Di Modid became more proud as he said, joking, the Gongnong-7-driven walking tractor that the boss sold to himself, but the'WS-15' downsized aero engine!

Even if Lamborghini is very good at building sports cars, there is no way to build such an engine!

Fang Chenyi, who got in the car, looked at this renovated'golden and brilliant' Lamborghini commercial car, and couldn't help but sigh. Could it be that everyone here likes this golden stuff?

Since Fang Chenyi arrived here, he has discovered that whether it is Di Modid’s car or the hotel building, all the decorations are mainly golden.

After Di Modid finished his boasting and stopped, Fang Chenyi changed his topic and asked:

"By the way, Old Di, ask you something, don't you have to shoot guns here?"

After hearing this, Di Modid was taken aback, then he laughed and stretched out his hand to open an armrest box in front. As soon as he reached out his hand, he fetched a golden pistol from the inside. Fang Chenyi:

"As long as we have our nationality, we can buy this stuff. Not only that, but our mine also has its own armed forces."

The moment they saw the pistol, Qi Xiaotian and Liu Yishou beside Fang Chenyi suddenly tense and stared at the hand holding the gun. Like two cheetahs, they could burst out an amazing blow at any time.

Regarding the changes of the two, including Di Modid, everyone in the car felt an indescribable sense of oppression.

Fang Chenyi smiled at the two and shook his head, indicating that the two of them don't need to be too nervous to relax, and then he reached out and took the golden desert eagle in his hand.

"Hehe, a desert eagle made of pure gold. I used to see this thing often in those underworld novels."

Feeling the heavy weight in his hand, and looking at the golden shape, Fang Chenyi couldn't help but think of how the bad guy he saw when he was in school was made.

He remembered seeing this kind of thing inside.

I have to say that this gun is indeed very hand-feeling, and on the whole it is quite large, giving Fang Chenyi a kind of pistol for men to play.

The only thing that Fang Chenyi didn't like was the color of the gun. A good pistol, made such a fancy, really ruined something.

Seeing that the pistol had arrived in Fang Chenyi's hands, the aura of Qi Xiaotian and the two of them waiting to erupt before they were relieved, but they did not completely relax and still maintained a high level of alert.

As for Di Modid, he was shocked at this time. He knew that the two people around Fang Chenyi must be somewhat capable, but he didn't realize until just now that he still underestimated these two people.

The eyes that looked at the two for a while were full of longing.That's a desire for talent. If my own mine guard team had such strength, it would be perfect.

There are also his own subordinates, who usually look like the top five and three are very powerful, but just because of the momentum, it is not a bit of a loss.

Of course, Di Modid also knew that he was greedy and blind, and the other party could not come and do things for himself.

When Fang Chenyi heard Fang Chenyi's words, Di Modid stopped thinking about it, but said with a smile:

"Haha, 98.73% of all metal parts of this pistol are made of pure gold. Of course, the remaining a little bit more is made of special materials mixed with gold, in order to increase the hardness and increase The service life of the firearm. Of course, the wear and tear of this gun is not small, and it takes about one gram of gold to be lost without firing a gun."

Fang Chenyi couldn't help but slander in his heart, this is really a prodigal, a good gun is not fragrant, it has to use gold, five or six hundred per shot, this is no one.

Of course, Fang Chenyi also knew that the guy in front of him had oil in his house, and for such a small amount of money, he would not pick it up even if he fell on the ground.

After playing for a while, Fang Chenyi liked it very much, thinking that he also had a pistol in his woven bag, but didn't know the specific model.

Thinking of this, Fang Chenyi couldn't help returning the pistol to Di Modid.

Di Modid saw this and smiled and said:

"Boss, if you like it so much, I will give you this gun."

Fang Chenyi shook his head and smiled while talking, reaching out and opening his bag:

"Haha, forget it, shoot five or six hundred yuan, I am not as prodigal as you. By the way, I also have one here, you can see how it performs."

As the voice fell, Fang Chenyi also reached out and fumbled out something from the bag.

