Looking back, I saw Bo Menghan, who had already changed his clothes, stretched and walked over.

Looking at Bo Menghan who was a little lazy like a little cat, Fang Chenyi couldn't help but feel a little eager, but thinking that there was still business to deal with for a while, he could only suppress the thoughts in his heart.

Smiling and beckoning to Bo Menghan, Fang Chenyi stretched out his hand and embraced him when Bo Menghan came over:

"Little lazy cat, why don't you sleep a little longer."

Some helplessly squeezed Fang Chenyi's arm, and then said angrily:

"What time is this, I won't be able to catch up when I sleep again."

Reaching out on the coffee table, he touched two watches that were exactly the same except for the size of a man and a woman and handed them to Bo Menghan's eyes.

"Don't worry, let's fly the helicopter over, and it will be there soon. No, this is for you. How about it? Do you like it?"

No matter what Fang Chenyi held him in his arms, he stretched out his hand to take one of the two watches in his hand and looked at it, with a touch of joy in his eyes.

This is not because of the value of this watch, but mainly because it is a couple watch.

This makes Bo Menghan feel very sweet.

Gently gestured the watch on his white arm, and raised his wrist to Fang Chenyi with his face and asked:

"Does it look good?"

Fang Chenyi reached out to take the watch in Bo Menghan's hand and brought it to him personally. At the same time, he started thinking seriously, before shook his head and said:

"Oh, what a pity, what a pity such a beautiful watch."

Wen Yan Bo Menghan stretched out his hand to pinch Fang Chenyi's weakness, and scolded:

"You mean I don't look good?"

Fang Chenyi still shook his head and spoke solemnly:

"It's not. I mean it's a pity that such a beautiful watch must be worn on my Xiao Hanhan's wrist. Isn't this asking for trouble? It was overwhelmed by my Xiao Hanhan's temperament. ."

When Fang Chenyi said this, Bo Menghan couldn't help being shy and snorted, then deliberately pretended to be fierce and said:

"Huh, it's too late to dislike me for not looking good~"

Fang Chenyi sighed hard on Bo Menghan's little face, and quickly said with a grin:

"Who said that my Xiao Hanhan is so beautiful, I haven't seen enough in this life!"

"Glib, come, let me take your watch with you."

Hearing Fang Chenyi’s words, Bo Menghan’s heart was still very sweet. After reaching for Fang Chenyi’s watch and putting it on his hand, he put his arm together, putting the two watches together, one pair of eyes at a time All laughed into a line.

Only after seeing the other eighteen watches on the coffee table, Bo Menghan was speechless again:

"Yi, why are you buying so many watches?"

Fang Chenyi smiled after hearing this:

"Men, naturally you have to prepare more watches, what kind of watches to wear on what occasions."

Hearing that Bo Menghan glared at Fang Chenyi, then pretended to be fierce and said:

"Oh? According to what you mean, should the daughter-in-law prepare a few more? What kind of daughter-in-law should be brought on what occasion?"

Fang Chenyi was completely defeated by Bo Menghan, this nizi. Looking at this fierce appearance, he deliberately pretended to think for a while and said:

"Then I don't need to prepare so much, mainly because my daughter-in-law is so perfect. She can go to the hall and the kitchen. The main reason is that she can take it out for any occasion."


Seeing Fang Chenyi's serious nonsense, Bo Menghan couldn't help being amused by him.

Gently patted Fang Chenyi's arm, then pointed to the new watch on his wrist and said:

"Alright, don't be stupid, it's almost twelve o'clock, do we have to go."

While talking, there was a sudden sound of helicopter starting outside.

Obviously, it was Liu Yi who was keeping the helicopter warming up.

After patted Bo Menghan's little hand, the two walked out of the villa together, arm in arm.

When I came to the front of the helicopter, I saw Liu Yishou was already sitting in the cockpit, and when Fang Chenyi came out, Liu Yishou counted his thumbs to Fang Chenyi and signaled that he could take off.

Fang Chenyi nodded, and then took Bo Menghan's little hand and walked towards the helicopter hatch.

I have to say that the Apache helicopter can only take three people at most, but in order to adapt to the domestic flight and Fang Chenyi's own practicality, not only all the weapons on the plane have been removed, even in the back, Fang Chenyi also asked Ouyang Army to help. The position of a built-in missile launcher is converted into a small cabin that can seat four people. In this way, the entire aircraft can carry six people after including the pilots and shooters in front.

Such modification will not have any impact on the aircraft. For example, as long as Fang Chenyi is willing, as long as the rear cockpit is removed and the previous built-in missile launcher is reinstalled, the entire aircraft can be transformed into Gunship armed to the teeth.

Coming into the cabin, the roar of the engine was not much smaller until the door was closed.

After helping Bo Menghan buckle the seat belt, he picked up the headset and put it on as the earphone beside him. At the same time, he said to Liu Yishou in front:

"It's time to take off."

After receiving Fang Chenyi's order, Liu Yishou immediately turned on the propeller. Accompanied by the sound of the propeller rotating, Apache began to slowly rise, and then drove forward towards the direction of the cabin.

In the cabin, the loud sound of the propellers passed through the cabin but still clearly passed into the ears.

Fang Chenyi helplessly helped Bai Menghan put on the headset, but in his heart he thought that the airtight and sound insulation performance of the cabin would be better.

By the time it was Bo Menghan, perhaps it was the first time he was doing a helicopter, and he was extremely excited when he looked out the window for a while.

Especially because of space problems, Ouyang Army expanded a lot within the allowed range of the fuselage when refitting.

Of course, this is also due to the fact that Ouyang Jun is the research institute of weapons and equipment, otherwise ordinary places would really not dare to modify armed helicopters like this.

It is precisely because of this modification that a half of this part protrudes out of the fuselage, allowing the passengers to pass through the glass as if sitting outside the plane.

Seeing the excitement of Bo Menghan, Fang Chenyi couldn't help but sigh. This Nizi is really bold enough. Before he mastered the driving skills, looking down at such a high altitude, it was estimated that both legs were weak. ~

"Why, turn around and teach you to drive this helicopter?"

Through the headset, Fang Chenyi joked to Bo Menghan beside him.

After hearing this, Bo Menghan nodded excitedly:

"Okay, I'm free later, I want to take the flight license test."

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