Become the world's richest man from picking up tatters

Chapter 303 Old Sister, Have You Fuzzed the Exam?

However, thinking that I had been fighting this Nizi for four hours last night, the itch in my heart was forced to suppress.

After all, this is my own daughter-in-law, so I can't ignore the other person's body.

"Yawn~ Wei Yilong is here?"

Bai Menghan walked to Fang Chenyi's side wearing a cute little cat pajamas, and sat lazily on the sofa and said.

"Well, let him come over and get the blueprints. Who knows why this kid came here so early. Xiao Hanhan, you don't sleep a lot. Why do you get up so early? How about it? Doesn't it hurt?"

Angrily glared at Fang Chenyi, then complained:

"Do you think it hurts? When I look back, I will also find an eggplant and put it in your mouth for half an hour, and you will know if it hurts! Humph! Hurry up and change your clothes. Today Jinjin takes the exam. Let's go with her."

After listening to Bo Menghan's words, Fang Chenyi smiled a little bit of a jealous smile, but after last night arrived, he and Bo Menghan'talked for a while'~

However, Fang Chenyi suddenly thought of something when he heard that his sister was taking the exam today, and he patted his forehead:

"Hey, I forgot that Nizi took the exam today. Alas, I also got her two sets of test papers to show her. It seems that she is still in the study."

Bo Menghan gave Fang Chenyi a sullen once again, and then said:

"If you wait for you to think about it, the day lily is cold, then I've already given Jin Jin the test paper, all right, you can change your clothes quickly."

Fang Chenyi was very pleased to hear that Bo Menghan said that he had already given it to the old girl. Such a careful daughter-in-law is really hard to find with a lantern.

He smiled and agreed, then trot to the cloakroom, put on a casual vest and pants, and walked out.

Seeing Fang Chenyi's dress, Bo Menghan was speechless for a while, this guy didn't know how to dress more formal.

But thinking of Fang Chenyi's character, he shook his head and didn't say anything.I have to say that with Fang Chenyi's outfit, no one who doesn't know him can connect him with the billionaire.

Looking at the time, it was already more than half past six. When the two arrived at Villa No. 1, they saw not only Fang Chenyi's parents, but also Bo Menghan's mom.

And Fang Jinjin has also cleaned up, looking at her relaxed look, Fang Chenyi couldn't help being speechless for a while, her own sister didn't know how long her head was, she was small to large, and she rarely saw her studying, but her grades were in her age. All are in the top ten.

"Sister-in-law, brother, why did you get up so early. Huh? Sister-in-law, why are you still wearing a mask?"

Hearing Fang Jinjin's words, Fang Chenyi couldn't help but hesitated, and at the same time blamed this girl for being troublesome.

I was a bit too powerful last night, so that now Bo Menghan's small mouth is still a little red and swollen.

Bo Menghan glared at Fang Chenyi secretly, but as she had been prepared, she stretched out her hand and took out a pack of masks from her pocket, smiling at the other Jinjin and said:

"Your brother and I will accompany you to the examination room today. No, there are many people in the examination room. Please bring some masks."

Fangmu Wenyan walked up with a smile on her face and took Bo Menghan's little hand and said:

"Menghan is still thoughtful. We are still worried. Today there is an important customer coming from the company. Neither your uncle nor I have time to accompany Jinjin. Now that you two are with you, I can rest assured."

While talking, Char had already walked over with the dining car. The food was specially prepared for Fang Jinjin. Without the rice porridge and milk, he was afraid of going to the toilet during the exam.

Seeing the food had arrived, everyone began to eat. During this time, Fang Chenyi took advantage of a gap and reached out in his purse and found out two men and three women. A total of five watches were handed to his parents, mother-in-law, and mother-in-law. Fang Jinjin.

As for the extra piece of man, it was naturally prepared for the father-in-law, and now the father-in-law is not there, he directly gave it to the mother-in-law to keep it first.

"Xiao Jin, I'll give this to you first. It's also convenient to check the time during the exam."

Looking at the exquisite watch in their hands, several people like it very much. Of course, in their opinion, the most expensive watch is only a few thousand dollars.After all, they don't have much research on watches.

It's just that no one can think of it. For these watches, the value of each piece must be added with a 4D after their guess.

Fang Jinjin looked at the exquisite watch in her hand and couldn't help but like it very much. She stretched out her hand to put it on her wrist and shook it in front of Fang Chenyi and others:

"Hehe, thank you sister-in-law, it's so pretty."

Hearing Fang Jinjin's words, Fang Chenyi was speechless for a while. It was obviously given to her by herself. Why didn't this girl thank her but thanked Qi Menghan?

Of course, Fang Chenyi can guess his sister's careful thinking.

After a quick meal, Fang Chenyi and Bo Menghan took Fang Jinjin out of the villa. At this time, Liu Yishou had already driven the Red Flag H9 to the door of the villa and waited.

After pulling the car door, Fang Chenyi wanted to sit in the back with Bo Menghan, and then let his younger sister sit in the co-driver. He Chengxiang was rushed to the front by Bo Menghan before getting in the car. Then, Bo Menghan pulled Fang Jinjin and got on the back. seat.

Seeing the closeness of the two, Fang Chenyi put on a helpless expression on his face, but he was very happy in his heart.

The car drove all the way to the test center, and half an hour later, it finally stopped outside the test center.

At this time, there were already many students and parents outside the examination room waiting to start entering. Looking at Fang Jinjin who got off the red flag, some familiar female classmates came over and talked with him. Not only that, but Bo Menghan was also caught Fang Jinjin introduced it to everyone, and soon Bo Menghan chatted with the group of students.

Seeing laughter from the girls over there from time to time, Fang Chenyi felt that there was nothing wrong with him.

I slept for two hours last night, and now I am a little sleepy, and there is nothing to do with me. This guy simply got into the car and went to sleep.

When I woke up and found Fang Jinjin and Bo Menghan both sitting in the car, Fang Chenyi couldn't help but asked with some doubts:

"If you don't take the exam, why are you back again?"

Hearing this, Bo Menghan gave Fang Chenyi an angry white.

"Big lazy pig, are you drowsy? The morning exam is over, okay..."

Hearing this, Fang Chenyi couldn't help but stunned: "The exam is over?? So fast?"

Raised his wrist and took a look, good guy, it's already eleven o'clock, and the exam is really over.

So he smiled and asked the old girl:

"What's wrong, old girl, have you gotten a shovel? Brother brought you a shovel, and got a shovel for you!"

As he spoke, this guy reached out his hand and actually took out a small shovel from under the seat.

Seeing this scene, the two women were speechless for a while!

ps: Families, do you know what does it mean to "have a test, bring a shovel"?Xiaoyuzi is so joking about failing the exam.

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