After seeing the things in Fang Chenyi's hand, everyone was taken aback, especially Qi Xiaotian and the two people didn't know when their boss had a silver-white pistol in their hands.

Looking at the brother's purse in Fang Chenyi's hand, it was exactly the same size as a pistol. It turned out that the pistol was always in it.

Not only that, but at a glance, the two people determined the model of the pistol, the Italian Beretta 92F pistol, developed by the Italian company Beretta in 1985, and fired 9mm Parabellum pistol, full length 217 mm, the empty gun weighs 0.96 kg, the muzzle velocity is 333.7 msec, and the effective range is 50 meters.

Although this gun is not as powerful as the desert eagle that Di Modid took out, there is no doubt that this gun can be said to be the best among pistols, whether it is accuracy, durability, power, or humanity. The mechanics are so perfect that they can't be faulty.

As for this gun, Qi Xiaotian should have a great say, because he used this pistol when he was in service.

Di Modid was also taken aback when he saw this. Seeing Fang Chenyi's appearance just now, he thought that the other party had never seen a real gun, but he didn't expect that the other party even carried a gun with him.

Fang Chenyi was very curious when he saw Di Modid in front of him, and he could not help handing the gun to the opponent.

Just before he waited for the hand to pass, Qi Xiaotian on the side was indeed the first to laugh and say:

"Brother Fang, can you let me have a look first?"

Fang Chenyi couldn't help but stunned, Qi Xiaotian followed him out, no matter what time, he would not take the initiative to speak, unexpectedly speaking today.

Yes, it is abrupt. At this time, it is reasonable to say that Qi Xiaotian shouldn't speak.

But Fang Chenyi was only taken aback for a while, and smiled and handed the gun to Qi Xiaotian first. After all, in Fang Chenyi's heart, he didn't treat this guy as an outsider:

"Hehe, I forgot your kid's background, what's the matter, do you itchy when you see this stuff? No, you can take a look first, and then show Lao Di after you finish it."

Seeing this, Qi Xiaotian grinned and scratched his head, saying that his hands were itchy when he saw it.

After reaching out to take it, he first pulled out of the magazine with a brushing sound, and then quickly checked whether there was a bullet in the gun, and then he brought it back to the front and looked at it pretentiously.

It's just that Fang Chenyi can see his true purpose from Qi Xiaotian's actions just now.

The reason why the magazine was withdrawn was definitely because the drunkard didn't mean to drink. This guy was obviously thinking about protecting his own safety.

Qi Xiaotian's actions next proved this speculation. There was no reason for him. I didn't see that this guy handed Di Modid an empty gun without a magazine.

Regarding Qi Xiaotian's actions, Di Modid was actually like a mirror in his heart, but he didn't care about it. On the contrary, he admired this guy very much.At the same time, I feel a little helpless, when will my bodyguard reach such a level?

Di Modid focused on the gun that Qi Xiaotian handed over, and he couldn't help but exclaimed, then stretched out his hand to take the pistol in Qi Xiaotian's hand, his eyes lit up, and he sighed with a wry smile and said to Fang Chenyi:

"Oh, boss, why do you have to come out and hit me every time I pretend to be forced? The platinum and diamond version of Beretta 92F, the last part is made of special rare materials, boss, I can see Now, your old man is my nemesis!"

Hearing this, Fang Chenyi couldn't help but stunned, then looked at the other party in a little surprise and asked:

"Uh, this is platinum with diamonds? I don't see diamonds either?"

While talking, Fang Chenyi took the pistol back and observed it carefully.

What Fang Chenyi said was true and not false. He watched it over and over for a long time, but he couldn't see where there was a half diamond.

But for Fang Chenyi's words, Di Modid had a broken face:

"Boss, I'm convinced, I'm really convinced, don't beat me up forever..."

Di Modid is really convinced now. Although his own Golden Desert Eagle is not the only one in the world, it is not many. There are only 500 real hair styles, which is already very rare.

