldn’t negotiate, and finally broke up unhappily!” ”

“What conditions?”

“That is, this drama must be directed by the two of us, including the selection and employment. They wanted to buy the script for someone else to direct and we didn’t agree, so there was no follow-up. Zhou Zheng said helplessly.

Nonsense, one of you two is a civil engineering and the other is a mechanical major, both of them are not related to the film and television industry, how can you let the family rest assured to hand over the script to you to shoot?

What if you mess up?

After all, no one’s money is blown by the wind.

“I’ll look at the script first, and if your script is good enough and impresses me, I’ll pay for it for you and let you take the lead.” Lin Beifan said.

“Oh, okay.” Zhou Zheng excitedly submitted the script.

“Urban men and women?” Lin Beifan opened it curiously.

The script is about seven young people from different countries and different family backgrounds, living in the same apartment.

Among them, there are 4 men, one is cute, one is flower-hearted, one is excited and loves seppuku, and the last one is very cheap….

There are 3 women, one simple, one idiot, one violent and violent and violent to break through the sky….

How does Lin Beifan feel more and more familiar the more he looks at it, isn’t this the otherworldly version of “Love Apartment”?

Looking at the two goods in front of him, how is it so similar to Wei Zheng and Wang Yuan in another time and space?

Could it be that they also crossed over?

This is a divine drama with a small investment and a large return, which has been broadcast for four seasons in total, and has caused a ratings frenzy since the first season, and the lines in it are so classic.

“A good man is me, I am Zeng Xiaoxian!”

“Forgiving him is God’s business, and my task is to send him to God!”

“There is no rehearsal in my life, every day is live!”

“Don’t think that the world abandoned you, in fact, the world didn’t pay attention to you at all!”

“Today you don’t play with your life, tomorrow your life will play you!”

“Opportunities rained down on me, but I dodged them one by one!”


The ad placement inside is so outrageous.

Intel, Yida, Jingdong Mall, Alipay, Lux, Bingrui, Green Arrow Chewing Gum, KFC, Three Kingdoms Kill….

Wait, it’s just pervasive.

The economic benefits derived from the big IP of “Love Apartment” are simply gold-absorbing weapons!

Actually let him meet?

Lin Beifan closed the script and smiled very kindly: “I think, we can find a place to have a good chat.” ”

The two said in surprise: “Okay, Mr. Lin!” ”

So, they found a quieter café nearby.

After preliminary discussions, the two sides reached a cooperation intention.

The script has been renamed “Love Apartment”, and the protagonist in it has been renamed Lin Beifan’s familiar character. Lin Beifan contributed 20 million yuan to support their filming, and at the same time enjoyed all the copyrights of “Love Apartment”. Using TV station resources to support Zhou Zheng and Wang Yuan to build a crew, casting and shooting, the crew is completely decided by two people, but Lin Beifan has the right to suggest.

This condition is satisfactory to both parties. Lin Beifan values the big IP of the love apartment and values the strong value derived from it. And the two of them value the opportunity to shoot in person, so both sides are happy.

Zhou Zheng was full of light: “Thanks to Senior Brother Lin’s support, we will live up to expectations and make the best TV series!” ”

“I trust you, if you need anything, I will fully support it!”

Several people said goodbye.

However, near their café, something was happening at this time.

A group of plainclothes police officers are sneaking up on a house in an old district. They had guns in their hands and bulletproof suits on their bodies, and they were careful and highly concentrated in every step.

There was also a headset in their ears, and a deep sound came from the headset.

“Guys, we have been following this line for a long time, and today is the time to close the net. Everyone must be vigilant, catch this group of drug production and trafficking gangs, destroy their dens, and return Jiangnan to be a good man! ”

“Understood!” They whispered.

One of the leaders is also a very beautiful policewoman.

Even if she is wearing ordinary civilian clothes, she can’t hide her curvaceous figure. If Lin Beifan were here, he would definitely see that this was the policewoman who “rescued” him from the siege of more than a dozen students.

At this time, she raised her pistol and walked cautiously in front.

Several plainclothes police officers finally approached a doorway.

The policewoman signaled to the colleague next to her, and the colleague suddenly kicked the door hard, and after kicking three times, the door was finally kicked down, and they immediately broke in.

“Police, don’t move, raise your hands!”

“Don’t be stubborn!”

“Be honest with me!”


As a result, people went to empty buildings. In addition to some white noodles that did not have time to be destroyed, there are also some peculiar tools.

The window had been opened, and three running figures were vaguely visible.

“People ran away, chase me!” The policewoman led the people to jump out of that window and chased after them. Plainclothes police officers who were ambushed around also surrounded the past even more in an attempt to catch the drug gang.

At this time, only a loud noise was heard.


“They have guns, everyone be careful!” The policewoman yelled.

Others were careful, but they had to be careful and fueled the arrogance of the criminal gang, and several more gunshots were fired, mixed with the screams of the crowd, and the situation was chaotic.

The policewoman gritted her teeth: “What a damn!” Dare to shoot in a busy city, it’s simply lawless, you must catch them for me! At the same time, it is necessary to save the lives of the masses! ”

“Yes, Captain!”

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