He didn’t speak, but Song Jinxi knew what he meant just by looking at his eyes.

“If you can catch the doll, I will reward you with a kiss. If you failed to catch it, you can’t settle the account with me when we go back tonight and what happened just now will be written off.”

After Song Jinxi finished speaking, she looked at the countdown time.

“If you don’t start, it will end. There is only one chance.”

Shen Liuchen withdrew his eyes, pushed the handle for the claw and started to move.

Because there was not much time, when he moved his paw over a doll, the countdown ended and the paw dropped by itself.

It slowly fell and caught the doll accurately.

Then, it lifted the doll up and began to move towards the exit.

Song Jinxi held her breath and watched nervously as the claw seemed to make a bumping into something move again before continuing to the exit. It’s just that this time it’s different from the situation she encountered before.

The doll neither fell directly nor was it thrown to the side, but the claw swayed and it just happened to throw the doll into the exit.

He caught it!

He really caught it!

Caught it just with one try?

Song Jinxi was excited and surprised, and the girl behind them also exclaimed.

“It’s amazing.” Song Jinxi praised.

She bent over and took the doll out, feeling the fluffy texture of the doll in her hands.

Because she was too pleasantly surprised, she even forgot what she said to Shen Liuchen just now, and only cared about being happy.

Shen Liuchen lowered his head and leaned in front of her.

“Reward?” He said in a low voice and the ending tone was slightly raised.

Song Jinxi smiled and narrowed her eyes, then leaned over and kissed him on the face while making a muach sound.

After the kiss, she wanted to rub the doll to her face, but was stopped by Shen Liuchen’s big hand.

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“It’s dirty.” As he spoke, a trace of disgust flashed across his eyes.

Song Jinxi’s movement stopped, and she looked at the doll with some difficulty, then looked at Shen Liuchen again.

“… But, I like this.” She slightly pouted her mouth.

Which girl can resist the temptation of pink plush dolls?

Especially the plush of this doll, which feels so soft and comfortable…

Shen Liuchen took the doll from her hand and looked rather disgusted: “Do you like it so much?”

Her hands are empty now.

Song Jinxi eagerly looked at the doll in his hand.

“When I was a child, my mother only bought me a little rabbit doll. It was thin and small, but its legs were very long. It was very cute and I liked it very much. I slept with it every day, and often bathed it. I didn’t want to throw it away even when it was already broken. I sewed and mended it several times but unfortunately, it was completely broken at last…”

Recalling the unhappy things in her childhood, she felt a little depressed.

She forced herself to stop thinking about it, and said again:

“Maybe it’s because I didn’t play much when I was a child, so I like these kinds of things very much now. This doll just came out of the claw machine and it looks very clean. Can you give it back to me?”

Shen Liuchen shook his head.

“The cost of these dolls is not high, and the material is not good. If you like them, we can buy customized ones, which can be put on your bed…” Halfway through, he suddenly felt that something was wrong and stopped talking.

While Song Jinxi hadn’t reacted yet, he pretended to clear his throat.

“You can put it on the sofa and play with it whenever you want.” He said.

Song Jinxi: “Then, can they be put on the bed so that I can sleep while hugging them every night?”

Shen Liuchen frowned slightly: “No.”

“I hug it, and you hug me to sleep. Can’t that be done?” Song Jinxi looked at him pitifully.

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