As long as you are not a local, this is easy to handle. If you are out of contact with someone in a foreign country, no one can do anything.

He thought it over. At this moment, he found an excuse to take them to withdraw money, and then he found a place to drop it directly into the sea and feed the sharks and it was over.

Thinking about this, Waltz's mood relaxed a lot, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Brother Fang, someone is here."

Fang Chenyi watched Qi Xiaotian walk over with a group of people, nodded and did not speak.

Waltz came to Fang Chenyi, first politely stretched out his hand and shook his hand to Fang Chenyi, then said with a smile on his face:

"Oh, this gentleman is really lucky. He won so many at once. This is the first time someone has won so many at a slot machine since it opened."

While speaking, this mustache Waltz spoke to a man behind him:

"Go and fetch the remaining 7.83 million dollars in chips for this gentleman."

Waltz did not arrange for anyone to check the slot machine, nor did he check the monitoring screen.

Because he didn't intend to lose the money, it didn't matter whether he checked or not.

In the face of all this, Fang Chenyi has always been calm, not to mention that this little money is nothing to him, just to say that this cruise ship is his own, and no matter how much he wins, it is his own money.

But Qi Xiaotian didn't think so, or even thought about it.

Because of this, the two were extremely excited.Nine million dollars, this is the first time I have seen it in my life.

Under the envious gaze of everyone, two big men in suits walked over with two large trays full of piles, on which nearly 800 chips of one hundred thousand dollars were placed densely.

In this casino, the biggest chip is this one hundred thousand dollars, usually it can be said that it is rarely used.Even if it is used, it is only a dozen pieces at most.

Like this time, nearly a thousand pieces were taken out at a time, the first time in history.

The two big red stacks of chips are really attractive enough, and the tourists around are also envious of them.

After handing over the chips to Qi Xiaotian and the two, Waltz chatted with Fang Chenyi for a few more words before leaving.

Of course, before leaving, he did not forget to let someone put a repair seal on the winning slot machine. Although the money was not intended to be lost, the machine can't be given out. After all, it can be a machine of such a big general. , It must be abnormal.

Waltz was really afraid that someone else would win such a big prize again. It would be enough for one person to have a headache. If this is another one, then he should not worry about it.

As soon as Waltz walked out of the gambling hall, he ran into David Rogers who had rushed over in a hurry.

"Asshole, it was nine million dollars at once, Waltz! You'd better explain to me, otherwise, I don't mind throwing you into the sea to feed the sharks!!"

David Rogers can now be said to be jealous and angry, after all, it is nine million dollars!

I worked so hard to secretly get the boat out, originally thinking that I could make a million dollars.

But in the end, it's not enough to even lose all of your net worth!This made it very angry.

Seeing the thunderous boss, Waltz hurriedly stepped forward and took David Rogers to a place where there was no one. Then he looked around and said in a low voice:

"Boss, don't worry, we don't have to pay for this money."

David Rogers, who was originally angry, was pulled aside by Waltz and was ready to get angry, but when he heard Waltz's words, he couldn't help but swallowed it back, and then asked with some uncertainty:

"No need to pay?? What is going on? Could it be that a mistake was reported and no one won the prize of 9 million dollars? Or is this person cheated and found out?"

After hearing this, Waltz smiled and shook his head, saying that it was all wrong.

Seeing that this guy is still in trouble at this time, David Rogerston never hits one place from time to time, raising his hand to slap Waltz on the head:

"Fak, what's the point of selling your fucking dog now! If you have a fart, let it go!"

After being slapped by the boss, Waltz came back to his senses, thinking that he really owed a slap, so he didn't hurry to say...

I looked left and right again and no one noticed, and then said with a smile:

"Boss, it is true that someone has won 9 million and did not cheat. In addition, I have sent him the chips."


Speaking of this, Waltz slapped another slap on the head, and then David Rogers’ angry voice rang:

"Then you tell me that you don't have to pay! You gave me your bargaining chip for a long time, and you still tell me a hammer!"

After playing for a while, David Rogers was still puzzled and raised his hand to hit again. Upon seeing this, Waltz hurriedly explained:

"Boss, don't play, don't play. What's the use of giving him a chip? We won't exchange money for him at that time. There are so many tourists in the stadium. If we don't give him a chip, then let's Isn’t that the end of the credibility. By then, this group of people will definitely leave immediately, and then we will really lose out.”

Waltz didn't dare to sell the game, and hurriedly explained all his plans, including the fact that the other party was three Huaxia people, including the fact that he was going to look back and find an opportunity to work with those three Huaxia people.

