I found a small shop closest to the garbage point and went in for a cup of coffee. At the same time, I wanted to observe the situation here.

After the coffee was drunk, the observation was almost done. After I ordered the waiter to buy the order, the waiter respectfully handed over a receipt for consumption.

Fang Chenyi reached out and took it and threw it into the purse. For convenience, Fang Chenyi always folded the woven bag into the size of a purse, and then opened the woven bag to the outside. In this way, just unzip the zipper, After the things are thrown into the leather bag, the system can directly recycle them.

[The owner has picked up a consumption receipt, the system will reward 50 yuan, the reward has been transferred to the owner's bank card account, please pay attention to check.

Although fifty yuan is simply not worth mentioning to Fang Chenyi now, Fang Chenyi will not be dismissed because of lack. After all, hard work and thrift are China's traditional virtues.

Just about to get up, his eyes suddenly noticed the disposable coffee cup that he had just used on the table, thinking that it should not be wasted, so he stretched out his hand and took it and stuffed it into his handbag.

[The owner found a used plastic coffee cup, the system rewarded 100 yuan, the reward has been transferred to the owner's bank card account, please pay attention to check.

When the waiter saw this scene, he was stunned. Is this Huaxia people so poor?Should I take a disposable coffee cup back and use it?

Of course, he just muttered this in his heart, but he didn't say it, instead he looked respectful.

He stood up and smiled at the clerk, nodded and got up and left.

When Na Chengxiang just stood up and didn't take two steps, there was a sneer from the two middle-aged people at the next table behind him:

"Huh, it's really shameful, drink a coffee and take away even the broken plastic cup. It's really a soil bun."

Although the voice was not loud, Fang Chenyi heard it truly.

After arriving in Tokyo, the locals who came into contact with them all had a respectful face and only promised. I didn't expect two thorns to come out.

But listen carefully, although the Japanese spoken by the other party is fairly standard, there is always a strange taste.

"You are not plaster people?"

Being ridiculed for no reason, Fang Chenyi naturally would not just pretend to be inaudible, especially now that he is not representing himself alone, but the entire Huaxia people.

Stopped, turned and looked at the two shiny middle-aged men in suits, leather shoes, and hair, and said with some confusion.

The two didn't expect that the other party would stop and look for themselves. Didn't they all say that Huaxia people are weak and fearful?Shouldn't it be pretending not to hear and leave now?

But even if they didn't leave, the two of them didn't put Fang Chenyi in casual clothes in their eyes, but raised their heads somewhat proudly:

"Hehe, Huaxia people, your ears are still very easy to use, yes, we are from Bangzi Chinese, and this one next to me is the CEO of our Dabangzi Animation Entertainment Company!"

Fang Chenyi gave a loud voice and nodded. It turned out that the other party was a small stick.It's just that Fang Chenyi hadn't heard of the big stick animation entertainment company that the other party was talking about. However, when the word animation is mentioned, it is obvious that the other party is also likely to participate in the international comics exhibition.

Seeing that Fang Chenyi was not shocked by the name of his company, the middle-aged man who was speaking suddenly raised his voice a little and said:

"Why, don’t you know about our Dabangzi Animation Entertainment Company? Haven’t you seen our "Unlucky Bear" and "Hilarious Bugs"? Those who are deeply loved by your Huaxia people and are regarded as god animations. Our company’s work! How about it, now you know how powerful our company is?"

Let alone, after the other party's reminder, Fang Chenyi really thought of the two cartoons.The hapless bear was seen when he was a child, and this hilarious bug seems to be the most popular funny nonsensical cartoon in the past two years.

This time, I finally saw Fang Chenyi’s face with a dazed expression on his face, and the two middle-aged people suddenly felt refreshed. Let me just say, the animation of our big stick country in China is like a drama, as one. How could Huaxia people have not seen it?

Fang Chenyi stared at the two with a smile for a while, suddenly the corners of his mouth curled upwards, and said to them:

"You are really from Dabangzi Animation Entertainment Company? Is there any evidence to prove it? Or do you have a business card?"

When the two heard it, they thought that the other party did not believe what they said, so the general manager who had not spoken proudly took out a business card holder from his arms, and then took out a hot stamped business card from it and handed it to Fang Chenyi. After passing, he said proudly:

"Nuo, you saw it, kid, this is my business card, bronzed, one for one hundred Chinese coins."

There are two kinds of business cards on this household, one is ordinary, the other is this kind of bronzing, and the reason why I handed this bronzing to Fang Chenyi was entirely to pretend to be forced, and take a look at the envious Chinese kid in front of you. Look.

What made him very upset was that after the other party took his business card casually, he just glanced at it quickly and stuffed it into his purse.

This scene made the middle-aged person uncomfortable. If he knew it, he would have given him an ordinary business card.

It's just that he doesn't know. Just now, when Fang Chenyi looked at the two with a smile and thought, he actually called the system in his head.

Don't say it, this system never loses the chain at critical moments.

After calling for the system, the system that had never been bird's own before actually appeared.

The improper appearance also brought Fang Chenyi a message, that is, as long as Fang Chenyi signs anything underneath, it will stimulate the system's special rewards.

When it's hot, this time inspires special rewards, which is also in exchange.

[The owner picked up a senior business card from the general manager of Dabangzi Animation Entertainment Co., Ltd., which stimulated special rewards for the system and rewarded 91% of the shares of Dabangzi Animation Entertainment Company.The transfer agreement and the corresponding procedures have been put in the woven bag, please pick it up by the owner.

Listening to the special reward prompt that suddenly came in his mind, the arc of Fang Chenyi's mouth became a bit higher. This system is really considerate.

"How about boy, now you know who we are."

Fang Chenyi nodded when he heard the words, and said faintly:

"Well, I know about this big stick animation entertainment company, but you, the general manager, I didn't know before, but now, you are no longer the general manager of big stick animation entertainment."

[To be continued....

ps: Thanks for the reward of 588 book coins sent by the'waiting' brothers!

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