"There are only more than 300 people, oh, if you have less, you can have less. Something is better than nothing."

Hearing Fang Chenyi's words, Ouyang Jun was speechless for a while.

Almost all the people who had retired this batch were recruited at one time, and they still disliked few!

But thinking of the other party's family business, it was relieved.

I have to say that this time Fang Chenyi's business district caused an unimaginable sensation behind it.

While getting the attention of many people, it also has the special care above.

After all, this kind of big project that benefits the country and the people is still very popular.

If not, how could the Ouyang Army help him recruit more than one hundred retired personnel?

I chatted with Ouyang Jun for a while and asked him to continue recruiting a group of personnel and discussing matters concerning navigation rights.

In the words of Ouyang Jun, there is no need to worry about the right of navigation at all. Just go to the HNA department to file with the ship purchase procedure. After all, this is still a Chinese ship.

Jingle bell~

Just put down the phone here, the ringtone of the phone rang.

Fang Chenyi couldn't help but froze for a moment, thinking that Ouyang Jun had forgotten to say something and was fighting again.

Only after seeing the name on it, he was taken aback, Di Modid, why did this guy think of calling himself?

Seeing this name, Fang Chenyi suddenly thought of the Mona Lisa hanging in the villa of his father and mother, and wanted to come to this guy to call himself, mostly because of that painting.

It's just that this guy is really true, calling himself in the middle of the night, this is really not authentic!

After pressing answer, Fang Chenyi couldn't help complaining:

"Old Di, you don't sleep much of the night~"

Di Modid on the opposite side smiled:

"Hey, it seems that I made this call at an untimely time."

Hearing this laughter, Fang Chenyi couldn't help being speechless, how could this voice sound so wretched.

After thinking about it carefully, Fang Chenyi figured it out. This guy must have thought that something had disturbed him.

He rolled his eyes helplessly:

"Your uncle, you don't forget the jet lag, Old Di, right? It's already more than one o'clock in the morning in my place!"

As soon as he said this, the other party was really taken aback, and then there was a burst of laughter:

"Hey hey, sorry boss, I really forgot this, I said, it's only past nine o'clock in the evening, why did you go to bed? I thought you were exercising."

Sure enough, Fang Chenyi waved his hand and interrupted with a smile:

"Keep rolling, it's late at night. Fortunately, your boss, I haven't slept yet. Okay, if you have something to say, I will go to bed soon."

Di Modid on the other side said with some embarrassment:

"Hey, I just want to ask the boss, can you lend me the Mona Lisa. I told people that I had a genuine Mona Lisa, and they all believed it. Now Some are not ending."

After listening to Di Modid's description, Fang Chenyi could imagine what this guy looked like when he was bragging.

He shook his head helplessly. To be honest, since I knew this guy, this guy's performance is still very good, especially quite enough for friends.

Now that the other party said that he would borrow the past, Fang Chenyi couldn't say anything. After all, this guy bought himself hundreds of millions of antiques last time.

Thinking of this, Fang Chenyi teased the other party a few words.

I originally wanted to let the other party come to pick it up, but suddenly I thought that my Ocean Heyue ship seemed to be docked at Dubai Port now. In this way, I would just fly over by myself, and I would take a look at my cruise ship to avoid this. For a few days, Captain David did some tricks.

Thinking of this, Fang Chenyi directly said that he was going to Dubai, and took Mona Lisa with him.

Di Modid naturally had no objection to what Fang Chenyi said, which is simply great, just waiting for the boss to come to his own territory, and show off in front of the boss!

After hung up the phone, it was almost two o'clock. After taking a shower, he went back to the bedroom and hugged his wife to sleep.

Early the next morning, Fang Chenyi got up with Bo Menghan.

It was only five o'clock in the morning. Seeing Fang Chenyi getting up so early, Bo Menghan couldn't help being surprised. This is what happened when the sun came out from the west. Why did he get up so early?

Seeing Bo Menghan's look like a monster, Fang Chenyi rolled his eyes helplessly:

"Xiao Hanhan, what are your eyes? What? Is it in your heart that I can't be diligent?"

