Seeing Fang Chenyi's unlovable distressed expression, not only the fans in the live broadcast room, but also Principal Wang and the others were amused.

The live broadcast room is full of'hahaha'

Reluctantly shook his head. Knowing this was the consequence, I would not make this live broadcast.But since it is broken, it is broken. Now that I am a major shareholder of Apple, I can't go back and let me give myself a mobile phone with 500g running memory.

"Hey, Brother Fang, let's use my mobile phone to broadcast live."

Bufan on the side handed his cell phone over with a smile.And President Wang smiled and said:

"No need for Bufan, you can find it in my bag. I should be carrying a spare phone. The thirty-six specially customized game phones that are shipped and stored should not crash."

Bufan agreed and ran to find Principal Wang’s bag. Here, Fang Chenyi reluctantly took back the phone he had used for several years, and took the card pin to remove the phone card.

After Bufan took the new mobile phone, Fang Chenyi put his mobile phone card in it.

After booting up, there is no need to download it, and the live broadcast of Bamboo is automatically included. I don't know if it is because this phone is specially customized by Principal Wang.

Open Zhuzi Live, log in to the account and password, but after clicking the login button, the whole phone suddenly appears stuck again.

In this scene, President Wang's mouth twitched:

"Damn, my storage is 36g, it's stuck like this? How much data traffic is this!"

However, this 36g mobile phone with running memory is indeed not comparable to Fang Chenyi's previous smoking mobile phone. After a half-minute pause, this mobile phone was miraculously logged in.

Principal Wang clicked on the avatar curiously, and suddenly the number of fans under the avatar dropped him a lot!

"Fuck me, 5.716 million fans? No wonder this phone is stuck like that. The account has nearly 6 million fans, which is too awesome!"

Click on the live broadcast function, the next moment, 100,000+ in the live broadcast room instantly.

Principal Wang clicked on a laptop in front of him and checked the current number of people online. Good guys, 1.316 million people watched online!Looking at his room again, there were 233,000 people.

This is to get everyone who is online on the entire platform now!

Seeing the number of fans of nearly 6 million, Fang Chenyi was also very surprised. When he watched other people’s live broadcasts before, he could have an anchor with 200,000 fans, and he was already considered an Internet celebrity. He didn’t expect that he started the live broadcast for the first time Just start with 6 million fans!

He shook his head helplessly, looking at the husband who was full of screens in his live broadcast room, Fang Chenyi was speechless~

If this is to change to the previous self and to have so many fans, then he will definitely wake up in the middle of the night.

But now, there is no such feeling of excitement, after all, for myself, picking up tatters is a serious matter.

Thinking of not picking up rags in the back district for several days, Fang Chenyi was a little anxious, so he should end the live broadcast as soon as possible, or hurry up to make money!

He smiled and smiled slightly at the camera of his new mobile phone, and immediately spoke directly:

"Hello, today is the first live broadcast of my life, thank you for paying attention to me."

After a pause, Fang Chenyi spoke in embarrassment:

"I'll make a point here. I already have a girlfriend, so I ask you not to call my husband like this in the future. If my girlfriend sees it, I will be jealous."

As soon as I finished saying this, the live broadcast room was suddenly fried.

It's just that the way of frying pan is a little different from what Fang Chenyi had imagined. Originally, Fang Chenyi thought he would lose countless followers when he finished saying this.

But the reality is that after Fang Chenyi finished saying this, the word'husband' was swiped in the live broadcast room instantly.

Looking at the densely packed husbands on the screen, Fang Chenyi finally knows what it means to watch the excitement~

Fang Chenyi, who encountered this situation for the first time, turned his head and looked at Principal Wang, only to see that this guy was lowering his head and holding another mobile phone. When he fixed his eyes, he saw that this guy was in his live broadcast room, crazy. The word "husband" is attached.

Raising his hand subconsciously, going up with no anger is a thud.

Principal Wang who was hitting immediately gave an ah, and then looked at Fang Chenyi with a grieving expression, and said aggrievedly:

"Oh, brother Fang, what are you doing hitting me~ I didn't provoke you~"

He gave Principal Wang a fierce look, then ignored the guy, turned his head and continued to look at his phone screen.

Just looking at the screen again, the full-screen husband disappeared in an instant, replaced by a full-screen "fuck".

Just now, Fang Chenyi's horror to Principal Wang didn't explain why it was wrong, but in the eyes of fans in the live broadcast room, it was completely different.

After lying down, what is this sacred Fang Chenyi? After giving President Wang a thunder, President Wang even licked his face and smiled!

My mother, I'm terrified of thinking!

After deeply understanding the fans' non-playing cards, Fang Chenyi was not talking nonsense at all. He cleared the fan and pressed his hand, and then spoke to the fans in the live broadcast room:

"Ahem, okay, everyone, I promised to sing for you yesterday. I will fulfill my promise today. But I declare in advance that I am a person with a lack of tone, so I suggest you close the doors and windows before listening. The wolf was recruited in a while, don't blame me, ha ha, okay, I won't say more nonsense, it is up to you to decide whether you order a song or I sing at will."

As the voice fell, the barrage in the live broadcast room really changed its direction.

Yisheng Yishi, eldest wife: "Wow! Does my husband really want to sing? Wait for a minute, I'm going to turn on the recording!"

Miss Guazi: "Huh? The name upstairs is very good! I want to change it too!"

Yisheng Yishi, Xiaoxuanxuan: "My husband, I want to listen to you!"

Yisheng Yishi and Chen Yi's wife: "My husband, I want to listen to two fluttering moths!"

Yisheng Yishi and Ai Chenyi’s Xiao Mengmeng: "My husband, I want to listen to Jiangnan style!"


Looking at all kinds of weird songs on the barrage, Fang Chenyi summed it up, that is, none of them are listened to by normal people~

He shook his head helplessly, and then said: "Seeing you are so active, let's take a screenshot of the first song Jie!"

With that said, he turned to look at President Wang:

"Xiao Cong, you can take a screenshot."

Principal Wang was taken aback when he heard it, and then a smirk appeared on his face.

[To be continued....

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