I usually use it to pretend to be forceful, but I didn't expect that in front of Fang Chenyi, it would be so worthless.

He has really heard of the Beretta 92F Dimodide in platinum and diamonds, and he also knows that there is only one in the world. In terms of value, it is impossible to buy.

I heard that it has been collected by a mysterious rich man, but I did not expect this mysterious rich man to be Fang Chenyi in front of him~

At this moment, Qi Xiaotian on the side couldn't help but speak:

"Brother Fang, the weight of this gun is wrong. The empty weight of this gun should be 0.96 kilograms, and I just felt it. The weight of this gun without the magazine clip is definitely about 1.5 kilograms."

For this, Fang Chenyi really didn't understand, let alone the weight of the gun, even Fang Chenyi didn't know what type of pistol it was.

With some doubts, he turned his gaze to Qi Xiaotian who was speaking, and then he asked doubtfully:

"It's really possible to say that this is platinum. After all, the color of the gun is similar. But I didn't see the diamonds on this gun? Did you see it?"

Qi Xiaotian indeed shook his head, saying that he didn't know if he saw it.

After hearing this, Di Modid couldn't help but looked at Fang Chenyi's face with some uncertainty. Seeing that it didn't seem to be lying, he couldn't help but asked with some uncertainty:

"Boss, don't you really know?"

Fang Chenyi rolled his eyes anger:

"What nonsense, if I know I will ask you~"

After hearing this, Di Modid couldn't help but pat his forehead, and even more words in his mouth:

"Oh Maga, what's wrong in this world~"

Just when Fang Chenyi raised his hand to give Di Modid a thud, Di Modid finally spoke again.

A finger pointed at an unremarkable white screw on the gun body and said to Fang Chenyi:

"Boss, let's talk about this first, the diamond one!"

Then he pointed to the center of the front sight of the pistol again: "This, diamond!"

"There is also this, diamond; this, this, this are all diamonds, not only these, but also the gun body, there are many more. The most important thing is that these are not ordinary diamonds on the market. The diamond is not only high in hardness, but also has the same characteristics as metal. Perhaps the diamond contains other elements that have such characteristics. It is precisely because of this that this gun has become the most expensive in the world Pistol, no one..."

Following Di Modid’s fingers one by one, Fang Chenyi was surprised to find that these diamonds actually broke his knowledge of diamonds. The diamonds on these did not have that shiny feeling. Some It has a metallic state.

This is why Fang Chenyi did not see the willingness.

Unexpectedly, I just said that Di Modid was the loser, and now it was my turn, and it seemed that I was even worse than Di Modid!

Grandma’s, I even scolded myself~

It's just that Fang Chenyi is very curious now, Di Modid's pure gold shot costs five to six hundred yuan, so how much money does it cost to shoot his own shot?

Seeing that he had returned to Fang Chenyi's hands, Qi Xiaotian calmly handed the magazine back to Fang Chenyi.

After Fang Chenyi took the magazine, he put it back in the woven bag, but in the eyes of everyone, he put it in his handbag.

The car went all the way, and soon came to a dock.

When the car stopped, Di Modid got out of the car first, followed by Fang Chenyi and Qi Xiaotian and Liu Yishou.

When I got off the bus, I looked up and saw a huge, brightly lit cruise ship docking on the shore to welcome the tourists on board.

Although the distance was still far away, Fang Chenyi and Qi Xiaotian and Liu Yishou were all shocked by the size of this guy.

"Brother Fang, this guy is bigger than the aircraft carrier!"

Qi Xiaotian swallowed, and said in shock, Liu Yi nodded after listening.

Fang Chenyi has never seen a real aircraft carrier, so there is no concept of comparing it to an aircraft carrier, but he knows that this guy is really big enough. In Fang Chenyi’s view, this guy is comparable to the size of the Bird’s Nest Stadium. !

"Haha, come, let me introduce to you, this is my boss!"

ps: Thanks for the 200 and 588 book coins sent by the'night ≈ shop' brothers!

Sorry brothers, something happened today, the update is a bit late!

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