"Hey, this car, the kid from the old Fang family bought it for his father. By the way, the girl is called Taurus, right? This kid is also called. If you buy a car, buy a good brand and buy one. The brand of the van. But you said that the current brand-name car is beautiful. If you don’t look at the car brand and look at the appearance, it will be more expensive than our big Honda."

What Lao Zhang said was neither salty nor light. Lao Zhang's daughter and son-in-law were indeed dumbfounded.

The two looked at each other, with a bitter smile on the corners of their mouths. Seeing the rise of what her father said, Zhang's daughter quickly interrupted: "Father, don't talk nonsense, this is not a Taurus, this is a Lamborghini. This crv can't even afford other people's car wheels."

While talking, he hurriedly pulled his dad into the house, joking, how shameful it would be to be heard.

However, Lao Zhang was really taken aback when he heard what the girl said, and even increased his tone a little bit unconsciously:

"Huh?" Girl, you said that our big car can't even compare with the wheels of the old Fang's car? I saw that the one hanging on his car is the same as the one on the second old dirty's van, right? I even went to Er Lao Zang’s house to take a look. There is a calf on it? I asked Er Lao Zang, his car was bought for more than 50,000 yuan?"


Let's talk about the Fang family.

While eating the dishes cooked by Bo Menghan on the table, my parents and my little sister never stopped to praise.

Seeing that everyone was enjoying their food, Fang Chenyi swallowed the food in his mouth and said:

"The parents, there is one more thing when I come back this time. I bought a few houses in the city. You will clean up after dinner. We want to move in."

Mom and Dad were stunned when they heard the words. The father was okay. The mother, who did not realize the value of her son now, frowned slightly. Putting the chopsticks in her hand on the table, she complained: " Brat, where did you get the money to buy a house? Why didn't you tell us?"

Following this question, before Fang Chenyi could answer, the father and the younger sister on the side wanted to talk excitedly. When it came to excitement, even the old party took out his mobile phone and opened the browser to find himself. The son's information was handed to Fang's mother.

Seeing the gratification expressed by his father and mother for his son's promise, Fang Chenyi felt quite satisfied.


After four o'clock in the afternoon, Fang Chenyi and Bai Menghan drove a car back to the villa, and the Lamborghini SUV was directly left to his father.

Of course, even though they knew that their son was rich, the old couple did not come back to live with Fang Chenyi, mainly because the younger sister was about to take the entrance examination, and now suddenly changed the learning environment, fearing that it would affect the younger sister's study.

As for Bo Menghan who wanted to take her little girl to go shopping, she was also arranged to talk about it after half a month after the little girl finished the exam.

The two returned to the villa and just parked their car and came out of the garage. They were startled by the scene before them.

At this moment, in front of the villa, corpses of ornamental koi were lying all around.

Not only that, but at this time Wang Keke was still fluttering in the pond of the villa, and as he fluttered, one by one koi was thrown onto the shore.

At the edge of the small pond, Er Gouzi was staring at everything that happened before him with a grimace.

"Damn! What are you two doing?"

With a cry, Ergouzi and Wang Keke's gazes looked over, but the gazes of Fang Chenyi and Fang Chenyi were completely opposite.

At this moment, when Er Gouzi saw Fang Chenyi, it was a long sigh of relief, and a dog's face was full of joy.

While watching Wang Keke in the pond, seeing Fang Chenyi's arrival, he immediately jumped onto the shore, shook the water from his hair, and then ran to Fang Chenyi with a grimace, turned his head and glanced at Ergouzi. , Glanced at the koi on the ground again, and even whispered in a low voice.

Seeing this, Fang Chenyi angrily beckoned to Er Gouzi not far away: "Er Gouzi, you are already a dog with a daughter-in-law, so why can you fool around with those koi carps? Let me see you running into the pond again, look at me not cutting off your stuff and roasting it!"

Hearing Fang Chenyi's words, Er Gouzi's two dogs stared, and unconsciously tightened his hind legs.

Seeing this situation, Fang Chenyi still wanted to laugh: "It's okay, it's okay, it's okay to see your wife screaming in the yard, you quickly clean up this place! These dead fish are all taken to the garbage can at the door!"

Seeing Er Gouzi start to clean up the dead fish on the ground very aggrieved, Fang Chenyi nodded in satisfaction, and then took Bo Menghan's hand and walked into the villa.

As he walked, Bo Menghan next to him opened his mouth and asked strangely: "Yi, what do these two gouzi and koi mean? This one is a dog, the other is a fish and two are not the same species..."

Hearing this, Fang Chenyi's mouth suddenly wore a smirk: "Hey, it's not easy, then I ask you Xiao Hanhan, last night you have no strength, what are we doing..."

Hearing Fang Chenyi's words, Bo Menghan was taken aback for a moment, then a pretty face was instantly flushed, and he raised his hand and slapped Fang Chenyi gently:

"I hate you, say everything, huh, those two dogs and you are the same virtue! Every good thing."

After speaking, he broke free of Fang Chenyi's arm and walked quickly towards the villa, leaving Fang Chenyi with a wrong face standing there and shouting:

"No, I'm wronged, Xiao Hanhan, that Ergouzi had a daughter-in-law and he was looking for fish. I only look for a daughter-in-law. It's called a mess, broken shoes, I'm called sentimental..."

"Bah~Smelly hooligan!"

Hehe with a smirk, Fang Chenyi chased after him, and after a while, it was already more than eight o'clock in the evening.Because he was too tired, Bo Menghan fell asleep without even eating dinner.

After a burst of hearty and hearty Fang Chenyi felt energized.

Leaning on the soft big bed, looking at the ceiling with both eyes, he began to think about what he was going to do next.

To be honest, after picking up the tatters last night, Fang Chenyi was a little bit resistant to picking up the tatters in the community every night.

Fear of being noticed is one aspect. The most important thing is that the garbage here is really limited, and there are not enough types. To put it the most truth, even if the special reward is triggered suddenly, it is possible that what I am holding is just a mineral water bottle. child.

Even if there is no special reward for starting, and an income of one hundred and two hundred each time, it will have to wait for the donkey years and horses to accumulate enough worth?

[To be continued....

ps: There will be an update later, the family will watch

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