At this moment, in the living room of Bo Menghan's house, men, women and children are sitting in a room.

At a rough glance, there are at least a dozen people.

Of course, as Bo Menghan and Fang Chenyi opened the door and walked in, the eyes of the dozen or so people in the living room were all focused on Fang Chenyi.

"This child is Chen Yi, come as soon as you see it, why are you still carrying things? Come in, come in."

Looking at the middle-aged woman who was approaching, Fang Chenyi hurriedly smiled and said hello:

"Hello Auntie, I wanted to see you a long time ago, but there have been too many things recently, and this has just been time, so please don't be surprised if you are late."

It really complied with the old saying, the mother-in-law looked at her son-in-law, and looked at the young man with talents in front of him. Bo Menghan's mother liked it more and more. She reached out and took Fang Chenyi's gift, put it on the coffee table, and turned her head to Bo Meng. Han said:

"This kid, what's the strange thing, come over and sit down, Menghan, what are you doing in a daze, introduce Chen Yi."

Bo Menghan glanced at the large group of people in the house, and then looked helplessly at Fang Chenyi. It was obvious that she would tell Fang Chenyi that she didn’t know there would be so many people coming, but she had no choice but to give Fang Chenyi. Introduction:

"Yi, this is my grandma."

Looking at the very wealthy old lady sitting on the sofa, Fang Chenyi quickly followed Bo Menghan's very respectful cry:

"Hello Grandma"

The old lady looked at Fang Chenyi up and down, and kept saying: "Well, I look so handsome in the child! What a handsome!"

"This is the second uncle, this is the second aunt, this is the third uncle, and the third aunt."

Following Bo Menghan's voice, Fang Chenyi quickly followed and called people:

"Good Uncle, Good Aunt, Good Uncle, Good Aunt."

The few people on the sofa all smiled and nodded:

"You see our family Menghan is blessed, you see this young man shows talent."

After several elders had greeted him, Bo Menghan pointed to the person next to him and continued to introduce: "Yi, this is the cousin of the second uncle's house."

After Bo Menghan introduced this cousin, she said hello.

Then, without waiting for Bo Menghan to speak, the man sitting next to the cousin laughed first and said: "Haha, hello Xiaofang. My name is Chen Xi and Menghan’s cousin, depending on how old you should be Menghan is almost old. Are you still in college?"

Upon hearing Chen Xi's words, Fang Chenyi smiled slightly:

"Cousin-in-law, I am two years older than Menghan, and now I have graduated to work."

"Oh? You graduated. Look at your suit and leather shoes. You look like a little leader. How do you go to work?"

Hearing that Fang Chenyi had participated in the work, Chen Xi immediately asked, and when he heard that, everyone's ears were unconsciously raised. Of course, this question is actually what everyone wants to know.It's just that, as an elder, I am not ashamed to ask first.

Fang Chenyi didn't expect the other party to ask himself where he was working. This made Fang Chenyi wonder how to answer. After all, he has a lot of industries, but where does he work?This is really not there.

Thinking of this, Fang Chenyi spoke very honestly:

"Uh, hehe, I don’t work for anyone now, and I have done a few small projects in partnership with others, but I don’t manage it much. Recently, the global environment has been seriously damaged, so I have now begun to devote myself to environmental protection. ."

After saying this, everyone was very puzzled, but Bo Menghan at the side glanced helplessly at a man's handbag under Fang Chenyi's arm.

What's in this handbag is his precious woven bag that never leaves..

"Oh? Have you done a few small projects in partnership with someone? Well, as someone who came here, my brother-in-law would say a few words about you. You can’t ignore it these days when you partner with someone. After all, people’s hearts are not separated. Now your business is small. Nothing yet. Wait until you get bigger, but it won’t work. Also, don’t rush to do environmental protection or other things now, wait until when you can earn eighteen million a year, then do those things. It's not too late."

When Chen Xi came over and everyone finished speaking, his daughter-in-law next to him also responded in due course:

"Yeah, what your brother-in-law said is for your good. Don’t you know that what you are doing now is nothing. When your brother-in-law started a company with someone, your brother-in-law also has the same idea as you now. Don’t ask, but when the company has gradually grown, and now after earning millions of dollars a year, his two partners have started to make tricks. If your brother-in-law found out in time, the loss would be immeasurable."

"Uh, I will pay attention in the future, I must pay attention."

Fang Chenyi didn't even know how to answer the conversation. Of course, he would definitely not argue with the two cousins ​​who had just met. After all, on the surface, the other two were thinking about it for himself.

At this time, the grandma sitting in the middle of the sofa waved to Fang Chenyi and Bai Menghan:

"Okay, okay, let Xiaofang sit down and rest for a while. This is a long way to come back, come, you two can sit on grandma, let grandma take a good look, take a good look. That second and third child , It’s past three o'clock, go to the kitchen to prepare food!"

When the old lady spoke, several aunts stood up one after another and prepared to cook in the kitchen.When she heard this, Chen Xi hurriedly interrupted:

"No, no, grandma, this little Fang is here for the first time. Let's go out to have a good meal tonight. I have already booked a box at the Zhaofu Building in our town. Haha, it happened that someone gave me two bottles yesterday. Zhilan, uncle and uncle, oh, and Xiaofang, let's have a good drink tonight."

The two bottles of Ocean Blue that Fang Chenyi had just brought in were placed on the coffee table, but Chen Xi was talking about drinking Sky Blue at night, which made Bo Menghan beside Fang Chenyi frown.

This cousin, who is only one year older than herself, has been overwhelmed by herself since she was a child. She is not as good as Bo Menghan in her looks and studies. Perhaps she has been suppressed by Bo Menghan for too long. Now she has found a man who started a company. After making friends, I immediately found a sense of superiority.

And they all say that it's not that the family doesn't enter the house, this brother-in-law is also more show-off.Not to mention this time, every time we eat together before, it must be the focus of the whole family.

After Chen Xi said this, she suddenly felt as if she had thought of something, and slapped her head and said quickly:

"Hey, look at me, I forgot to forget, Xiaofang brought wine today, haha, let’s drink Xiaofang’s “Blue of the Sea” tonight. Anyway, two bottles are not enough to drink. We will finish drinking. Drinking Sky Blue."

[To be continued....

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