Free for ten years??

As soon as he said this, the man in the suit next to Fang Chenyi suddenly looked dazed, but after he recovered, he was speechless for a while.

This tattered kid is too capable of pretending to be forced, and he is free to drink Red Bull himself, and is also free for ten years?I really thought I was the boss of Red Bull.

When thinking in his heart whether the tattered kid on the opposite side was pretending to be forceful, Fang Chenyi smiled and asked him:

"What's your name, that brother? And your phone number."

Unexpectedly, this kid is so special that he can pretend, what is his name, and his mobile phone number.Knowing how these can be dripped.

If it’s impossible, even if the other party is really the owner of Red Bull and really gives him free, the supermarket is not run by him.

Maybe watching the excitement is not too big, it has always been a traditional virtue of China. When the surrounding people see this, they can't help but urge the man in the suit to quickly tell Fang Chenyi his name and phone number.

Everyone heard Fang Chenyi's words clearly, so everyone was very curious and wanted to see what would happen next.

Seeing this, the suit suddenly flashed in his mind, and then smiled and said to Fang Chenyi:

"This little brother, I listen to what you mean, this Red Bull Group belongs to your family? Haha, anyway, I have my heart. Besides, this free drink will not be for me to go to the Red Bull headquarters. In this way, I won’t drink a bottle in ten years, haha."

Fang Chenyi smiled and shook his head. The reason why he wanted to give him a free Red Bull drink for ten years was entirely because he took 96% of the shares of Red Bull Group from this guy.

So I feel comfortable and happy.Then I thought of letting this buddy follow along.

But looking at what the guy meant, I didn't believe me at all, but this was normal. After all, I was still picking up the tatters just now. No one can connect myself with the chairman of the Red Bull Group.

Before Fang Chenyi could speak, he saw the man in the suit speak again:

"I think it's fine to drink Red Bull for ten years for free, so let's go, if you have to give me Red Bull for ten years, how about you give it to me at once?"

At this time, the people around him curled their lips in disdain, and some of them were so close that they were in the eye just now. This guy was still laughing at this young man before, and he might also be holding a teasing mentality. A bottle was given to this guy, and now the guy puts it down to give this guy ten years of Red Bull to drink.

Obviously, this guy is probably making fun of this person.

In the hearts of everyone, no one believed Fang Chenyi's words.

As expected, Fang Chenyi nodded and said faintly:

"That’s okay, so let’s do it, I’ll calculate it based on your ten bottles a day, 3,650 bottles per year, and 36,000 bottles in ten years. Then tell me a place, I’ll do it now Let someone load it for you and send it there."

Thirty-six thousand five hundred bottles, which sounded quite a lot, and quite bluffing, but it was actually a truckload of things.

Therefore, Fang Chenyi didn't take it seriously. He believed that there must be more than that little inventory in the warehouse of Qinhuangdao Red Bull now.

The man in the suit laughed at the words:

"That's really thanks to my little brother, but my child is still taking the exam and can't leave for a while, or just send it here? Then I will invite the students who have finished the exam to drink. click it."

By this, everyone around could hear that he was deliberately embarrassing Fang Chenyi, and he didn't intend to let him complete the pretense.

Fang Chenyi nodded when he heard the words: "It's okay, anyway, I gave it to you, you can give it to whoever you want, ha ha."

After speaking, he directly spoke to Sun Zhi who was still waiting on the phone and said:

"Well, have you heard it? Why should the stock in the warehouse be enough? I am in Yuguan now. You add my WeChat account and I will send you the location. How long will it take to arrive?"

After Fang Chenyi finished speaking, Sun Zhi over there smiled and said:

"Haha, what a coincidence, Chairman, we happen to have a car that has just been pulled from the production workshop for 50,000 yuan. Xiao Zhang, who just followed the car, called me and said that he just got off the expressway and stopped at the west expressway. Have something to eat. I will let him pull it over right now, and it will be there in ten minutes at the latest!"

Fang Chenyi didn't expect it to be such a coincidence. He couldn't help but smiled and said hello, then hung up the phone and turned to look at the man in the suit:

"It just happens that we have a car that just got off our high-speed exit, and it will be over within ten minutes. Okay, you can wait for a while. I will put the woven bag in the car."

He raised the swollen woven bag in his hand, and then turned and walked towards his car.

When Fang Chenyi left the world, he couldn't help feeling a moment of sorrow in his heart.Everyone took Fang Chenyi as an excuse to run away.

For a while, the surrounding atmosphere slowly returned to its original state again, but from time to time someone looked at Fang Chenyi's red flag, indicating that many topics had become this matter.

The man in the suit didn't take it seriously, and took his young son into the car to blow on the air conditioner.

In the car, the younger son asked his father:

"Dad, that big brother said he would give us drinks, is it true?"

The man in the suit shook his head disdainfully:

"A tattered man who just talks big words, son, I saw this this time, this is an uneducated person, running the train with his mouth full, and saying that he is the chairman of Red Bull, why doesn't he say that he is a director of Baida Long? Why didn’t he say that he was the chairman of Penguin’s board of directors? Wouldn’t he be the richest man in China?"

Hearing what his father said, the son nodded somewhat faintly, and then went to watch cartoons with his mobile phone while the man in the suit continued to look at the young women in cooler clothes.


Just as everyone withdrew their attention, there was a sudden low voice of the car engine in their ears.

Obviously, this should be the sound made by a heavy truck.

Everyone was puzzled. It stands to reason that there is still an exam here. How could this heavy truck come in?

It's just that when I saw this truck that was getting closer and closer, it was packed with a large truck of Red Bull drinks, and I was taken aback.

At the same time, Wood Tube all unconsciously looked at the red flag H9 under the shade of the trees not far away.

Could it be said that what the tattered boy just said was true?Is this young man picking up tatters really the boss of Red Bull??

Not only the people, but the two men in suits sitting in the Accord car with their sons in air-conditioning also saw the truck coming slowly.

"Fuck, what a coincidence? The truck that pulled the Red Bull also passed by here?"

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