Become the world's richest man from picking up tatters

Chapter 115 Small Garbage Transfer Station

Of course, if Fang Chenyi knew Wei Yilong's thoughts, he would certainly not feel any shame. After all, this company has indeed made a contribution to the cause of environmental protection.

Not to mention Wei Yilong, who was planning the night battle in order to complete the Fang Chenyi test, but Fang Chenyi here, riding a golden bicycle to clean up the trash cans in the community, the bank card was successfully credited to more than 70 years. Million!

It was around eleven o'clock in the night when I returned to the villa. After asking for a bank card with Wei Yilong, he directly paid him five million.

After finishing everything on hand, Fang Chenyi went to bed with her arms around her daughter-in-law happily.

The next day, because Bo Menghan still had no classes today, Fang Chenyi was a rogue and chose a lazy bed. Not only was his own lazy bed, even Bo Menghan, who wanted to get up for a run, could not escape his trap.

After three poles of the day, after getting up and enjoying a luxurious'breakfast' delivered by Char, Bo Menghan reluctantly walked into the study and began to look at the study materials.

On the other hand, Fang Chenyi called Wei Yilong and wanted to ask if this guy had gone to the industrial and commercial registration company.

Na Cheng thinks that this guy is really efficient. Although he didn't go to industry and commerce, the location of the new company has been selected!

"Hey, boss, we are really lucky. It just so happens that there is a company that makes waste export sound in our city wharf that is not planning to do it. I just finished talking with the other party this morning. The annual rent is 3 million, 100 acres. Large factories can be used for us! What kind of boss, is it very suitable!"

Hearing the excited voice of Zhongwei Yilong on the phone, Fang Chenyi nodded in satisfaction. The rent of 3 million a year seems to be a lot, but the opposite is a large factory area of ​​hundreds of acres. Nothing else, as long as you have that skill. , It’s no problem to sublet this place separately and earn 1.8 million yuan a year.

Of course, Fang Chenyi wouldn't do this, earning 1.8 million yuan a year, it's better to pick up more tatters with that effort.

After talking about the specific implementation for a while, Fang Chenyi hung up the phone.

It's just that the phone here just hung up, and the phone in my hand rang again before I could put it in my pocket:

"Hey, Old Tang, why do you remember calling me?"

Tang Ying in the office of the general manager Lu Chao on the opposite side heard Fang Chenyi’s words and almost fell from the office chair. Okay, you’re the boss. I’ll call you and ask me how I think about it. Called.

But thinking of the net worth of the other's car worth hundreds of millions, perhaps people really didn't take such a small company seriously.

"Boss... Of course I am calling you to return my work..."

Fang Chenyi took a glass of water to himself, and said while drinking it:

"Hey, didn't I tell you, as long as you can keep the company running and be responsible for your own profits and losses, you can make up your mind about the rest."

It’s not that Fang Chenyi despises his company, the main reason is that he really doesn’t have the spare time to manage it. Not to mention this company, even if it is Louis Vuitton China, which he absolutely controls, he has never visited it once. .

Of course, in Fang Chenyi's heart, although the company that these systems gave him is huge, they are not as important as the small company with a registered capital of 5 million that he asked Wei Yilong to establish yesterday!

"Come on, you really don't worry about me, haha, since you have said this, if I don't double the performance of the company, I don't need you to tell me, I don't need to say anything, I'm going to do it myself! "

After expressing his determination, Old Tang suddenly changed his tone and said with a smirk in a low voice:

"Hey, what? Boss Fang, I will tell you something happy to make you happy, that green turtle was caught."

Listening to Old Tang's excited voice on the phone, Fang Chenyi couldn't help but laugh.Although the green tortoise had done bad to himself in a thousand ways, but his identity is here after all, so for his news, apart from some curiosity about how he was caught, he didn't feel like Old Tang gloating.

Seeing that Fang Chenyi just smiled and did not speak, Tang Ying asked with surprise:

"No, I said that the boss is not too exciting for you? Oh, yes, what is your identity, such a small person, it is possible to be like your old man. Hey, but to say this green turtle But it was sad enough. My daughter-in-law was not told by the old Wang, and finally found a mistress, but after getting tired of the old Wang's money, she left him and ran away."

Speaking of this, Tang Ying suddenly laughed:

"Hey, boss, didn't you see it, the sad expression of the green turtle was crying after being caught, it's really relieved! And the old woman is really scheming, and pulled the green turtle together after curling up. He ran away, and then used the green tortoise to divert everyone's attention, and then came a golden cicada to escape. Sadly, the green tortoise didn't see the reality until it was caught."

Fang Chenyi just smiled at the end of the green tortoise, and told Tang Ying two words that after all the worms in the company were to be eliminated, he hung up the phone.

Looking at the time, it was noon.We greeted Bo Menghan and left the villa.

Since I got the system, I managed to save 10 million in savings, gave my father 5 million, and Wei Yilong 5 million. Well, now I am penniless again.

While shaking his head and smiling bitterly, he opened the door of his Lamborghini Sixth Element and got into the car.

I have to say that in these cars, this car is easy to drive by itself, and relatively speaking, it is still the most fuel-efficient.

After leaving the community, Fang Chenyi thought about it. In his memory, there seemed to be a small garbage transfer station on his way to work.And there doesn't seem to be a fixed staff inside, just for temporary storage of garbage.

Thinking of this, Fang Chenyi hit the steering wheel, and Lamborghini Sixth Element moved towards the small transfer station in his memory.

After driving for more than ten minutes, Fang Chenyi finally saw the garbage transfer station that covered a few hundred square meters of warehouse.

At this time, I just saw a garbage truck opened the door and went in.

After parked the car not far away and waited for about five minutes, the garbage truck drove out again.

After getting out, the garbage truck driver got out of the car and locked the fence outside the transfer station before getting on the car and leaving.

Fang Chenyi, who was sitting on the Lamborghini, was delighted when he saw it.

Thinking about this, he took care of his suit, and got out of the car with a woven bag.

[To be continued....

ps: I will update so much tonight.Brothers can talk about it, let's pick up something good next.

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