Let's talk about Fang Chenyi's side, Lamborghini hurried all the way, for fear that even a woman would catch up from behind.

The car was driving. Seeing that it was at the gate of my home after turning a traffic light in front of him, the co-pilot of the car suddenly heard a ringing of cellphone.

When the bell rang, Fang Chenyi was taken aback.

This phone ringtone is not yours, nor is it Bo Menghan's?

Looking suspiciously at the position of the co-pilot, he saw that his woven bag was lying there upright, and the bell came from under the woven bag.

Seeing that there were no vehicles around, he held the steering wheel with one hand and removed the woven bag with the other. The next moment, an lv leather bag appeared in front of him.

"Fuck! Why did you get her bag back!"

When his eyes were clear, Fang Chenyi was suddenly startled, and he also shouted in his mouth.

It turned out that I just ran away quickly, but I didn't pay attention to it for a while, and took back which woman gave me the purse.

Listening to the ringtone of the cell phone in his purse, Fang Chenyi hesitated and did not open other people's bag at will. This call should be from the other party. Isn't this embarrassing?

Reluctantly shook his head, with a hit of the steering wheel in his hand, the pink Lamborghiniton quickly turned a corner and returned to its original path.

Fang Chenyi was thinking very well. He locked the door and handed it out through the window without getting out of the car.

Coincidentally, there was a traffic jam on the way back. The three-minute journey took nearly fifteen minutes.

When I returned to the place, the two women were no longer visible.

Sigh helplessly, what the fuck is this!

At this time, the cell phone bell in the purse rang again.After thinking about it, I can't find the other party now, so let the other party come and pick it up after answering the phone.

He shook his head, hesitantly took the purse and opened the zipper carefully.

Originally, Fang Chenyi thought that the phone must be on the top of the bag, and he could take it out as long as he opened the bag, but after opening it, he didn't see the phone at all.

No matter how unwilling to look through other people's things, I had to bite the bullet and look for the phone.

He shook his head, looked into the bag, and planned to take out the things he bought.

After seeing the larger item in the bag, Fang Chenyi shook his head. As far as his eyes were, it was a big pink diamond, at least half an egg.

This thing is relatively big, you have to take it out before you can find the mobile phone you bought in it, but after a little puzzled stretched out his hand, he was taken aback.

How can this thing look so familiar?

Upon closer inspection, the large pink diamond is set short on the top, while the other end looks like a metallic color of stainless steel.The whole is about fifteen centimeters, and the outer gate looks like a large awl with a pointed head and an egg-sized belly.

Seeing this, Fang Chenyi suddenly threw it back into the purse with his fingers like an electric shock, and hurriedly pulled out a wet wipe to intervene while violently speaking:

"Fuck it, I said, why do I look so familiar? The teaching equipment that Ms. Bodo often uses when he is in class! It's too much of a thing, this thing is carried with you, eh~"

Thinking of the purpose of this thing, Fang Chenyi couldn't help but feel a chill. He only changed three wet wipes to wipe his hands.

Looking at the phone that was still ringing and the teaching equipment that was half outside and half in the bag, Fang Chenyi didn't touch the other party's bag anymore. When she was tricked into picking up the rags last time, she seemed to know that she lived in Where, no, go directly to the community and ask the security of the community to send her back.

Thinking of this, Fang Chenyi didn't care about the phone that was still ringing.He took a paper towel and carefully pushed the teaching equipment back into the bag, and then quickly pulled the zipper back.

After doing all this, Fang Chenyi breathed a long sigh of relief, and then turned around to start the car and leave.

But when he looked forward, there was a chuckle in his heart, and he saw that a dozen meters away, Bo Menghan had stepped out of a taxi and was walking towards him happily.

After a quick glance at Bai Menghan, who was about to be in front of him, he glanced at the leather bag that was still ringing on his cell phone, and Fang Chenyi suddenly grew his head. This is unclear!

"Damn, what can I do!"

At the moment of his death, Fang Chenyi suddenly saw the woven bag next to him from the corner of his eyes. He gritted his teeth and couldn't care about so much. As soon as he reached out and picked up the leather bag, he threw it into the woven bag.

[The owner found an old leather bag, the system rewarded 600 yuan, the reward has been transferred to the owner's bank card account, please pay attention to check.

[The owner finds an old Apple mobile phone, the system rewards 3,500 yuan, and the reward has been transferred to the owner’s bank card account, please note

[The owner finds a box of safe balloons, the system rewards 500 yuan, and the reward has been transferred to the owner's bank card account, please check it carefully.

[The owner found a used small stopper, the system rewards 1500 yuan, and the reward has been transferred to the owner's bank card account, please check it carefully.

[The owner found a used small whip, the system rewards 300 yuan, the reward has been transferred to the owner's bank card account, please check it carefully.

[The owner found a used bouncing ball, the system rewards 900 yuan, the reward has been transferred to the owner's bank card account, please pay attention to check it.

[The owner picks up a bottle of Viagra to inspire a special reward for the system, and the reward will be added as a two-hour skill. The skill is automatically learned. Please experience it by yourself]


The system prompt in his mind continued, but Fang Chenyi didn't pay attention at this time, because Bo Menghan had already arrived outside the car door.

Gently pulling the car door, seeing Fang Chenyi packing his precious woven bag, Bo Menghan was speechless for a while, and then said with a smile:

"Chairman Fang Da, are you doing your major project of integrating and reusing social resources again?"

Hearing this, Fang Chenyi smiled and asked why Bo Menghan didn't attend class, but a drop of cold sweat slipped quietly on his forehead. Fortunately, his hands were fast enough, otherwise this misunderstanding would not be so kind.

"Hey, the professor who was in class today fell temporarily and was taken away by the hospital. We have no class. I think you must have just arrived home and you took a taxi back. I didn’t expect that I just walked here and heard the driver’s sister sigh over there. This Lamborghini is so beautiful. I saw it and realized that it was you."

Hearing what Bo Menghan said, Fang Chenyi suddenly realized that this was the case.

[To be continued....

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