After throwing away all the equipment on his body, Fang Chenyi glanced at the poison circle that was about to reach him, and had no choice but to give up the great cause of continuing to pick up and make money.

At this time, the sound of a car engine rang in the phone.

"Brother Fang, get in the car."

As the extraordinary voice sounded, a three-bungee child stopped in front of Fang Chenyi.

With the car, he quickly entered the circle, but before meeting with his teammates, Fang Chenyi asked Bufan to put it down in a room and asked Bufan to leave first.

Uncommonly confused, he didn't dare to ask Fang Chenyi what it meant. He wanted to stay but was also driven away by Fang Chenyi.

In desperation, Bufan had to leave.

After Bufan left, Fang Chenyi ran towards the house in front of him excitedly.

'Wow haha, my lovely RMB!Brother is coming to you!'


"Fuck, who is so dark!"

Before he ran a few steps, he heard a bang, and Fang Chenyi's blood volume immediately bottomed out without wearing any equipment.

A walking position hurriedly ran behind a big tree in front of him. In the process, the pounding gunfire never stopped.

Fortunately, Fang Chenyi's position was good enough, and he was not hit by the opponent after running to the distance behind the big tree.

Squatting behind the big tree, Fang Chenyi found out sadly that he just threw away the first aid kit and drink pain medicine just to pretend to be forced...

Damn it!I would not pretend if I knew it.

But it was too late to say anything. According to the gunshots, it was obvious that the other party was in the opposite room.

And looking at the bullets hitting the bark one by one, it was obvious that the other party had this high-power lens.

In Principal Wang's live broadcast room, he burst into laughter when he saw this scene. One by one, 666 filled the screen, and they were teasing Fang Chenyi for pretending to be struck by lightning. This is the price of pretending!

"Brother Fang, what's the situation on your side? Why is there such a little blood left? Wait a moment, we will come over to help!"

Bufan, who had just drove out not far away, suddenly saw that Fang Chenyi's health bar was only a little bit left, and immediately wanted to come to rescue.

However, Fang Chenyi said no, and immediately holding the desert eagle in his hand, he saw the bullet hit the left side of the big tree, and dashed directly out of the right side of the big tree. He lifted the sand eagle in his hand and it was triggered. trigger.


After two consecutive shots sounded, the gunfire in the room stopped immediately.

The power of the Desert Eagle is very impressive. Only two bullets hit the opponent's head, smashing the opponent's shiny Level 3 helmet.

The opponent suddenly retracted in shock to increase blood.

The opportunity could not be missed and would not come again. Taking advantage of this gap, Fang Chenyi got up, rushed towards the room quickly, turned the window and jumped into the room, just to see that the other party was drinking painkillers.

The corners of his mouth were slightly turned up, just a few bangs, and the opponent immediately fell on the ground.

Fang Chenyi breathed a long sigh of relief, good fellow, almost capsized in the gutter.

After murmured a word in his heart, he raised his pistol and prepared to solve the opponent, but at this moment, a very anxious and immature child's voice suddenly came from the public channel:

"Big brother don't kill me! Don't kill me! I give you things, I give you all! Don't kill me! I'm still a schoolboy! Big brother don't kill me! Give you guns, give you equipment, and give you drinks!"

Hearing this voice, he watched the other party throwing things out one by one while crawling backwards. Fang Chenyi couldn't help but froze. What's the situation?This is the first time I have encountered such a situation since playing the game.

Oh, good guy, an M24 sniper rifle equipped with a 6x mirror, an M4 assault rifle equipped with a 2x mirror, a Desert Eagle pistol, and all kinds of things.

Only a moment later, the ground was piled up with enough things to fill a third-level bag.

Seeing this, Fang Chenyi was a little embarrassed to start.He shook his head, and finally put down the pistol, picked up a first aid kit on the ground and planned to add the blood to the room and leave.

Just picking up the first aid kit, a reminder sounded in my mind.

[The owner found a first aid kit, the system rewards 8,500 yuan, the reward has been transferred to the owner's bank card account, please check it carefully.

"Fuck, don't wait to play like this!"

Looking at a large number of first aid kits and five or six bottles of painkillers on the ground, and another glance at his remaining blood volume of about 20%, Fang Chenyi was speechless for a while, this Nima herself can't even use this place. s things…

And the primary school student on the ground saw that the other party did not shoot at him, and suddenly said thank you elder brother for not killing himself, Fang Chenyi helplessly opened the whole wheat and said:

"Okay, okay, I won't kill you, you can leave now!"

After the other party crawled out of the room, Fang Chenyi quickly cleaned up the things in the room while smiling bitterly.Soon the bank card received almost three to five million yuan.


At this time, the sound of a car's engine also rang, followed by a loud gunshot.

Then, all of Maili suddenly heard the cry of the pupil:

"Ahhhhhhh**, who shot Lao Tzu to death! Lao Tzu cursed you for giving birth to your son, Mimi!!"


Only a moment later, the ground was piled up with enough things to fill a third-level bag.Seeing this, Fang Chenyi was a little embarrassed to start.He shook his head, and finally put down the pistol, picked up a first aid kit on the ground and planned to add the blood to the room and leave.

Just picking up the first aid kit, a reminder sounded in my mind.

[The owner found a first aid kit, the system rewards 8,500 yuan, the reward has been transferred to the owner's bank card account, please check it carefully.

"Fuck, don't wait to play like this!"

Looking at a large number of first aid kits and five or six bottles of painkillers on the ground, and another glance at his remaining blood volume of about 20%, Fang Chenyi was speechless for a while, this Nima herself can't even use this place. s things…

And the primary school student on the ground saw that the other party did not shoot at him, and suddenly said thank you elder brother for not killing himself, Fang Chenyi helplessly opened the whole wheat and said:

"Okay, okay, I won't kill you, you can leave now!"

After the other party crawled out of the room, Fang Chenyi quickly cleaned up the things in the room while smiling bitterly.Soon the bank card received almost three to five million yuan.


At this time, the sound of a car's engine also rang, followed by a loud gunshot.

Then, all of Maili suddenly heard the cry of the pupil:

"Ahhhhhhh**, who shot Lao Tzu to death! Lao Tzu cursed you for giving birth to your son, Mimi!!"

[To be continued....

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