Become the world's richest man from picking up tatters

Chapter 266 What's the matter without yourself? ?

After listening, Qi Xiaotian nodded, then shouted loudly:

"Wood! Stone! Gold!"

Hearing Qi Xiaotian's shout, the three of them straightened their chests and shouted loudly.

"Everyone has it, three minutes to prepare, three kilometers after three minutes of cross-country load!"

The three of them were taken aback for a moment, and then after reacting, they rushed towards Villa No.6 one by one.

They are going to put on their backpacks, and then run a circle around the villa area, exactly three kilometers away.

Looking at the back of the three of them, Qi Xiaotian couldn't help but put a smug smile on his mouth, and then turned back to look at the brand new Apache helicopter in front of him, and little stars popped out of his eyes.

Aside from anything, he strode towards the helicopter.

Coming to the front, stroking the cold body of the helicopter, Qi Xiaotian's excitement was self-evident.

"I didn't expect, I didn't expect, I didn't expect to be able to use this thing after being discharged!"

When Qi Xiaotian was talking to himself, Fang Chenyi, who heard the movement, also walked down. He looked at Qi Xiaotian's look of love, not much worse than that of Mumu. Fang Chenyi was speechless for a while, this is really only Xu Zhou The officials set fire to not allow the people to light the lights~

"Ahem, didn't your kid go to the train station to pick up people?"

Qi Xiaotian was startled when he heard the movement behind him, but after hearing Fang Chenyi's voice, he turned around a little awkwardly:

"Brother Fang, why did you come down? So what? I picked them up. They are all over there."

While speaking, he reached out and pointed at the few people standing in a row at the entrance of Villa No. 6.

Looking along Qi Xiaotian's fingers, he saw five straight young men.

Fang Chenyi slapped his head and suddenly said: "Hey, I forgot about this. This is a new recruit? Let's go and take a look."

After speaking, Fang Chenyi strode towards the five people in a stride and came to the front. Qi Xiaotian first introduced the boss to the five people, and then introduced them to Fang Chenyi one by one.

All five were retired by scouts. Although they were much older than Qi Xiaotian, Qi Xiaotian was their instructor.

Then the hand station greeted the running wood, and the three of them immediately returned to take the five people to familiarize themselves with the work here, and asked to start the official post tonight.

Then he took Fang Chenyi and walked towards the Apache.

"Hey, it's okay now anyway, Brother Fang, should we go up and go around?"

The backhand gave Qi Xiaotian a violent chestnut: "Take a six! Just go up like this, it's no wonder if you don't get beaten down! Okay, you go and run the formalities these two days, and report the route."

When I think about it, this is indeed the case. This is not a unit. If it really flies up, although it will not be shot down, it will definitely be controlled.

Hearing that Fang Chenyi wanted to go through the air procedures by himself, Qi Xiaotian immediately agreed, and after greeted him immediately, he trot and left the villa area.

The days went by like this. On the third day, I finally received a call from Sun Bureau. On the phone, Sun Bureau excitedly told Fang Chenyi that the above had already reported this matter with the above. As long as Fang Chenyi’s funds are in place, here Immediately cooperate with the relocation.

Not only that, the above also gave a preferential policy of 30% tax exemption for five years, in addition to a series of preferential policies.

For this, Fang Chenyi didn't pay much attention to it. After checking the funds on hand, there were still more than 739 million yuan.

Of course, this is all his current cash fortune. As for owning so many companies, the company has only taken over for two months, but the dividends are still early.

Staring at more than seven billion in his account, Fang Chenyi had a headache. He thought he was already rich, but he didn't expect to be able to spend money at will in the end, even if he has more than a dozen top companies, what can he do? I still can’t get much money...

I promised that Sun Ju’s initial investment was 5 billion yuan. This money was only used to reclaim the land and relocate the village to level the land. As for the later construction, I don’t need to consider it in two or three months.

But even if it was five billion, Fang Chenyi couldn't get it out now.

He sighed helplessly. Forget it, let's take it out from a few companies first.

Thinking of this, he took out his mobile phone and prepared to make a call.

But after thinking about it, it seems that the most suitable company is China Southern Airlines. After all, the other companies that are fully controlled by itself are either not having enough money or are abroad.

Although China Southern Airlines has now been handed over to the management of his old husband, he has never been there once. The real management is still Lu Zhisen.

First made a phone call with Lao Zhangren and said that he would mobilize the funds of China Southern Airlines, and then he called directly to the chief financial officer.

It's just that when the chief financial officer heard the boss ask how much liquidity there is in the group's account, he hesitated to ask, "Did you talk to Mr. Lu?"

Listening to this hesitation, Fang Chenyi couldn't help but burst into laughter and anger, and said in a cold tone:

"Why, is the China Southern Airlines Road from your Lu's family? Alright, you are now ready to hand over your work. From now on, you have been fired."

After speaking, Fang Chenyi directly hung up the phone. It seems that Lu Zhisen's prestige in China Southern Airlines is really high enough. Now even the chairman of the board calls him and asks something, he needs to be notified first??

This is really fucking arrogant!

Thinking of this, Fang Chenyi greeted Qi Xiaotian, and then called the old man again. After answering him, the three of them flew directly to the headquarters of China Southern Airlines in a plane driven by Charles.

At about one o'clock in the morning, the plane stopped steadily in the city where China Southern Airlines was located.

After leaving the airport, because it was too late, the three of them went straight to the nearest hotel to stay.

There was no word for a night. Early the next morning, Fang Chenyi did not notify Lu Zhisen, but took a taxi and went straight to the headquarters of China Southern Airlines.

It seemed that it was too early, just in time for the first half. Unexpectedly, Fang Chenyi and the three were not stopped by the outside security guard following the flow of people, which made Fang Chenyi frown.It stands to reason that you should not be able to enter without a work permit.

Fang Chenyi and the three came to the lobby of China Southern Airlines headquarters. On the left hand side they saw a large team photo and position wall.

I walked to the wall and looked up, only to see that the first one in the first row wrote, CEO: Lu Zhisen

Further down there are positions such as executive vice president.

Seeing this, Fang Chenyi couldn't help but curl up slightly. Lu Zhisen seemed to be doing a really good job.

[To be continued....

ps: The sixth today!Brothers, ask for votes!Still the same sentence, continue to add more rewards!

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