“Huh?” Song Jinxi nodded rather perfunctorily, motioning her to continue.

“Up to now, each and every one of them are single, and they are still the kind of ‘single dog since they were born’. My mother doesn’t even urge them or let them go on blind dates, but ask them to make up for my lessons instead?” As Lin Xiaoxiao talked, the more she said, the more angry she became.

Even a little bit too excited that she made a ‘why’ gesture and shrugged.

“I really don’t know what’s in their mind. I even suspect that they promised my mother to give me make-up lessons just to avoid the blind date.”

Song Jinxi couldn’t help laughing at her indignant appearance.

“Sister-in-law, you are taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune!” Lin Xiaoxiao accused her.

Song Jinxi quickly restrained her voice and apologized without any remorse: “I am sorry, I was wrong.”

“This is really too much!” Lin Xiaoxiao continued to be indignant, “Each and every one, in order not to go on a blind date, they directly sacrificed their little sister’s freedom. Sure enough, people of low position have no human rights.”

Song Jinxi finished the pudding and put her hand on the other party’s head.

There is not much difference in height between the two of them.

“That’s enough. You can think about it from a different angle.” She said.

Lin Xiaoxiao tilted her head and looked at her: “What angle?”

“Those several brothers of yours are very handsome. With such handsome brothers giving you tutoring every day, other girls may not even have the chance to envy you, but you complain all day long.”

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Lin Xiaoxiao was unhappy: “You are able to say it like that because you didn’t put yourself in my shoes.”

Song Jinxi tilted her head to pretend to be cute.

Lin Xiaoxiao thought for a while, glanced at the direction of Shen Liuchen, and when she saw that he was really looking at them, she said: “You can’t understand why I don’t like make-up lessons, just as I can’t understand that cousin Liuchen is clearly so good, but you just have to be like in a cold war with him.”

With her mentioning this repeatedly, Song Jinxi couldn’t help recalling yesterday.

As long as she thought that Shen Liuchen was neatly dressed, but he could play her into a state where she was almost out of control… She felt very, very ashamed. She is so ashamed that she doesn’t even want to go out and meet people anymore.

Every time she saw Shen Liuchen, she would recall the scene at that time.

She admitted that she was getting angry from being embarrassed, and that Shen Liuchen had actually done nothing wrong. The two of them are husband and wife and this kind of thing would have been a delight for both of them, and she does got a lot of pleasure from it.

It’s just that the pleasure is too strong and too much. She can’t stand it, and it’s shameful to say a lot of immoral things under his coaxing…

That’s why she couldn’t let go of the anger in her heart and determined that she didn’t want to talk to Shen Liuchen.

Then after that, she thought about it again. Shen Liuchen has not yet really used his ‘real gun’ to do it with her… and she is already so defeated. In the future, if Shen Liuchen really uses his ‘real gun’, won’t she be…

Completely doomed?

Thinking of this, she was a little flustered.

Seeing that she didn’t speak for a long time, Lin Xiaoxiao hummed softly and said: “I hit the point, right? Are you completely speechless now?”

“If he did something wrong, of course I have to be in a cold war with him. I can’t keep allowing him to bully me all the time, right?” Song Jinxi pretends to be normal.

“What did he do wrong then?” Lin Xiaoxiao took the opportunity to ask, really wanting to get the truth out of her mouth. “Tell me, I will give you two judgments. And if my cousin really dis something wrong, I will help you criticize him.”

“It’s nothing.” Song Jinxi’s tone was calm.

“You are so hesitant and unwilling to say it, which shows that you have a guilty conscience. From another point of view, it may not be Brother-in-law who did the wrong thing, but you!” Lin Xiaoxiao pointed at her, with burning eyes.

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