Become the world's richest man from picking up tatters

Chapter 107 Arrogant Leap Forward (third more)

In the dormitory, Fang Jinjin, who was planning to go out with a luggage bag, was suddenly caught by the light rain in the same dormitory:

"Fang Jinjin, you wait for me for a while, I have too much stuff, and you can help me pick it up for a while?"

After hesitating for a while, the simple Fang Jinjin frowned and nodded:

"Then, okay, I'll help you clean up together."

Seeing Fang Jinjin being entangled by herself, Xiao Yu's mouth hung an arc of successful conspiracy.

Five minutes later, feeling the time was almost up, Xiao Yu suddenly threw the suitcase half packed in her hand onto the bed, waved her hand a little impatiently and said:

"Hey, why are there so many things, forget it, don't clean up, let's go. Let's go, Fang Jinjin, let's go."

After speaking, no matter what Fang Jinjin wanted to say with her mouth open, she took Fang Jinjin's arm and walked outside the dormitory.

Upon seeing this, Fang Jinjin quickly picked up her luggage.

When the two came to the gate of the school, there were no more crowds of people just now, and they were even more happy to see this little rain.

From a distance, I saw the two tattooed youths at the door. Xiao Yu, who was holding Fang Jinjin, immediately quickened his pace. When he came to the door, he did not forget to wave his hands and shouted very happily:

"Cousin! Here it is! Here it is!"

The two security guards at the door were relieved when they heard the student's words. They stared at the two young people outside for a long time. They thought they were little hooligans in the society. Now it seems that they are also here to pick up the students.

"Hurry up, my cousin is waiting in a hurry."

After the wave, Xiao Yu took Fang Jinjin and ran for two steps. Fang Jinjin wanted to break free, but Xiao Yu kept holding her arm forcefully.

At the same time, the young man leaning on Audi at the door also heard Xiao Yu's shout. The Yue brother followed Xiao Yu's gaze, and suddenly saw Fang Jinjin, who had been greedy for a long time, and suddenly a pair of small eyes flashed endlessly. Greed.

And Xiao Yu shouted, not only shouted to that brother Yue, but also attracted Fang Chenyi's eyes when he got out of the car and waited by the car.

Fang Chenyi frowned instinctively when he saw his sister walking with a girl with heavy make-up, especially when he saw that girl actually met the two young people who were not good at first sight. Even more unhappy.

'This Nizi, it seems that she has to go back and talk about her well, but she can't learn badly.

While thinking about this, the little rain had already pulled Fang Jinjin out of the school gate.

"Huh? Isn't that Xiaojin? You call her?"

Father Fang, who was still sitting in the car, saw his daughter at the same time, so he shouted at Fang Chenyi through the car window.

Fang Chenyi nodded after hearing what his father said, and then walked towards the two young people in front of him.

As he walked over, his sister's expression was also captured by her.It was obvious that there was a touch of reluctance on my sister's face.

"Hey, Fang Jinjin, this is my cousin Leap Forward, how about it? Is it a talented person? See it, my cousin, the big Audi, have not done it before, walk, I let my cousin turn a corner You send it home."

Before coming to Audi, Xiao Yu pulled Fang Jinjin into the car, not only that, but the two young people on the side also opened their mouths to conform.

"Haha, hello Fang Jinjin, my name is Yuejin. I am Xiaoyu's cousin. I am glad to meet you. Since I am Xiaoyu's friend, get in the car. I will take you home by the way. The goal is also a matter of throttle."

While speaking, the young man named Yuejin threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, and then reached out to do something to shake hands with Fang Jinjin.

However, at this moment, a cold voice sounded behind him:

"Go away! Our Xiaojin doesn't need you to send it!"

Hearing the sound, the leap forward was obviously taken aback.But Fang Jinjin on the side was overjoyed after hearing the sound, and then she broke free of Xiao Yu's arm and rushed towards Fang Chenyi, gently holding Fang Chenyi's arm, her small face was full of surprises:

"Brother~ hee hee, why are you here."

I rubbed my sister's hair in a petting way: "Little Nizi, how does my brother usually talk to you? How can you contact everyone. From now on, don't contact these inconsistent people. Let's go, dad. Waiting."

After speaking, he reached out and took the luggage bag in Fang Jinjin's hand, and prepared to leave with Fang Jinjin. As for the two young people, he was completely ignored.

It's just that he didn't plan to pay attention to these two young people, but those two young people didn't seem to intend to just let Fang Chenyi snatch the duck from him.

Just this turn around, I immediately saw the Lamborghini Urus not far from my car, and that Yue brother was stunned.!Lamborghini??This won't be this kid's!'

But when he saw the middle-aged uncle in the driving seat, the young man gave up the idea that had just come up.You don't need to think about it, this is the uncle who came to pick up the child.

As for Fang Jinjin’s family situation, I’ve heard from Xiao Yu’s mouth that her parents work, and her brother, the handsome guy in front of me, is just working in a small company in the city. .

Therefore, the next big Lamborghini off-road vehicle can already be 120%, certainly not this kid.

Thinking of this, Yuejin winked at his companions around him, then stepped forward and stopped in front of Fang Chenyi, rubbing his hands at the corners of his mouth, and said arrogantly:

"Boy, who did you just say that there are no three or four? Do you know who I am? Do you know who my dad is? My dad is the Seventh!"

As soon as this words came out, everyone who stopped and watched because of the boy's shout was all shocked, but he didn't expect that this boy was actually Yue Lao Qi's son.

In their town, no one really didn't know.To say that this elder seven is not a gangster.

Let's put it this way, this Yue Lao Qi is actually the richest man in their town. It is said that his family's assets have reached hundreds of millions.

This year, the seventh child who has been in his sixties is a good old man. Apart from one eldest daughter, there is only such a young son. Therefore, he is especially fond of this young son on weekdays. The son has a domineering character.

On weekdays, a group of half-and-a-half-old children gather to do something bullying.It wasn't until the two years of hard work that Yue Lao Qi realized that he couldn't let him go, so he called his son to educate him and dismissed all the unemployed youths.

It's just the leap forward that has always been accustomed to publicity, how can it be honest?Although there were no more fights, he started to have other crooked ideas.

[To be continued....

ps: There is one more before twelve o'clock!

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