He also knows that Shen Liuchen’s temperament of not revealing his emotion…

Thinking like this, he becomes a little unsure for a while.

He doesn’t know whether it is him who thinks too much or whether it is Shen Liuchen who is pretending to be calm.

After a long time, he said: “President Shen, I have been with you for a year. Although I have been at the experimental base every day for the past year, and I have little contact with you, I still know a little about your personality.”

Shen Liuchen said thoughtfully: “What do you want to say?”

“You are not a person who will make assumptions at will, nor will you say such assumptions that are almost unfounded for no reason.” Yuan Chengjie said somewhat rhetorically.

Shen Liuchen narrowed his eyes.

Sure enough, things are going in the direction he didn’t want to see.

At present, he is still in the stage of guessing and probing about his true existence and Song Jinxi’s identity.

If Yuan Chengjie’s speculation about the ‘virtual reality world’ just now is true, then Song Jinxi may be someone from the ‘real world’, and she can almost be said to be the key to their ‘deciphering’.

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If Yuan Chengjie knows the peculiarity of Song Jinxi, then according to the extent of Yuan Chengjie’s madness, he will always have to be on guard against Yuan Chengjie doing something evil to Song Jinxi.

Fortunately, Yuan Chengjie is now under his control, and only he himself knows the peculiarity of Song Jinxi’s identity, so he doesn’t need to worry about it for the time being.

Just casually find any reason to prevaricate Yuan Chengjie.

Shen Liuchen gets up and walks to the window.

Taking a panoramic view of the entire X City, he deliberately waited for a long time before turning around and looking at Yuan Chengjie from a distance.

“Human beings always make a lot of unrealistic conjectures about unknown things. In life, almost everyone will have a moment when they doubt whether the whole world exists. Even I myself am not immune to such shortcomings.” Shen Liuchen said.

His statement is completely tenable, and it makes Yuan Chengjie a little uncertain again.

Shen Liuchen paused, giving him a few minutes to think, and then continued: “What’s more, I do have some talents in the business world, but don’t forget, I’m just an ordinary person without these talents.”

He has a jade-like body and a jade-like face. His appearance can always easily confuse people and make people believe his words.

But Yuan Chengjie has been persuaded by him.

He was silent for a moment and asked: “Then why did you call me over this time and tell me about virtual reality technology?”

“I’m interested in this technology.” Shen Liuchen said frankly, “Besides, when I heard this information, I didn’t think in the long run as you do. What I think of more, is when this technology is developed, can it be put into holographic game production to seize the market first or not.”

What he said is reasonable and consistent with the essence of his personality as a businessman.

Yuan Chengjie completely believed his words now.

It’s just that he is still interested in what he had just guessed.

Yuan Chengjie looked at Shen Liuchen, and said with a smile: “What a pity. I am very interested in the conjecture you mentioned unintentionally just now. I was still thinking that if we really live in a virtual world and a ‘real’ person crosses into our world, then if we want to break through this virtual world and cross into the ‘real world’ instead, can we successfully find the ‘real person’, and do anatomical analysis to this person’s various data? This is the most crucial step.”

Anatomical analysis…

Shen Liuchen took a deep breath in the bottom of his heart.

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