He sighed helplessly and put away the phone in his hand: "Okay, let's stop here today, and practice tomorrow!"

It was eleven o'clock in the evening when he got up and left the villa and returned to his villa.

Looking at the empty living room, Fang Chenyi felt speechless for a while, hey, how lonely at night alone!

He sighed and shook his head. After washing, he turned and walked towards his bedroom.

Only when he opened the door of the bedroom, he was taken aback suddenly, followed by a burst of ecstasy.I saw that there was a person sleeping on the big bed at this time, not someone else, but his baby daughter-in-law Bo Menghan!

Seeing that he was already asleep, Fang Chenyi shook his head and forced down the restless restlessness, gently came to the bed and drilled on it!


After falling asleep until dawn, he opened his eyes in a daze, looking at the person in his arms, Fang Chenyi couldn't help but sighed,'Holding your wife is more comfortable than holding a quilt.'

Looking at the time on the wall, it was already past five o'clock in the morning, and Fang Chenyi could no longer suppress the trace of restlessness.

Nearly three hours later, it was already eight o'clock in the morning.Bo Menghan barely supported him and dropped to the ground, looking at Fang Chenyi with a grimace:

"I still have class to attend this morning, how can you let me go!"

Fang Chenyi smirked a little embarrassingly: "Why don't you just miss class? Then let's discuss and exchange?"

Fang Chenyi gave an irritable look: "Fuck you, the puppy will communicate with you! Get up!"

As soon as he said this, Fang Chenyi burst into laughter: "Hahaha, yes, yes, the puppy communicated with me!"

When Fang Chenyi said this, Bo Menghan immediately reacted. He just made a slip of the tongue, and he was calling himself a puppy!

Angrily stomped her feet, turned around, put on her clothes and pouted her mouth, and left the bedroom. Bo Menghan is a good student, so how could she skip class.

Seeing Bo Menghan's somewhat inconvenient legs and feet, Fang Chenyi couldn't worry about driving alone, so he quickly got up and chased him.

Ten minutes later, Bo Menghan got into the pink Lamborghini, Fang Chenyi was driving, while Bo Menghan was blushing and eating fritters, and his mind was still reverberating. He just left the villa and took the two copies from his mother. I pulled myself aside and whispered when I was making deep-fried dough sticks and soy milk, "Although young is good, you must be more restrained."'

The more I thought about it, the more I blushed, the more I thought about it, the more shy I was. After taking a bite of the fried dough stick in my hand, I saw Fang Chenyi humming a song with a smile.

Is this okay?Bo Menghan immediately stopped being angry, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, he stuffed the remaining half of the fried dough sticks into Fang Chenyi's mouth.

While plugging it, he pouted and waved his small fist fiercely:

"Huh! Let you gloat! Let you sing! How about, it's not uncomfortable to be filled with your mouth!"

In the early morning, Fang Chenyi reached the peak of his life, and Fang Chenyi was naturally happy. As for what Bo Mu and Bo Menghan said, Fang Chenyi did not hear at all. This would be suddenly attacked by Bo Menghan, which immediately made Fang Chenyiyi. Frozen, while thinking about when Bo Menghan was so rude to feed a meal, he chewed half of the fritters in his mouth.

When he heard the vicious words in Bai Menghan's mouth, Fang Chenyi, who looked suspicious, said vaguely:

"Well, it's fragrant when stuffed and chewed! It's fragrant!"

He pulled out half of You Tiao again from the bag in his hand, and then inserted it into Fang Chenyi's mouth, and then suddenly showed a smirk:

"Hey, is it incense? It's full of chewing incense, right? That's okay, then next time I'll chew well when my mouth is full! See if it's incense!"

I didn't react at first, but the more I chewed, the more I felt something was wrong. Suddenly, I realized the meaning of Bo Menghan's words. There was a chill in his back, and the driving body shuddered.

In the eyes of Bo Menghan this time, there was a little more fear, and there was a chill underneath.

He subconsciously lowered the temperature of the air conditioner in the car, and there was a jealous expression on his face.

Seeing Fang Chenyi's appearance, Bo Menghan felt comfortable now. After making a face at Fang Chenyi, he simply stopped looking at Fang Chenyi.

Seeing this situation, Fang Chenyi let out a long sigh. It seems that this time Bo Menghan can no longer ask Bo Menghan to eat Dinghai Shenzhen.

The car drove all the way to Yanda University. After watching Bo Menghan enter the classroom, Fang Chenyi shook his head with a wry smile, kicked the accelerator, and the pink Lamborghini drove towards the school gate.

As the car drove out of the campus, Fang Chenyi was fortunate not to return to the villa. Instead, he wandered around casually, looking for garbage collection points on the side of the road.

Passing by People’s Square again, Fang Chenyi suddenly thought of the place where Ergouzi was picked up last time. There is a large area of ​​trash cans. The main reason is that there is a lot of people here, so there are many types of tattered ones. It's just domestic garbage.

But here is different, there are many more types of garbage than the community.

After all, Fang Chenyi's current waste collection is for special rewards. There are many types of garbage, which means that when special rewards are triggered, there are more types of special rewards.

For example, there are many kinds of promotional flyers in the trash can here. If the system special rewards are launched at this time, it is very likely that the shares of the corresponding company will be rewarded.

And if you are picking up rags in the community, when the special rewards of the system are triggered, it is very likely that what you have is just a waste paper box or a bottle of mineral water~

Now that he thought of this, Fang Chenyi hit the steering wheel in his hand, and the car drove directly toward the corner of People's Square where a dozen trash cans were stacked.

Fang Chenyi stopped at the trash can with a scream, and Fang Chenyi's eyes began to shine as he looked at the pile of tatters on the ground.

It seems that it is really time for me to come here, not only are a dozen trash cans full, but there are even a small pile on the ground!

Pushing the car door, while walking towards the trash can, he quickly took out the woven bag in his hand from the purse.

'Hey, my dear little tattered, I'm here!'

The trash clip in his hand quickly came out, and the next moment, a system prompt appeared in his mind!

[The owner found a teddy bear, the system rewards 600 yuan, the reward has been transferred to the owner's bank card account, please check it carefully.

[The owner finds a used safety device, the system rewards 500 yuan, and the reward has been transferred to the owner's bank card account. Please check it carefully.

[The owner finds a box of used aunt’s towels, the system rewards 900 yuan, and the reward has been remitted to the owner’s bank card account, please check it carefully.

[The owner found a box of dilapidated and expired Yuting, which inspires special rewards for the system...

[To be continued....

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