If it wasn’t for Lin Xiaoxiao who pulled her in time, she would have collided with a man walking towards them.

The man who almost collided with Song Jinxi was dressed as a social elite, but when he saw Song Jinxi’s face, his eyes couldn’t help but light up.

The man stood where he was, watching Song Jinxi and Lin Xiaoxiao continue to walk forward slowly, as if she didn’t notice him at all.

Thinking that he is often looked at by many girls when walking on the road and many female colleagues in his company are fighting for him and getting jealous of each other because of him too, he never thought that he would be ignored so thoroughly today.

But the girl just now was really good-looking and completely in line with his aesthetic standards. He thought about it for a long time…

And still couldn’t help catching up.

“Well… Hello.” He went forward to block Song Jinxi and Lin Xiaoxiao’s way.

Before he could say the next words, Shen Liuchen, who was following behind them, came up.

Shen Liuchen stretched out his hand and wrapped his arms around Song Jinxi’s shoulders, looking at the man coldly.

“Is something wrong?” His voice was low and cold.

The man frowned, looked at Song Jinxi, and then at Shen Liuchen.

The key is that when Song Jinxi was held, she didn’t struggle at all, which shows that they are indeed a couple.

Then, he accidentally saw the diamond rings on their hands…

He suddenly became silent, unable to say even a word.

He glanced at Song Jinxi regretfully, said “Sorry”, and turned to leave.

His back figure is a little lost.

Lin Xiaoxiao watched him walk away, looked at his back and then shook her head.

“He looks as if he is very sad. I think it must be snowing in his heart now, while he is sighing that he has just fallen in love, but he fell out of love again immediately afterwards…”

Shen Liujue: “Cough, cough.”

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Somewhat didn’t understand what Shen Liujue’s cough means, Lin Xiaoxiao looked at Song Jinxi again, and said with a smile: “Sister-in-law, you are so popular.”

Shen Liujue wanted to remind Lin Xiaoxiao not to provoke the jealous jar, Shen Liuchen. It’s just that after Lin Xiaoxiao finished speaking, Shen Liuchen remained unmoved, so he couldn’t help but feel somewhat…

Want to step in.

“That’s right.” His tone was relaxed. Seeing Song Jinxi looking at himself, he continued: “Just now, Sister-in-law was watching you dance, and someone whistled at her, and even wanted to go over and chat up with her…”

Before he finished speaking, he received a cold look from Shen Liuchen.

Only then did Shen Liujue determine that this cousin was targeting him.

He hurriedly changed the subject, and began to pick on Lin Xiaoxiao:

“Why didn’t that kid look for you? I don’t think you are ugly.”

Lin Xiaoxiao cut him completely unconcernedly: “It’s good that he did not look for me. If he looks for me, it will be too troublesome for me.”

“You don’t want to fall in love?” Shen Liujue raised his eyebrows, with a disbelief written on his face: “Boys and girls at your age seem to be in a restless period of youth.”

“I don’t want to fall in love. How can you compare me to those weak chickens?” Lin Xiaoxiao raised her chin high, and gave Shen Liujue a contemptuous look: “I only have learning in my heart now.”

Shen Liujue was amused by her and reached out to scrape her nose.

“Mischievous.” He said.

On the other side, Shen Liuchen gently pinched Song Jinxi’s face.

“Attracting bees and butterflies.” He murmured.

Song Jinxi also feels a little inexplicable. Did she accidentally provoke a peach blossom when she was in a trance?

She looked at Shen Liuchen innocently.

“In fact, even if you didn’t come, I can deal with him too.” She said.

Before she finished speaking, Shen Liujue on the side interrupted: “How can this be the same? Liuchen is defending his sovereignty, which is different from you taking the initiative to drive people away.”

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