It is said that Xiaobie wins newlyweds. Although they have only been away for a few days, Fang Chenyi still misses Bo Menghan abnormally.

However, at this time, except for the security and Char and others in the villa area, the rest were not there.

I sent a WeChat message to Bo Menghan, but she was in class, Fang Chenyi sighed helplessly, full of flames and could only wait till night.

Fortunately, there are still a lot of business matters to be dealt with. Now that the funds are in place, the commercial district has also started land planning.

Thinking of the idea of ​​building a villa on the hill just now, Fang Chenyi quickly called Wei Yilong.

Wei Yilong can be said to be busy all day long. The garbage transfer company will not talk about it. Now Fang Chenyi, the planning of the entire business district, is handed over to him.

When I received Fang Chenyi's call, I was discussing land compensation with Sun Bureau.

Seeing that it was Fang Chenyi's call, Wei Yilong gestured to Sun Ju, said sorry and answered the call, then got up and walked out of the office to connect the call:

"Boss, what's your order?"

Hearing Wei Yilong's somewhat exhausted voice on the phone, Fang Chenyi was also a little bit sorry, but there was no way he could use it now.

"Yilong, I just thought about it. Do you have an impression of the hill next to the sea. Don't flatten it. I plan to circle the area as a whole to plan and remodel it. Then, where to build some villas."

After hearing Fang Chenyi's words, Wei Yilong over there was speechless for a while. Then he went down a mountain to build his own villa~ I really had an idea.

But thinking of Fang Chenyi's wealth and wealth, he was relieved:

"Hey, boss, you still have vision. There are mountains and seas, and there is a natural small waterfall in the middle of the mountain. It is definitely a good place. When I saw it before, it was a pity that it was evened. Okay, It just so happens that I'm with Sun Ju now, so leave this to me."

After talking about the progress of the plan, Fang Chenyi hung up.

Sitting in the study, after thinking about it, he called the old man again and asked about the current situation.After learning that everything was normal, Fang Chenyi let go of his heart.

Thinking that the construction of this business district is not a group's business, it is impossible for China Southern Airlines to pay all the money, so after planning with paper and pen, the goal was set on Xuanji Animation Technology Development Co., Ltd.

Xuanji Technology is now in the process of merging and reorganizing with Dabangzi Animation Entertainment Company. It is just this opportunity to directly move its headquarters.

I called Su Zhenjun, the person in charge of Xuanji Technology, to explain the transfer of the group, and immediately organized personnel to participate in the planning.

As for the design of the headquarters building, he doesn't need to worry about these things, including the China Southern Airlines headquarters building, Xuanji Entertainment, or Luchao Technology, etc. The design of these buildings, Fang Chenyi, does not intend to hand over to their respective companies.

What he wants is a whole. To put it bluntly, all company buildings must be planned and designed according to the overall business district. He wants to use all headquarters buildings to form a world architectural miracle.

Of course, these Fang Chenyi will find the most professional design teams to design together in the near future.

Su Zhenjun has no opinion on the relocation of the headquarters. Just kidding, the mystery now can, under the leadership of this new boss, have annexed the largest animation company in the entire Bangzi country. Not only that, the scene at the Tokyo exhibition also made Su Zhenjun. Seen unprecedented hope.

Now he is looking forward to it, looking forward to one day Xuanji Entertainment can become a world-class animation company!

The planning of the business circle is underway, and funds are already in place.According to the old man, all operations of China Southern Airlines have resumed this morning.

All things are on the right track. Now Fang Chenyi's only thing to do is to hurry up and support his pockets.

With the 5 billion injection of China Southern Airlines this time, Fang Chenyi's more than 7 billion was not used, plus the one he picked up on the golf course, and now he has 800 million in his hand.

Eight hundred million may seem like a lot, but if it's time to spend money, it's nothing~

That's right, it's nothing.

Thinking of my own great cause of picking up tatters, I still have to continue to work hard.Fang Chenyi couldn't help but took out his phone again and called Wei Yilong.

Toot toot.

Wei Yilong, who had just walked out of Sun Ju's office, saw the phone call from the boss again, and quickly picked up:

"Boss, I have just talked about Xiaoshan with Sun Ju. There is no problem with Sun Ju's meaning."

Hearing this news, Fang Chenyi did not have any surprises, this was all within his own expectations.But now he is not concerned about this matter. After Wei Yilong finished speaking and Fang Chenyi said and knew, he changed the subject:

"By the way, how long does it take for the garbage transfer processing center to be put into use?"

Now he is most concerned about this. If he can put it into use one day earlier, he will be able to embark on a faster road to fortune one day earlier.

Wei Yilong heard this with a wry smile and said:

"According to the plan, it will take two months. After all, after you added the investment last time, I purchased a complete set of the most advanced processing equipment. The equipment has not been shipped yet. The manufacturer means that it needs to be in the middle of this month Only after leaving the factory, it will be transported for about fifteen days, installed for about ten days, and after commissioning, it will take two months."

After hearing this, Fang Chenyi couldn’t do anything. Still, he couldn’t eat hot tofu in a hurry. He sighed and said to know, and let Wei Yilong have time to urge the manufacturer to hurry up. The phone was disconnected.

Rubbing his eyebrows and leaning on the soft chair, Fang Chenyi wondered how he could pick up the rags more quickly and effectively before the garbage transfer center was not put into use.

While thinking, jingle bell~

The phone that was just placed on the table rang.

Rubbing his eyebrows, he stretched out his hand to take the phone and took a look, a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

After pressing the answer, a small voice of a girl grieved and pulled from the microphone:

"Woo, brother, do you have time to pick up your poor sister~"

That's right, Fang Jinjin called. Fang Chenyi couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. He raised his hand and looked at his watch and asked:

"Pick you up? Isn't it Wednesday today? It shouldn't come home week, right?"

Standing at the gate of the school, Fang Jinjin pouted and said with an unhappy expression:

"The day after tomorrow is the high school entrance examination. Today the teacher gave us a holiday, let us relax. I called my dad, and then told me that I was in a meeting before answering the call and then hung up on me. The same is true for calling my mom. Poor I am standing alone at the gate of the school, but no one cares~"

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