Upon hearing this, Bo Menghan only replied with two words'haha'.

After a laugh, the two of them walked out of the villa and came to Villa No. 1. At this time everyone was eating breakfast.In a while, everyone will go to their respective companies, and Fang Jinjin, who has nothing to do after the exam, hasn't gotten up yet.

Seeing Fang Chenyi's arrival, everyone was taken aback, and my father even started jokingly:

"Hey, where did the sun come out today? Why did your kid get up so early?"

Fang Chenyi was speechless for his father's ridicule. It seems that his lazy image has been deeply rooted in everyone's hearts.

Shaking his head helplessly, Fang Chenyi wanted to say, am I lazy?Don’t you know, when you sleep at night, I’m still fighting in the trash! Okay!

Of course, just think about it, and I won't say it.

To say it was better for the mother-in-law, when Fang Chenyi walked in, she quickly got up and took two sets of chopsticks, filled two bowls of porridge and handed them to Fang Chenyi and Bo Menghan.

After chatting for a few words, seeing everyone planning to go to the company, Fang Chenyi quickly said:

"Oh, yes, I'm going to Dubai. I bought a cruise ship and it is docked in Dubai Port. I have to go and receive it."

After hearing this, Fang Chenyi's father said helplessly:

"Your company doesn't take care of every business matter of your kid day by day, and you go to buy a cruise liner. I think you really owe you to clean up."

It’s no wonder that Fang’s father said that. No matter who heard it, he would think that way. I didn’t take care of nearly 20 companies first. Now I suddenly said that I bought a cruise ship. The first feeling I gave was this guy. To play on a cruise ship.

Seeing the helpless look of his father, Fang Chenyi couldn't explain it either. He couldn't say that he didn't plan to ask for it. The system had to reward him.

"Hey, dad, you have wronged me. I bought this cruise ship not only to make money, but also to fill our future commercial area. Our commercial area has a deep water terminal, and it will be connected by then. There isn’t a decent ship. Isn’t that affecting the image? Also, at that time, our cruise line will be open to all the employees of our company as a reward. Isn’t it a very good benefit?"

As Fang Chenyi said here, Father Fang didn't pay attention to him either. Instead, he took the last bite of the gruel from the bowl into his mouth, and then took a paper towel and wiped it:

"Well, your kid always makes sense, okay, go early and return early, and bring Yishou with them, so there is a guarantee."

To be honest, my son has worked hard on such a huge family business in this short period of time, and Fang's father sometimes couldn't believe it, and was even afraid that it was a dream.

As for what I just said, that's what I said.

Say your son is not doing his job?This is just joking, where did these dozen big groups come from?Is it really picked up by tatters?

Of course, every time he thinks of his son’s special hobby, Fang’s father is still helpless. What kind of cruises or something he buys, even if it’s really for his own fun, it’s nothing, but it’s a bit of a mess...

When Fang Chenyi said that he was going abroad again, his mother and mother-in-law were also concerned about asking.

Fang Chenyi listened with a smile.

Suddenly, Fang Chenyi thought of something, so he spoke to his father:

"By the way, Dad, let me tell you something. I picked the painting on the aisle wall over there in a while and took it away."

Hearing the words, the father immediately nodded, and said repeatedly:

"Okay, hurry up and take it off. You don’t want to take it. I plan to take it off after I have time in the past two days. I can’t appreciate foreign gadgets, neither I nor your mother can appreciate it. I have discussed with your mother about it. Replace the paintings in the corridor with plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum."

To say that the words of Father Fang are really right. Every time I walk into the corridor and see the foreign fat girl, I feel awkward. I don’t know how to look ugly. The paintings are not good, if I have been busy with the company recently. As for the matter, Fang's father had picked off that thing long ago.

Now Fang Chenyi said to take it away, Fang's father immediately raised both hands in agreement.

Looking at his father's indifferent and even somewhat happy appearance, Fang Chenyi didn't know what to say in his heart. This is the famous Mona Lisa, who even dislikes this stuff is not good-looking?

