"Let's go to the capital!"

At the boss's order, Charle, who was driving, began to explain to Smith in his headset to apply for a flight to Beijing.

Thanks to Fang Chenyi as the boss of China Southern Airlines, it is very easy to apply for a route. If not, how can I go wherever I want?

As for why Fang Chenyi went to the capital, of course it was for money.

He thought it over, and when he went over, he would talk to Brother Xiao Ma and Lao Wang, and if it didn't work, he would sell them the stadium.

It's useless to have this stadium anyway.

With China Southern Airlines, the route application went smoothly. One hour later, the Chenmeng had already flown into the sky at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

This time Fang Chenyi did not fly the plane, but sat on the sofa and closed his eyes to rest.

I sighed helplessly in my heart: "Oh, I still haven't worked hard enough! It's been so long since I got the system, and now I can't even get 5 billion. This is really a joke~"

Of course, Fang Chenyi himself knows that after this year, the dividends of these companies alone can make him soft.But that was a few months later.

At ten in the morning, the plane landed at the Beijing Airport.

Due to time, Fang Chenyi took Char and others to find a hotel nearby to rest.

Early the next morning, Fang Chenyi called Lao Wang.

Lao Wang was very enthusiastic. After learning that Fang Chenyi had arrived in the capital, Lao Wang said that he would invite Fang Chenyi to dinner at noon.

In particular, President Wang, who had just returned from Tokyo, heard that Fang Chenyi had arrived in the capital, and he drove directly to the hotel where Fang Chenyi was.

"Hahaha! Brother Fang, you have finally come to my place! Don't say anything, just let the younger brother arrange for you!"

Looking at the smiling Principal Wang, Fang Chenyi felt very kind. After all, it was very comfortable to meet friends in a strange city.

"It's not that I said you, Brother Fang, why didn't you tell me in advance when you came to the capital. You stayed in the hotel last night, you really slapped me in the face~"

Sitting on President Wang's big red Rolls Ros, President Wang never stopped talking.

I have to say that the traffic in this capital is really congested. The car stopped and went all the way. It departed from the hotel at nine in the morning, and it was only at 11:30 at noon that I arrived at the Beijing Grand Hotel, which was agreed with Lao Wang. .

Get out of the car, stretched, then walked towards the hotel.

As he walked, Fang Chenyi shook his head helplessly: "This traffic is really enough.`"

"Hi, just get used to it."

While talking, Principal Wang took Fang Chenyi all the way to a very elegantly decorated private room.

As soon as he opened the door, Principal Wang shouted into it:

"Dad, I have invited Brother Fang!"

When the voice fell, Pharaoh had already greeted him with a smile on his face:

"Hahaha, Mr. Fang, welcome, welcome to the capital! Come on, you will be struggling all the way, hurry up and sit down!"

The old Wang and his son Chenyi are very enthusiastic, and the enthusiastic Fang Chenyi is a little embarrassed, but it is clear after thinking about it. After all, Fang Chenyi’s identity is too strong, it is hard to say anything else, whether it is China Southern Airlines or not. , Or Apple, even Louis Vuitton and Toyota, a group of Baida Group alone, Fang Chenyi has no less than five or six.

And these are only obvious, no one knows how many big groups there are behind Fang Chenyi.

In other words, the old Wang now knows that in front of this one, he is just a little trouble.

This is also true, Lao Wang attaches great importance to it.

Lao Wang's deliberate ingratiation, coupled with Principal Wang's tricks, makes the atmosphere of a meal very good.

After eating, Lao Wang said:

"Brother Fang, how about it, if there is nothing to do this afternoon, brother will take you for a stroll?"

Lao Wang called Fang Chenyi the old brother, and President Wang called Fang Chenyi the brother Fang. Although it sounded awkward, there was no other way.

"There is really nothing to do in the afternoon, so it's up to you."

When eating just now, Lao Wang thanked Fang Chenyi many times for his help when he was in trouble, especially for taking over the funds from Baida Films, which can be said to be a great help to Lao Wang.

It's just that Fang Chenyi also heard it, and now Lao Wang is relatively tight, so that it is not very likely that he wants to sell the stadium to him.

Hey, it seems that I should look back to Brother Xiao Ma to ask.

But since Pharaoh was so enthusiastic, he couldn't refuse it.

Hearing Fang Chenyi agreed, Pharaoh suddenly laughed:

"Haha, well, today I will take you to a good place. Normal people can't go to that place."

Seeing Lao Wang's mysterious appearance, Fang Chenyi couldn't help but feel curiosity. At the same time, he was also interested. He didn't know where the ordinary people could not go.

After leaving the hotel, the three of them did not ride in the red Rolls-Royce of President Wang, but in a Mercedes-Benz of Pharaoh.

Although he changed his car, he still stopped and stopped along the way. Through the car window, looking at the signs on the side of the road with the speed limit 80, Fang Chenyi couldn't help being speechless, and the speed limit was 80. It's almost 20 when driving...

Fortunately, the car drove toward the outer ring. After leaving the congested city center, the car started slowly.

The speed of the car was fast, and it took about half an hour before the car stopped slowly.

"Brother Fang, we are here. No cars are allowed inside. Let's take their battery car to get in."

After explaining with Fang Chenyi, Lao Wang took the lead in pulling the car door and got out of the car.

Fang Chenyi also walked down after that.

Getting out of the car gave Fang Chenyi the first feeling that the environment is pretty good in this noisy capital.

Turning my eyes, I saw rows of luxury cars parked in the parking lot. It seems that this place is very popular with rich people.

At this time, the old Wang next to him looked at a car not far away, and suddenly sighed:

"Huh? Jing XXXX, where is the pony?"

Following Lao Wang's gaze, Fang Chenyi saw that it was a black Volvo S80L.

This car worth less than a million is in front of rows of luxury cars, no matter its appearance or logo, there is nothing dazzling.There is even a feeling of being unable to get it.

So he didn't understand why Lao Wang could take a look at this car, thinking that this car should belong to his friend.

"Hehe, if it's your friend, Brother Wang, please call me together."

Hearing this, Old Wang shook his head helplessly, and then said with a wry smile:

"Haha, this guy is very busy, Brother Fang, don't be fooled by this car. The owner of this car, or guess who it is?"

ps: Families, Xiaoyuzi, please give me a reward, so I can add more to you!

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