“Is there no relevant policy in the country to punish online piracy?” Shen Liuchen asked again.

Ai Sixin sighed: “It’s a bit hard to say.”

“As a major country in the world, the country is at the forefront of the world in all aspects. There are too many things to manage. The matter of online piracy is not the most important thing for the time being, so it can only be put aside temporarily.” Guan Shan sighed, and her voice was full of helplessness.

That is to say, at present, there is no effective control over online piracy yet.

If there is an endless stream of online piracy, Song Jinxi’s favorite author will not write stories any more.


He now urgently needs to increase his various chips.

Song Jinxi likes him, so he dotes on her as much as possible, holds her in the palm of his hand, and even wonders if he can spoil her so much that only he can endure her various petty tempers…

Let her be completely inseparable from him.

Song Jinxi likes games, so he ordered people to develop the games she wants to play. In case she really wants to leave here in the future, she should also think carefully before leaving. Once she leaves, no one will be as dedicated as him to the point of developing the games she wants to play for her anymore.

If she likes novels, he will buy the literature city she often visits for her, and even help her find the authors she likes, and then gather all kinds of authors to write stories for her to read…

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Whatever she wants, he will do the best for it.

It’s an obsession that borders on paranoia.

Before he has a way to fully control Song Jinxi’s going or staying, he can only use these methods to increase the chips in his hands. Just like a drowning man that wanted to seize everything he could catch in front of him, and would not let go of even a tiny bit of hope.

Shen Liuchen thought for a long time.

“Nowadays, the labor cost is not low. Any stolen literature involving labor cost can be temporarily put aside. The most important thing is how to prevent them from using programs to capture and steal the literature.” He said indifferently.

Ai Sixin and Guan Shan nodded.

Guan Shan sighed and said: “We have thought about many anti-theft methods, but they are all to no avail. Although our anti-theft technology is constantly improving, the technology of those pirate websites is advancing much faster than ours.”

“If they want to steal the literature, they must first obtain the web page information. Then, we can plant viruses that cannot be detected in their web page.” Shen Liuchen said: “Once it is detected that someone is trying to obtain the text on our web page, it will transmit the virus to the other party’s machine through the network. At the same time, the obtained text also carries a virus. In this way, as long as someone clicks on the stolen text in the pirating web page, their machine will also be invaded by the virus.”

This idea…!!!

Not only has the virus been implanted into the pirating websites, but it also punished those who read the literature in those pirating websites. This is simply a two-pronged approach!

Ai Sixin and Guan Shan look at each other.

As expected of a young genius, he could even come up with such a reverse transmission idea.

It’s just that this method of reverse transmission of viruses doesn’t seem to be easy to achieve. Guan Shan frowned and asked: “Maybe we need to find companies that are good at this. Our own website programmers still can’t reach this level of technical ability.”

“I will take care of it.” Shen Liuchen said.

If a man can say the words ‘I will take care of it’ or ‘leave it to me’ without hesitation when encountering problems, then his personality charm will undoubtedly be maximized at this time.

This is a kind of responsible performance that can easily capture the heart of any woman.

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