Fang Chenyi noticed this yesterday, but imported cars are rarely seen here, most of which are their domestic cars.

I have to say that they are still very good at this point.

At this time, the driver in front spoke:

"Hehe, it is true. This is also what their national conditions require. We all know that this is an island country and their resources are limited. This has led to Japanese cars taking energy conservation and environmental protection as the primary standard. So the streets here are basically Some hatchbacks or MPV models can save fuel and face tight parking spaces. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone!"

"And here, someone has done a survey, that is, foreign brands account for less than 4% of the market share. This is also because their country has corresponding policies, they do not allow too many foreign brands to enter, and in terms of performance, they The car is really good, which has caused such a situation."

"In fact, let's just say that the locals also want to own an imported car, but most cars are not as good as domestic cars in terms of performance, and those with high performance, they can't afford it."

The driver is very talkative, and at the same time he knows better about this side. A few words will explain the matter clearly.

After hearing this, Principal Qi Xiaotian and Fang Chenyi Wang nodded. It turned out to be like this.

Talking and laughing all the way, more than half an hour later, the car stopped at the door of the exhibition.

Looking at the staff who were busy coming in and out, Fang Chenyi checked the time. It was 8:50. It seemed that President Wang's planned time was quite punctual.

Take the lead and walk towards the door of the comics exhibition. Before entering, I saw a few girls in anime costumes at the door welcoming the crowd.

As Fang Chenyi and three of them walked in, the girls suddenly bowed, saying welcome.

President Wang took out three invitation letters from his bag and handed them over.

When I walked into the animation exhibition, I found that a lot of people had already arrived inside, wandering around the platforms one by one.

Most of these people are people from animation companies all over the world. Most of them come here to visit and learn. Of course, most of them come to participate in the exhibition.

"Brother Fang, how are you? There are many girls here."

He stretched out his hand and knocked on the head of Principal Wang, and said in an angry voice, "What more! Are we here to see women?"

Principal Wang rubbed his head with an aggrieved expression, and muttered in his mouth: "I don't see what beautiful women are doing here~"

Fang Chenyi's eyes stood up, Principal Wang immediately persuaded, he hehe smiled and said:

"Hey, we are gentlemen, what kind of beauties to see, we are here to participate in the exhibition, let's go, Brother Fang, I will show you our company's booth."

This is almost the same.

Although these beauties are indeed more eye-catching, Fang Chenyi didn't pay too much attention to it. For men, if you can't pull them out, it's not good. After all, he is now a person with a wife.

"Brother Fang, come with me. Our booth is inside. At 9:30, the opening ceremony will begin. This morning, the exhibition will not be open to the public. All the people inside are from animation companies. After the afternoon, it will be open to the public. ."

Following in the footsteps of Principal Wang, he walked all the way inside while listening to Principal Wang's introduction.

Finally, I found the booth of President Wang's animation company in the innermost corner.

Looking at this remote corner, Fang Chenyi was speechless for a while, this location is too remote, except for the five or six booths inside, this should be the most remote location...

For this, President Wang was also very helpless:

"Oh, there is no way. Our company is relatively small, and we don’t have a decent anime, so we can only fall into this position. But this is not bad. Look at the most inside, the mysterious technology. Isn’t it also the most famous animation company in China?

Looking along the fingers of Principal Wang, I saw a booth in an inconspicuous corner in the innermost corner, with three women and a man sitting inside, and on the banner above the booth, it reads "Xuanji Animation Technology". Development Co., Ltd'.

Seeing this, Fang Chenyi couldn't help but stunned. Hey, my own company also came to participate. This is nothing. I didn't expect this treatment to be the worst place in the entire exhibition.

This is a bit bullying.

I didn't pay attention to Principal Wang, but turned and walked directly towards the corner with a ugly expression.

As Fang Chenyi walked around, Principal Wang and Qi Xiaotian were both taken aback, and they couldn't help but quickly followed up with some doubts.

"Brother Fang, what's the matter?"

Qi Xiaotian followed Fang Chenyi's side closely, scanned the surroundings vigilantly, and asked in his mouth.

Fang Chenyi shook his head and said it was all right.

At this time, the few people who were sitting in the booth with some depressed Xuanji Technology saw someone coming, and immediately put away the depressed color on their faces, and put on a smiling face to greet them.

The headed girl with a round face smiled and handed over the leaflet, saying welcome.

However, when a few people saw the President Wang behind Fang Chenyi, they were taken aback, and immediately put on a surprised expression on their faces. They pointed their fingers at President Wang and asked in surprise:

"Wow, are you Principal Wang?"

Fang Chenyi did not expect that his staff would still know President Wang, and the most speechless thing was that he even left his own boss to the side~

But Fang Chenyi also understood, after all, they didn't even know their new boss.

Principal Wang was excited when he saw these three girls. He couldn't help feeling proud. He glanced at Fang Chenyi somewhat proudly. He smiled and muttered in his heart, "Hey, you see it, you still have a big charm. '

I don't know that this side has not finished the ass, the very cute round-faced girl turned to look at her companion, then turned to look at Principal Wang, some said to herself:

"Hehe, I finally saw a real person, but they look very ordinary."

After speaking, before President Wang responded, he asked President Wang:

"Principal Wang, can I ask you a question, where does your family's money come from?"


Fang Chenyi on the side was directly amused by this somewhat stupid girl. This girl was really interesting. First, she showed a surprise, and then there was a sentence but that was the case, and finally there was another god-like question.

Looking at Principal Wang again, he was stunned by these three combos...

[To be continued....

ps: 252 is screened, brothers, don't worry, the application for lifting the ban has been revised, and one more chapter will be posted today!

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