Early the next morning, Fang Chenyi, who had been tossing most of the night, got up from bed vigorously.

Looking at Bo Menghan, who was still asleep, with a tired face, a touch of compassion and love could not help showing on his face.

The temperature in the room was raised slightly, and then he turned around and left the room.

I called Principal Wang, and then rode the battery cart to Villa No. 6.

Not long after, Principal Wang also rushed over.

"Brother Fang, when shall we leave?"

Fang Chenyi waved his hand: "Now."

After speaking, he took the lead to walk towards the red flag H9 at the door.

Upon seeing this, President Wang hurried to trot to follow.

As for the rest of the principal's team, they will take a car back to their headquarters on their own.

Half an hour later, H9 steadily stopped on the apron of Beidaihe Airport.

Pushing the door and getting out of the car, Principal Wang looked at the big plane in front of him with envy:

"Tsk tusk, Brother Fang, you are so proud. When I get rich, I will definitely get my own private jet too!"

Angrily cast a glance at Principal Wang, and said that you have been heard by someone, and you have to spray the salt soda on your face. When you have money, you will lose your words.

After Fang Chenyi and Principal Wang got out of the car, Qi Xiaotian in the driving seat also walked down.

At this time, the door of the plane was also opened inside, and at the same time, Char and several people stretched their heads at the door of the plane, and immediately put down the ladder.

Seeing this scene, Principal Wang couldn't help but stunned, looking at Fang Chenyi in a daze and asking:

"Damn, Brother Fang, you have to bring your own chef when you go abroad? You are such a tyrant! I served it, I really served it!"

"Tell you a big head, Char and the others are responsible for flying the plane for us!"

"What?? Flying the plane? Brother Fang, you didn't joking with me, you actually let your cook come to fly the plane!! Brother Fang, your joke is really not funny at all!"

He didn't pay attention to this guy, but turned and walked towards the plane.

Followed the ladder that Char put down on the plane, and asked Char:

"What time are our routes?"

Char replied: "Oh, boss, you can take off at any time, as long as you report to the tower five minutes in advance."

As the boss of China Southern Airlines, this privilege is not a problem. The big deal is that Fang Chenyi can use the departure time of China Southern Airlines.

Seeing Fang Chenyi boarding the plane, Qi Xiaotian followed closely behind him. Principal Wang opened his mouth and finally followed helplessly.

As he went up, the guy murmured in his heart: "It must be teasing me. There must be a team of people inside."

However, after coming up, except for the few people in Char, there were no other people on the plane.

Hearing Fang Chenyi's dialogue with Char again, it seemed that he could only believe what Fang Chenyi said just now.

It just seemed to be to make Principal Wang more exciting, what Fang Chenyi said next made him completely dumbfounded.

Seeing Fang Chenyi speaking to Char who was closing the cabin door:

"Your old boy is too frizzy to fly, so I'll drive this time."

Speaking of this, he turned his head to look at Qi Xiaotian beside him, and asked:

"Xiaotian, do you have a pilot license?"

Qi Xiaotian shook his head when he heard the words, scratching his head a little embarrassedly, and said:

"I don't have a pilot license for this kind of airplane, my pilot license is for a helicopter~"

He nodded to indicate that he knew it, and then spoke to Char again: "Then you will be the co-pilot for me. Alright, let me know the tower. We will take off in five minutes."

After speaking, before President Wang came back to his senses, he had already strode towards the cab.

Seeing Fang Chenyi actually walked towards the cab, Principal Wang finally recovered, and quickly ran to catch up with Fang Chenyi, with a smile on his face that was more ugly than crying:

"Brother Fang, are you kidding me~"

Fang Chenyi turned to look at Principal Wang with some doubts as he walked towards the cab:

"Huh? What a joke?"

Seeing Fang Chenyi pretending to be confused, Principal Wang simply said with a bitter expression on his face:

"Brother Fang, let's stop joking, okay, buddy, I don't have a queen yet, so let's let professional people fly the plane, OK!"

Upon hearing this, Fang Chenyi knew what Headmaster Wang was talking about. He thrilled his head when he was angry, and then he said in a angry voice:

"You don’t look down on your Fang’s strength! I tell you, it’s an honor for you to be able to get on the plane I am driving. Okay, grandpa, grandparents, and no outsiders are allowed in the cab. , Quickly find a place to sit down, and we will take off in five minutes."

After speaking, he stopped paying attention to the guy, went directly into the cockpit and closed the cockpit door with a slam.

Only left Principal Wang standing there with a frightened expression looking at the closed hatch in front of him, his mouth opened but he didn't say anything.

Now President Wang has only one thought in his mind, and that is to get off the plane immediately, and then buy a ticket to Tokyo and fly there by civil aviation.

Even if it is slower, even if there is no first class!At least you can guarantee your own safety!

It was just that Fang Chenyi did not give this guy this opportunity. Before boarding the plane, the aircraft engine was already warmed up. After entering the cockpit, Fang Chenyi directly sat in the main driving position and buckled the seat belt.

Over there, Char has used radio to communicate with the tower. Since there were no planes taking off or landing within half an hour, the runways were all vacant and could take off at any time.

Because he also brought a headset, Fang Chenyi also heard the tower's instructions without having to speak.

Turning his head and making an OK gesture to Char, Fang Chenyi directly controlled the plane and started running towards the road after seeing that the other party also responded with an OK gesture.

Outside the cockpit, feeling the plane moving under his feet, Principal Wang was suddenly shocked. He just wanted to step forward and open the door to ask Fang Chenyi to let him go down, but Smith's voice came from beside him:

"Oh, Big Stomach King, the plane is about to take off, you are ready now and sit down quickly, otherwise based on my many years of cooking experience, you will fall down later."

This sentence, which Smith thought was a super funny joke, was in the ears of Principal Wang, but it made the situation worse.

Many years of cooking experience~ You use your cooking experience to fly a plane!I fucked!

In the cockpit, while controlling the plane to slowly slide towards the runway, Fang Chenyi spoke to Char through his headset:

"Lao Cha, this is a civilian aircraft, not a fighter jet. The way you took off last time was terrible, you know? When you are the leader in the future, remember, you must be steady!"

[To be continued. . . .

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