As soon as he walked into the door of the hotel, he saw a woman wearing a cheongsam appearing in front of him.

It's not to say how beautiful this woman is, mainly because Fang Chenyi knows this woman.

To be more precise, I saw it on TV.

Just when Fang Chenyi was stunned, she saw this woman walking towards Fang Chenyi with a smile, and then she spoke respectfully:

"Hello sir, can I serve you?"

Hearing what the other party said, Fang Chenyi was taken aback again, and then he blurted out with some doubts:

"Are you called Deng Qiqi?"

In Fang Chenyi's memory, this woman should be the singing star, but she doesn't know why she appeared here.

And depending on what it looks like, how is it with the waiter?

Does it look very similar?

Hearing Fang Chenyi's question, the woman on the opposite side smiled and nodded, and then stepped forward sweetly to take Fang Chenyi's arm.

It's just that Fang Chenyi hurriedly avoided. He is a family member, so it's better not to accept this man and woman.

At this time, Xia Bingbao came quickly from inside, and then he respectfully bent over and said to Fang Chenyi:

"Chairman, the box has been arranged, I will personally take you there."

Upon seeing this, Fang Chenyi nodded, and then smiled and nodded with a small star in his eyes. Then Xia Bingbao strode forward, and Xia Bingbao hurriedly followed.

Just stepping forward, Deng Qiqi on the side grabbed Xia Bingbao and asked in a low voice:

"Manager Xia, who is this??"

Xia Bingbao glanced at Deng Qiqi, then also lowered his voice and said, "The big boss here."

After speaking, he stopped paying attention to the dumbfounded Deng Qiqi, but quickly followed in Fang Chenyi's footsteps.

When Xia Bingbao followed, Fang Chenyi asked curiously:

"What's happening here?"

Xia Bingbao immediately explained with a smile: "Without an investor, there is no movie or TV series to shoot, and we are all bigwigs from all sides, so they just ran over and wandered around by themselves as long as they were okay~"

Speaking of this, Fang Chenyi already understood, he couldn't help but shook his head helplessly, and sighed in his heart. This is the reality of society.

During the walk, the two had already arrived outside the box and pushed the door in. The three of them were chatting and waiting for Fang Chenyi.

Because the funds have been relieved, Fang Chenyi is still in a good mood.At the same time, he dispelled the idea of ​​selling here.

The four of them ate and chatted. Of course, President Wang still worked hard to pour the wine.

It's another glass of beer, since the relationship has become more intimate because of drinking.

Fang Chenyi looked at the old horse and asked strangely:

"Brother Ma, isn't your game company very profitable? Why did you buy it?"

After hearing this, the old horse reluctantly put down the wine glass, sighed and said:

"Hey, I don't want to sell it. This is not a national-level project invested in South Africa. The funds are very tight for a while. There is no way, but I can only sell the best game company."

After saying this, the old Wang on the side also put down the wine glass, and said with a sad face:

"Oh, people have seen us have a boundless beauty, who knows how difficult we are~ I know the project of Mr. Ma, although the funds cannot be returned now, but it will not take five years to return, but it will return a hundred times the profit. The most important thing is long-term, continuous. I really envy you."

Speaking of this, Lao Wang said in a sad tone: "Unlike me, if Brother Fang had bought Baida Films in time, now I don’t know where to hide and cry. Come on, Brother Fang, let me respect. You one."

Seeing this, the old horse on the side also raised his glass:

"Lao Wang is right. Had it not been for Brother Fang who bought my Tencent game at a critical time, I would have broken my capital chain now. Come on, I will also respect Brother Fang."

Fang Chenyi was a little embarrassed about this. After all, all of this was done systematically, and he had more than 700 million funds in his body, even if he wanted to buy it.

Of course, they didn't know this, they raised the glass, and then the three of them touched it, and then they drank it all in one go.

Upon seeing this, Principal Wang beside him hurriedly picked up the wine bottles and filled them one by one with the three of them.When Fang Chenyi was here, Fang Chenyi smiled and took the wine bottle in the hands of Principal Wang.

It seems that I talked about the game company, or maybe the drink is more in place. When Fang Chenyi was chatting with Xiao Ma, Principal Wang somehow thought of the game novels he had read before.

Taking advantage of a gap, Principal Wang looked at Brother Xiao Ma with some curiosity, and said with interest:

"Uncle Ma, you have been playing games for so many years. Can you make a game helmet like the one in the novel? That was my childhood dream."

To say that Principal Wang's only hobby is to play games. Take the games on the market now, there is no one that this guy hasn't played.

And the glory of the king of the little Ma family, chicken, are all President Wang's favorite.

After listening to his son's words, Lao Wang immediately glared at his son. It was only the rise of President Wang that he did not look at his own Laozi at all, but continued to add:

"Looking at the novel about virtual reality games developed in so many countries around the world, what kind of helmets, virtual warehouses, etc., the feeling of exclusion and immersiveness, if it can really appear, wouldn't it be awesome! But the current virtual reality goggles, and then holding the game player in your hand is not interesting."

Fang Chenyi was also interested after hearing this:

"Don't tell me, when I was in school, I also read novels in this area. Indeed, as Xiao Cong said, I was also looking forward to having such a game."

On the other hand, the little Ma on the side gave a wry smile after hearing this:

"Our technology still doesn't meet that requirement. We have done similar experiments for that kind of game, such as attaching the instrument to various parts of the human body like an electrocardiogram, but in the end it failed. I heard that a research institution in the U.S. called'Future' seems to have some breakthroughs in this."

After a pause, Xiao Ma continued:

"Of course, their research direction is not the kind of game helmets written in the novel. I heard that it is still a kind of clothing, similar to the Spiderman's tights. The clothes are densely packed with touch points. Their purpose is one. The human action is restored by one ratio. That is to say, when you raise your arm, the touch points on the arm will control the game characters to make corresponding actions."

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