Become the world's richest man from picking up tatters

Chapter 212: Recycling Old Phones ~ Changing Kitchen Knives ~ Pots

Just when Fang Chenyi took the porridge bowl in Bo Menghan's hand and was about to pour it into his mouth, he saw a person rushing in anxiously at the gate of the villa.

Everyone looked at it.

Seeing the visitor Fang Chenyi glared at the other side angrily:

"Xiao Cong, what are you doing in such a hurry? I haven't seen you so active. Once you have a meal, you run very fast..."

The visitor was Principal Wang. Seeing that everyone was preparing to eat with their rice bowls, the corners of their mouths could not help but they smiled and greeted Fang Mu and Bai Mu while rubbing their hands to the dining table.

Upon seeing this, the mother hurriedly smiled and greeted him to sit down and eat together:

"Xiao Cong, you happened to be here. Your Auntie Bo just made the porridge. It's fragrant. Go wash your hands and eat together."

Bai Mu also greeted with a smile.

Principal Wang glanced at Fang Chenyi when he heard what he meant.Seeing this, the mother suddenly gave Fang Chenyi a slap on the back in an angry manner:

"What do you think this brat is doing? Go wash your hands and prepare for dinner."

After being slapped by his mother in a good manner, Fang Chenyi, who was depressed, immediately stared at Principal Wang:

"I said you guys just eat when you eat, what do you think I am doing? I don't want you to eat! Come on, let me get a slap in the face. I think it's fine."

Principal Wang's originally triumphant face immediately collapsed after hearing Fang Chenyi's words, and then he quickly grieved and said:

"Don't don't, Brother Fang, I've been busy all afternoon, but I got you a big broken car. You can't say that you don't help and don't help~"

Looking at President Wang with some doubts, Fang Chenyi questioned:

"You said you got something here?"

Principal Wang hurriedly lit his head like a chicken pecking a wood:

"Get it, get it, someone has been arranged to unload the garage."

Fang Chenyi nodded with satisfaction, patted Principal Wang on the shoulder and said:

"Well, it's not bad, and the child can be taught, okay, it's been a hard afternoon, so hurry up and wash your hands and eat!"

"Eh, eh, so good."

Seeing Principal Wang trot to the bathroom, Fang's mother glared at her son suddenly:

"You child, Xiao Cong is such a good child, let you bully."


Fang Chenyi was speechless for a while, when did he bully him..

Although I was depressed in my heart, I couldn't say it on my mouth, and I made a haha ​​and raised a bowl of baldness, which was half a bowl of porridge.He blinked his mouth, raised his head and the remaining half of the bowl was also down.

Seeing this, the mother-in-law quickly said distressedly:

"Oh, it's so hot, this kid, why are you in a hurry, eat slowly, some are. Menghan go and serve Chen Yizai a bowl."

The mother on the side smiled and grabbed Bo Menghan, and then stared at Fang Chenyi:

"I don't have a long hand, so let's call us Menghan!"

Uh~ This is really a daughter-in-law and forget his son..

He wiped his mouth, but smiled indifferently on his face, picked up the bowl and took another bowl, sat down and ate it deliciously:

"Auntie, your porridge is delicious, hehe, but why are you still cooking for yourself? How hard? We have a team of royal chefs who pay them every year. They are on standby 24 hours a day. Yes, as long as you have a need, there is a communicator at the door, just call them. There are delicacies of the mountains and the sea, they are equipped for a long time."


Before I finished speaking, I felt a pain in my head again, and raised my head with a gloomy look to look at my mother who was coaxing upright, not knowing how I provoke my mother.

"Huh, you are so embarrassed to say that you can use five cooks to make a meal? There are only a few cooks in a restaurant? I think you are rich, don’t know how to spend it, right! I will dream of Mum Han has moved here, and we have discussed it. When you turn back, you should fire those cooks. Mum Menghan and I are cooking and we will eat together."

Upon hearing what his mother said, Fang Chenyi understood what was going on. It turned out that his mother felt sorry for the money.

But to be honest, Fang Chenyi didn't want to use so many chefs, but these were all given to him by the system for nothing, so you don't have to do it for nothing. Even if he fired all of Char and the others now, the money would not be returned.

He smiled helplessly:

"It's not that I don't dismiss, it's mainly that I have given them all the money for ten years, and there is a contract, even if it is not used, they will not refund us."

My mother also wanted to teach Fang Chenyi a few words. At this time, President Wang, who had finished washing, had already ran over. Seeing this, Fang Chenyi immediately suffocated the porridge in the bowl, wiped his mouth, stood up and spoke with a grin. After speaking, he went out to see what Xiao Cong had brought, then turned around and ran away.

Upon seeing this, Fang's mother had to sigh helplessly, and said something prodigal.

Except for the villa, this shook his head with a wry smile, and then patted the leather bag under his arm. Fang Chenyi, who was full of food and drink, took a small square step that his relatives did not recognize and walked towards the broken garage.

As he walked, he wondered what kind of good things Principal Wang would bring to himself.

When I came to the garage, I did not open the door, but directly opened the door of the villa, and came to the small door in the garage through the multimedia cinema court on the basement floor.

Through a large glass wall made of toughened glass, Fang Chenyi could clearly see the cardboard boxes piled up inside.

Seeing this situation, Fang Chenyi couldn't help but stunned, "Fuck, what's the situation? Didn't it mean it is going to be broken? Is this something that I brought for myself?"

Muttering like this, he reluctantly opened the door to the garage and walked in.

As soon as he stretched out his hand and opened the big box in front of him, he saw that there was a big box of worn-out mobile phones inside.

I opened several boxes on the side, the same ones were filled with worn-out mobile phones.

Seeing this, Fang Chenyi couldn't help but smiled: "Hey, this kid is reliable! This is a good thing. But this guy won't trade it with scissors and kitchen knives. Haha"

In the countryside of Fang Chenyi's house, there are often people who drive in the countryside to use stainless steel basins or kitchen knives and scissors to replace old mobile phones. There are rumors that they are taken back to refine gold, and they don't know whether it is true or not.

I shook my head and stopped thinking about these or not, and reached out and took out the woven bag.

These mobile phones are all packed in boxes, so it is convenient for Fang Chenyi to collect them.

After shaking the woven bag open, he picked up a large cardboard box, slapped it, pointed it at the opening of the woven bag, and poured the box of old mobile phones into it.

At the same time, a series of system prompts in my mind began to ring quickly:

[The owner finds a dilapidated Huawei mobile phone, the system rewards 8,000 yuan, and the reward has been transferred to the owner's bank card account. Please check it carefully.


[To be continued....

ps: third today!Add one more chapter at the request of the family!

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