"What announcement has been made?"

After Bai Mengyao exclaimed, everyone on the side looked at her.

Seeing Bo Mengyao with a shocked expression on the phone in her hand, she said with a trembling voice:

"The announcement probably means that Baida Films, a subsidiary of Baida Films, will change its legal person and chairman from now on. The new chairman is Mr. Fang Chenyi, the third largest shareholder of Baida Group. Mr. Fang Chenyi spent a total of 16 billion yuan to win Baida Films. 71% equity in the industry!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone except Bai Menghan and grandma were stupid, and their gazes turned to Fang Chenyi blankly, looking at him like a monster.

Looks like what did this guy just say?

Did you say you bought a small company?

One hundred and sixty ~ billion!!This is a small company???This is the small company in Fang Chenyi's mouth???

Upon seeing this, Fang Chenyi touched his nose with some embarrassment and coughed softly:

"Ahem, that eldest sister's affairs can be left to me, everyone don't have to worry, it's too early, everyone is worried for a day, or go back to sleep?"

It's just that after saying this, everyone still has no response. It is really that the cognition of an ordinary family of 16 billion is too much.

While everyone was still in a daze, the second uncle suddenly stood up and said emotionally:

"Chen Yi! You wouldn't buy the Baida Films because of our bastard girl who spent so much money! If this is the case, we can't sell it! One hundred and six billion! How much is that! Even if you sell us, you won’t be able to change it!"

As soon as everyone heard this, they immediately reacted, wouldn't it really be because of this incident that the purchase cost 16 billion yuan?

When Fang Chenyi saw this, he quickly stood up and said with a wry smile:

"Second uncle, don’t get me wrong, the eldest sister is just in time. I was thinking about acquiring this company. Hey, think about it, how much money the eldest sister was defrauded, more than six million, that little money It’s not enough for my 16 billion deposits in the bank for a day’s high interest rate. So, don’t think too much about it. Everyone should rest early. Tomorrow, Menghan and I will take the eldest sister to the Sangun company to deal with it."

Finally, the grandma sitting on the sofa spoke:

"Okay, okay, how hard it is for Chen Yi to come here this night with two people, let's stop here today, and go back to sleep!"

After speaking, the old lady was the first to stand up on crutches and walk towards the second bedroom of the second house.

Seeing this, although I was still shocked.But everyone had to get up and leave.

Fang Chenyi also followed Bo Menghan's parents downstairs.

When they came downstairs, with the street lights in the community, everyone looked at the knight fifteenth that Fang Chenyi had come to, and they couldn't help but be speechless.

Nothing else, mainly because the car looks too fierce with the dim lights.

After greeted everyone, Fang Chenyi quickly opened the rear door to Bo Menghan and Bo Mu, then quickly walked around to the co-pilot's door, and then spoke to Bo Menghan’s father as he went in. :

"Uncle, after a busy day during the day, I drove all the way when I came. Would you like to drive back for me?"

The reason why Fang Chenyi said this was not because he was really tired, but because he had seen before that Father Bo, just like his father, is a person who likes cars very much. After all, his eyes will not be fake.

After going back last time, Fang Chenyi asked Bo Menghan specifically, and learned that his father also has a driver's license.

And there was a Songhuajiang van before, but it was forced to scrap after the expiration date.

Just because Bo Menghan wants to go to school and has to save Bo Menghan's dowry money, he has never bought a car.

When everyone heard Fang Chenyi's words, they all showed envy.

Although Father Bo felt itchy in his heart, he waved his hand again and again:

"Don't don't, this car is worth looking at. Don't drive at my level. If it bumps, it will hurt."

Fang Chenyi didn't care about this, and just sat in the co-pilot.Then he poked his head out and smiled at Father Bo and said:

"Uncle, you are wrong about this. You patted this car, the whole body of steel plate, the whole car is nearly three and a half tons, and it is strong. Don't say that your skills are so good, even if you really put a stone on it, it is a bad luck for the stone. Hey."

Speaking that Fang Chenyi had gotten in the car, and the two and three children around were watching, Father Bo simply gritted his teeth and nodded:

"Well, I'll drive it back for you. Haha, it's the first time I drove such a good car. Hey, don't tell me, why is this car so tall?"

After speaking, he pulled the door, stepped on the pedal, and got into the car.

After sitting in, Father Bai felt the comfortable big seat and was very happy for a while:

"This car is really not bad. Then you have done it. I haven't touched the car for a long time. It may be a bit handy."

Under Fang Chenyi's command, Father Bai opened the window and waved to the envied second and third child outside, and then started the car according to Fang Chenyi's guidance.

At first Father Bo appeared very cautious, the fat body crawling slowly like a large tortoise.

However, as I gradually adapted, I became very proficient later.

Sitting in the back, Bo Menghan looked at the harmonious appearance of his father and his future husband in front, and a sense of happiness was born in his heart.

"Chen Yi, what brand is this car, I have never seen this car before."

The residential area of ​​Bo Menghan's house is nearly ten kilometers away. By the way, Father Bo can already master the car very proficiently, and he also has time to chat with Fang Chenyi, a satisfied son-in-law.

When Fang Chenyi heard this, he quickly replied: "Uncle, this car is called Knight XV, not our Huaxia car, plus it may be more gas-consuming, so fewer people buy it."

Father Bo nodded, and said in agreement:

"That's for sure. How could it be possible that such a big guy is here without fuel consumption. Just this car, not more than a dozen fuel?"

Fang Chenyi was speechless for a while, but he smiled, turning the topic away:

"Hey, it's almost the same. Uncle, there is also a seat massage function over there. If you are tired, turn it on and you can massage while driving."

It's just that after listening to Fang Chenyi's words, Bo Menghan in the back row rolled his eyes silently.

The mother Bo on the side saw her, gently stretched out her hand to stabbed her daughter, and asked quietly:

"You kid, what do you roll your eyes?"

Bo Menghan curled his lips and whispered to his mother:

"Fang Chenyi fooled my dad. He still had more than a dozen gas... this car consumes 60 gas per 100 kilometers..."

[To be continued....

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