Uh... well, Fang Chenyi admitted that apart from the expensive price, this thing really has no advantages.

Finally, Fang Chenyi looked at Bo Menghan, who was sipping porridge with a bowl, and said:

"Menghan, you can ask for a leave in a while, we are leaving today."

When Fang Chenyi said that he would take him with him, Bo Menghan shook his head:

"I won't go, I will have the exam in five days."

When I thought about it, time passed quickly, but I didn't expect that Bo Menghan would graduate in five days.

Since this is the case, Fang Chenyi can no longer let Bo Menghan follow. Thinking about it, he should be able to come back in five days. Then he will not be delayed to accompany Bo Menghan to the exam, so he nodded and said, then don’t bring Bo. Menghan is gone.

Just as Fang Chenyi's voice fell, Fang Jinjin's voice suddenly came from the stairs: "Brother, where are you going to play? I have nothing to do recently. Why would you take me there?"

While talking, Fang Jinjin walked down in a lovely Mickey pajamas with a look of excitement. When she came to Bo Mu, she cleverly called Auntie.

At this time everyone had already finished their meal, so they greeted them and went to the company and school.

After everyone left, Fang Jinjin sat down beside her sister-in-law, grabbed a fried dough stick to eat, and continued to ask excitedly:

"Brother, where are you going to go abroad? I have never been abroad before when I grew up. Can you take me with you."

After hearing this, Bo Menghan smiled and said:

"Yeah, Xiaojin has nothing to do after the holiday. Anyway, you just went to pick up the cruise and just took it for a stroll."

After being said by the two, Fang Chenyi thought about it. To put it bluntly, his past this time can be regarded as a play, and he also went to see the dignified Dubai.

So nodded:

"Your sister-in-law said so, then go, eat quickly, and change clothes after eating. Let's leave at eight o'clock."

Hearing the old brother's consent, Fang Jinjin immediately made a small fist, and snorted excitedly on the face of his sister-in-law Bo Menghan: "Yeah, long live sister-in-law!"

Seeing the two women talking and laughing while eating, Fang Chenyi smiled and shook his head, then turned and walked out of the villa, rode on the little eDonkey at the door, and went straight to the villa where Liu Yishou was.

Pushing open the door of the villa, it was found that except for Liu Yishou who was eating breakfast at the monitor, all the others were absent. From the screen of the monitor, we could see that, except for a few people in each post, the rest were behind. Morning exercises on the hillside.

Fang Chenyi was very satisfied after seeing this.

"Brother Fang, hey, you got up early today."

When Fang Chenyi came in, Liu Yishou hurriedly put down the half of the meal in his hand, stood up quickly, and said with a smile.

Fang Chenyi was speechless when he heard the words, what kind of lazy he was in the hearts of this group of people.

Was it normal to get up one day early~

"You kid, hurry up and eat your meal, this day, which day did I get up like this? I used to just do work in the study after getting up in the morning."

When these words were spoken, Fang Chenyi couldn't help but praise his reaction speed. That's right, he wasn't sleeping late every day, he was dealing with work, hehe.

When Liu Yishou heard this, he immediately believed it, especially considering that a company with so many bosses must have unfinished tasks every day.

It’s just how he knew, although Fang Chenyi owned 18 large and small group companies, including 17 systems rewarded, and one that Wei Yilong had set up by himself.

But Fang Chenyi was a complete throw away from the shopkeeper.

In Fang Chenyi's own words, it's good to just fight the situation. As for the fight, just let someone manage it.

After briefly inquiring about the situation here, Fang Chenyi spoke directly:

"I'm going abroad for a trip to Dubai. Please explain your work and go with me. Oh, by the way, you inform the wood and let him replace Xiaotian. This time you two will go with me."

After the explanation, Liu Yishou immediately began to make arrangements, while Fang Chenyi called Qi Xiaotian and asked him to wait for him at the Capital Airport at 8 o'clock.

After explaining everything, Fang Chenyi suddenly thought of something.

If you are abroad, you may be uncomfortable, so you should prepare something in advance and put it in the woven bag space in case you need it.

[To be continued....

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