"Hmm? Did I ask?"

Fang Jinjin blinked her big eyes, her face was filled with doubts.

Seeing this appearance, Fang Chenyi was completely defeated.

"Okay. If you haven't asked before, you can get in the car."

While speaking, Fang Chenyi directly opened the convertible of the car. Although there are only two seats, I don’t know if the car was designed this way on purpose. There is still a relatively spacious area in the middle and back. After pressing a button, a small The seat slipped out of the backrest, not only that, but also the seat belts.

Fang Chenyi estimated that this should be deliberately designed for a ride.

It's just that the two girls are compared, the old girl's height is a bit too high, sitting in the middle of the pair of big long legs is a bit unfit, not very suitable, so I can only let Yueyue sit in the middle.

There is no way. Who made him drive this car? The most important thing is that he didn't know whether the old girl would still bring Yueyue.

After getting on the sports car, the old girl looked at the interior inside, and she couldn't help but curl her lips:

"Brother, this BYD looks really cool from the outside, but it's too embarrassing inside~ Alas, you said that now you are a rich man, you can't buy a better car~"

Fang Chenyi, who had just buckled the seat belt, couldn't help it anymore. This stinky girl, if he didn't want to surprise her, could he drive this car out?Now it’s good, one bite of BYD~

I knocked my sister on the head irritably, and said:

"BYD, you big-headed ghost, you can check on the Internet to find out what kind of car it is!!"

After speaking, he shook his head helplessly and ignored the girl, and drove towards Qinhuang Hotel with a kick of the accelerator.

On the other hand, Fang Jinjin in the co-driver took out his mobile phone and started typing'car with letter B as the car logo' on Baidu.

All results were searched out immediately:

"Oh, brother, your car is not BYD! It turns out that this car is a Bentley!"

An exclamation shocked Fang Chenyi who was driving, but when he heard his sister's words, he was speechless again:

"You are checking it carefully!"

All the way joking, the car finally drove into the Qinhuang Hotel after half an hour.

During this period, my sister finally found out what kind of car was marked with a big letter B.

Only after finding that this car was the super-powerful Bugatti in the mouth of a classmate, Fang Jinjin said lightly:

"Isn't it Bugatti? How about this?"

The appearance of Bugatti immediately aroused the onlookers of everyone in the hotel parking lot. Some men and women all looked at the car.After seeing a handsome man in the car with two little beauties, everyone was even more slanderous.

At the same time, don’t forget to sigh, rich people do whatever they want~

Especially after seeing Fang Jinjin's school uniform, she cursed in her heart frantically!

Of course, Fang Chenyi didn't know this.

After parking the car, Fang Chenyi took the two girls and walked towards the door of the hotel, and Fang Jinjin also embraced Fang Chenyi's arm very affectionately, and coquettishly asked her brother if she would invite her to eat steak for a while.


At a table by the window inside the hotel, a woman with heavy make-up excitedly pressed the shutter in her hand.

Seeing the handsome man who had walked in outside was hugged by a young and beautiful girl of the same length, the smile on his mouth became even brighter.

Although the picture on the mobile phone was blocked by Fang Chenyi for more than half of the face due to the angle problem, only a ponytail was revealed, but that was enough.

I searched in the address book, and soon found a friend, and then posted the photo.

And edited a text below:

"Hehe, Meng Han, it's really rare to see you skip class and accompany your boyfriend out for dinner."

Seeing the successful message, the smile on the corners of the woman's mouth grew thicker, and her heart sneered:'Bo Menghan, Bo Menghan, what pure goddess are you pretending to be?Still driving a sports car, ha ha, but it's still a plaything of the rich.'

Just as the woman was sneered at the corner of her mouth, a middle-aged bald man in her fifties squeezed her thigh gently, and then said in an impatient tone:

"There is no baby after eating, I have opened the room, shall we go up now?"

Although the woman feels disgusting, she thinks that she can get thousands of dollars after each time, and she immediately put on a shy look on her face, and she flirted with the bald man.

At the same time, Bo Menghan, who had just finished class and was about to eat in the cafeteria, suddenly rang his phone.

Looking at the news, it turned out to be sent by Xiao Suizi from the same class.

Because this Xiao Biaozi is very frivolous, Bo Menghan rarely interacts with him at ordinary times, and I don't know what he is doing by sending WeChat to himself at this time.

Although he was puzzled, he still clicked on the message, and suddenly a photo appeared on the phone screen, and at the same time Bo Menghan saw the sentence.

Frowning and clicking on the photo, Fang Chenyi's smiling handsome face suddenly appeared on the phone screen.However, behind him was a girl who had never seen him before, and on the other side of him, he was also hugged by an obviously woman.

Seeing this, Bo Menghan's brows wrinkled tighter involuntarily. Obviously, the purpose of this photo by Xiao Biaozi was very sinister.

As for this photo, although she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, Bo Menghan was very sensible. First of all, she didn't know if the photo was of pS. Secondly, after such a long time of contact, she believed that Fang Chenyi was not such a person.

The most important thing is that the two girls seem to be wearing school uniforms, and this seems to indicate...

Jingle bell~

Just as Bo Menghan frowned, the phone ringing suddenly rang.

Seeing the phone call from Fang Chenyi above, Bo Menghan breathed a long sigh of relief. Sure enough, how could the man he fancy was such a scumbag.

After answering the phone, it was not Fang Chenyi's voice, but a woman's voice:

"Hey~ Sister-in-law Menghan, have you finished class yet?"

With the sound of this voice, Bai Menghan also wanted to understand what was going on with the school uniform in that photo, so he smiled very happily:

"Xiaojin, I have just finished class and I am going to the cafeteria to eat something, how about it? I'm going to take the entrance examination in two days. Do you have any confidence?"

When Fang Jinjin heard her sister-in-law's words, she burst into tears. Hey, mom and dad are not reliable, and my brother is not reliable. Have you seen it? In the end, the one who cares about herself most, remember that she is about to pass the entrance examination. There is only my sister-in-law!

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