"Damn, then I won't be a live broadcast?"

Staring at the back pocket, Di Modid's forehead jumped sharply.

Fang Chenyi patronized bragging and seemed to ignore this.But this guy responded quickly:

"Hey, aren't you silly, Old Di? You won't go back and install an electric roof on this?"

Hearing that, Di Modid immediately slapped his thigh: "Yes, right, let the Bugatti manufacturer customize a set of exclusive roof for him. That's awesome, so don't move anything, it's great!"

Fang Chenyi was so confused, this Nima asked Bugatti to install the roof of the tractor?This is so bad that this guy can figure it out.It seems that this upstart is different!

Thinking of this, Fang Chenyi suddenly blinked and said, "But I have something to say ahead. Although this car is quite exciting when driving out! But because this is the fighter's engine. So this Guys are very expensive!"

As soon as he knew this, Di Modid laughed directly: "Hahaha, Fang, it seems that you really understand the strength of our family. It is not an exaggeration at all. Maybe something else Our home does not have oil, but let’s talk about oil. Let’s put it this way, when our home turns on the tap of the tap water, all that comes out is oil!"

Originally, Fang Chenyi wanted to talk about the fuel for the car. If the car is driven to about 400 miles, this tank of fuel will be enough for the car to run for ten seconds at most, but seeing this guy's arrogant posture, Fang Chenyi I swallowed what I wanted to say next.

But Di Modid suddenly said at this time: "Fang, let's do this, I really like your car! A billion dollars! How about? I'll give you a billion dollars!"

One billion dollars?

Hearing this, Fang Chenyi couldn't help but curl his lips: "I said Lao Di, this is the engine of a fighter jet, can your fighter buy one for 100 million?"

"Can't you buy it? Recently, the F-16 purchased by our country was only 100 million US dollars?"

'Is it only one billion dollars?A helicopter costs more than three billion dollars. Why is a fighter jet worth 100 million dollars?'

Thinking of this, Fang Chenyi took out his mobile phone and checked it on the Internet. Sure enough, he found that many fighters did not even reach 100 million U.S. dollars.This made Fang Chenyi a little embarrassed.

Although embarrassing, it did not show it. Instead, he glanced at his precious Gongnong-7 with dismay, and muttered:

"Oh, I also know that the price of a fighter plane is just that, but it's a bit reluctant. But that's all, who made me enthusiastic, in order to let you have face in your circle after returning to China, a billion dollars, This car will buy you!"

Seeing Fang Chenyi finally let go, Di Modid was also extremely excited, and then looked at Xian Fang Chenyi expectantly: "That Fang, can you give me the car keys of this car now! I can't wait! I want to drive it out for a drive!"

Fang Chenyi waved his hand: "Don't worry, don't worry, I don't know if you have heard the old saying of our Huaxia, my brothers will settle the accounts, let's settle the money first and I will give you the car keys!"

"Oh, Fang, there are too many old Chinese sayings, but that is really good, then okay, you give me a collection account, and I will transfer it to you!"

[CCB] Your CCB account with the end number 8888 received RMB 650,000 from UBS Bank on May 28, 2020.The balance is 1,331,256,148.25 yuan.

Seeing that his account broke a huge sum of one billion in an instant, Fang Chenyi's excitement was not mentioned.

After collecting the money, Fang Chenyi opened a small iron box beside Di Modid's seat under Di Modid's expectant gaze.Reaching out and pulling inside, he pulled out the bright stainless steel large'handle' inside.

Throw it into Di Modid's hand.

Di Modid looked dumbfounded: "What is this?"

With the crank in his hand, I looked left and looked at it again, and finally didn't figure out what a good thing this was.

Fang Chenyi glanced at Di Modid's Mo Yan, who had never seen the world before, couldn't help but glanced at his mouth, then pulled Di Modid to the side of the front of the car:

"Come on, Old Di, did you see this here? I'll give you this is the key to Gongnong-7. No, you plug him in from here, yes, come on, this hand touches here, this is called minus Press, yes yes, well, this is just not bad, now you can use the strength of your whole body to shake your hip bone shaft!"

Tom ~ Tom Tom ~ Tom Tom Tom..

As Di Modid's whole body was shaking, the tractor suddenly made a tom.

"Buy Karma, this startup method is really special! But I like it! Ahahaha, it's too cool! Oh, but it seems that you have to give it a LV belt when you look back, and then it will be fine !"

Carrying the dozen kilograms of the big rocker, he made two gestures on himself, then walked back to the front of the car seat and continued to speak:

"Can I drive now? Oh, Fang, I have driven a helicopter, but how do I control this?"

Hearing Di Modid's murmur, Fang Chenyi had already imagined the picture of this guy carrying this big crank on his body like a gun..

"This is to move the throttle paddle, right? It's awesome, this is a block, this one has to go back..."

With Fang Chenyi's narration for nearly ten minutes, Di Modid could finally slowly drive the tractor out of the gate of garage 16.

After a while, Fang Chenyi drove Bugatti in front, Di Modid, a white robe and scarf, drove a tractor behind, and the two cars went all the way towards Villa No. 3 where Fang Chenyi was.

When passing the small square, Fang Chenyi, who was sitting in the car with the window open, heard a lot of people pointing and talking:

"Hey, you see that the tractor driver turned out to be a foreigner, you see, his clothes look like people from the Middle East."

"Eh eh, you see that silly X is still waving with us, fuck, this guy is not a bad brain, he even whistles at us, this tractor is like driving excitedly It's a sports car..."

Looking through the rearview mirror, Fang Chenyi really saw Di Modid now waving his arms with excitement and complacency with the crowd on the small square, as if the leader was welcomed by the inspection.

Of course, Di Modid's heart is still very excited at this time, "Hey, Gongnong-7 is really cool, they are all looking at me with envy and hatred!Hey, this is envious?Isn’t that even more enviable for the girl who gets into a car after I go back?'

[To be continued....

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