Become the world's richest man from picking up tatters

Chapter 274 Don't dare, I'll come

Run with a hammer and run, with the opponent's combat power, and then rush up, only to be beaten!

Thinking of this, the two of them walked back on their own wit.

Seeing this, Fang Chenyi couldn't help but show a behaving smile.

When everyone was quiet, Fang Chenyi gave a thumbs up to Lao Zhangren, and when he saw this, he also gave Fang Chenyi a thumbs up.

Fang Chenyi marveled at the skill of the old man. Bo Zhenhua also shocked Fang Chenyi. He served in the Air Force when he was young, and at the same time, he won the third place in the martial arts competition in the military area.Even after joining a job, I insisted on exercising every day. I originally thought that I would help this prospective son-in-law at a critical moment, but I didn't expect that my prospective son-in-law was many times stronger than my own old bone!

It’s also because of today’s events that Bai Zhenhua looked at Fang Chenyi’s gaze more satisfied. My aunt, he didn’t say anything. Not only did he look handsome and polite, but at the same time he was very capable. When a person lays down such a huge family business, and at the same time is dedicated to his own woman, this will show an extraordinary skill!

Bai Zhenhua believes that with the skill of Fang Chenyi just now, if it is placed in the big competition, he will definitely be the champion!

Walking back to the rostrum again, looking at the people below who were either dumbfounded or gloating, Fang Chenyi sighed helplessly, and then spoke to Ma Dacheng beside him:

"Let's report to the police through legal procedures."

After Fang Chenyi's explanation, Ma Dacheng responded with a good voice, then turned and left the meeting room.

At this time, Fang Chenyi raised the information in his hand and said to everyone:

"The company has embezzled huge amounts of property, and almost the entire financial department leaders have cheated together. Hehe, it really makes me admire. It is a pity that the French Open is so large and not leaking. Maybe you have enjoyed the glory and wealth for several years, but the price you have to pay , Is the rest of your life!"

Speaking of this, Fang Chenyi’s tone became serious, and his voice became cold. He said this not only for these corrupt executives, but also for all those who are about to be promoted. This is It's a wake-up call for them!

After listening to Fang Chenyi's words, the bottom boiled again, and everyone was shocked. Although they knew that the high-level oil and water were abundant, they did not expect that 99% of the high-level people were involved.

About ten minutes later, a dozen police cars suddenly appeared in the compound's yard.This made all the employees of the group a burst of doubt and curiosity. Since all the leaders went to the meeting, they all stretched their necks and whispered.

After the police car stopped and the door opened, twenty or thirty police officers rushed into the building, ignoring the inquiry from the front desk, and rushed directly towards the elevator.

Fortunately, there are enough elevators in the building, and they all go up to the twenty-ninth floor at a time.

As the door of the conference room was pushed open by Qi Xiaotian from outside, dozens of policemen followed in.

They didn't arrest people directly, but separated Lu Zhisen, Wang Badan, and the financial director and other key managers and took them away for questioning.The rest were all controlled in the conference room and waiting.

The surprise interrogation, after about ten minutes, there was a result.

The leading policeman walked into the meeting room again with a pile of documents in his hand, nodded to Fang Chenyi, and then said:

"Mr. Fang, we have a preliminary list of personnel, so we will take these people away now."

Fang Chenyi nodded: "Then I will trouble you."

Nodded to Fang Chenyi, then turned to look at the people in the conference room, and said in a very serious tone:

"Next, I will start to call the name, and come out by myself. Wu Jiangtao!"

As the roll call began, a middle-aged man suddenly trembled, and instinctively wanted to step back.

However, the two policemen pulled him over, and with a click, a cold handcuff was put on his wrist!

"I was wronged! I have no greed for the company's money!"

The police reprimanded solemnly: "If it's a confession, we will definitely investigate it. Now please cooperate with our work!"

In about five minutes, a list has been read, and forty-three people have been controlled.

Seeing these people being taken away by the police, everyone in the conference room didn't know what it was like.

The same is true for Fang Chenyi. Unexpectedly, a company has become corrupted like this. Now he seems to sympathize with the former chairman. To do this is really a failure~

The door of the meeting room closed again, and Fang Chenyi was also sighed when he saw that one-third of the space was missing.

He glanced over the people present and said:

"Okay, this matter has come to an end. Don’t have any psychological burdens. This is a good thing for everyone who is doing it. In this way, according to what we said before, all deputies of the departments will now start to be promoted to supervisory positions. Come on. Now you find your own seats and sit down again."

Fang Chenyi did this out of consideration. In this way, the joy of promotion will make them no longer think too much about those useless, but instead devote themselves to new positions as soon as possible.It also prevents the group from losing too much.

Sure enough, after hearing Fang Chenyi's words, the faces of all the people who stayed became excited from the fright before.

One by one stood up and walked to the position they dreamed of and sat down.

Suddenly, the depressive atmosphere in the conference room was relieved.

Fang Chenyi looked at the seat in front of him and nodded in satisfaction. People are selfish, and there is nothing that benefits cannot solve.He believes that this major exchange of blood will definitely put the group on the right track again!

Pointing to the empty space in the third row and asking:

"Why is there no one in the seat where the head of the human resources department is written?"

When the voice fell, a woman of about 30 years old sitting next to the head of the group's propaganda department spoke:

"The chairman, the head and deputy heads of the human resources department, and the three team leaders below were all taken away."

Hearing this, Fang Chenyi was stunned for a moment. This human resources department was also good enough, and they were all taken away.

Reluctantly shook his head, then glanced over the people sitting in the middle seat and said:

"In this case, department leaders cannot be directly taken over by employees. Just choose from the middle level. If you are willing to do it, you can recommend yourself."

The words fall, everyone look at me, I look at you, everyone knows that this human resources department is the most lucrative position!It is precisely because of this that no one dared to speak first.But there is one exception:

"Hey, since they don't dare to do it, then let me do it as chairman?"

ps: Thanks for the reward of 588 book coins sent by the'waiting' brothers!

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