David Rogers couldn't help but raised his hand and slapped Waltz's head again. Then he laughed and said:

"Hahaha, your head is still very bright, yes, it's about to catch up with my wisdom. By the way, where are the three people? When will you start? Fuck, dare to win my money, I really don't want to live Up!"

Seeing the boss laughed, Waltz finally let go of his heart. He was really afraid that the boss would leave himself on the cruise ship to feed the sharks.

"Boss, I'm going to wait until they leave the casino to find a chance to start! Grandma's, these three idiots, don't you know why money is hot?"


Another slap was slapped on Waltz's head, and then David Rogers said with a bit of hatred for iron and steel:

"You idiot, just praised you for nothing. Are you all shit in your head? When they leave the casino, how can we exchange it for him? Then what is it for him? Also, he will exchange it in the casino. What should I do if all these 9 million dollars are lost to other tourists? It's good to say, what if every tourist exchanges hundreds of thousands of dollars when the time comes? You idiot, don't hurry up and find an excuse to trick people out of me !"

David Rogers became more and more angry and couldn't help but lift his leg and gave Waltz a kick.

But after David Rogers’ reminded him, Waltz suddenly burst into a cold sweat on his back, but that’s not a problem. If the other party loses the nine million to everyone, then his plan will be finished. Up.

Thinking about this, he hurried back to the casino with someone.

At this time, Fang Chenyi and the three were sitting in front of another slot machine.The surrounding area is full of people watching the excitement.

"Brother Fang, just forget it, ten bets and nine loses, luck can't always be so good, we won nine million dollars, which is a lot."

Standing behind Fang Chenyi, Qi Xiaotian tightly grasped a password box that he had just come to with the staff. It was full of chips. Just kidding, holding that kind of tray, so many people around, who knows One or two dollars will be taken away by anyone.

After all, one piece is 100,000 U.S. dollars, 670,000 renminbi, my own three-year salary!

Holding the box tightly in his hand, he cautiously persuaded Fang Chenyi.

In his opinion, it was probably just luck that he won so much money. Now if he is playing, he will probably lose all the money back. If he can't help himself, then it will be troublesome.

After all, he has heard that the casino's routine is generally to let you win some money first, and then let you double and lose back.

Although he just won nine million US dollars, Qi Xiaotian was afraid that it was the legendary routine...

If the people around you know this kind of thought, you can't help but slap his face.

The routine is this routine, but which casino can use 9 million dollars as bait?Unless it's the casino's collective watts.

Fang Chenyi only smiled when he heard Qi Xiaotian's persuasion, then stretched out his hand and said to Qi Xiaotian:

"Hehe, don't worry, Xiaotian, I have a sense of measure. Give me five chips first."

Persuasion is okay, but rejection is absolutely impossible. Looking at Fang Chenyi's hand extended, Qi Xiaotian reached out without hesitation and drew out five chips in the lockbox and handed them over.

Fang Chenyi was very satisfied with Qi Xiaotian's point.

When the people around saw that this young Chinese man suddenly took out five hundred thousand dollars in chips, the society was in an uproar.

After Fang Chenyi took it over, he dropped a one-hundred-thousand-dollar chip into the slot machine.

Walz, who was rushed over by this scene, saw it, and was taken aback when he saw Walz, then a smile appeared on his face and a cold snort in his heart:

"Hmph, it seems that this young man still knows the reason why the money is too hot, grandma's, and he still wants to feed the sharks with you, but for the sake of your boy who knows how to lose all the money, this time Just let you go. Don’t blame us for being stingy, we can give you everything you win within half a million dollars, hum, if you exceed half a million dollars, don’t blame us."

After muttering in his heart, Waltz stood in the crowd with his subordinates and watched. Although he guessed that this Chinese youth should want to lose the money back, he still needs to see how much this guy is going to lose.

With the sound of music, the cursor on the slot machine screen in front of Fang Chenyi circulated, and soon stopped on a litchi pattern.

Unfortunately, this time Fang Chenyi chose to put one hundred thousand dollars on the watermelon.

Seeing that the cursor did not finally stay on the icon selected by Fang Chenyi, everyone around couldn't help but sighed, and shook their heads in disappointment one by one, but this also seemed reasonable.

Contrary to everyone's disappointment, Waltz was all smiles, thinking in his heart that this Chinese kid played dozens of times quickly, and he would lose all his money back.

Of course, Qi Xiaotian and Liu Yishou followed the cursor with a stop, and a heart was pulled for no reason. This was really fast enough. There was nothing like six or seven hundred thousand.

After the cursor stopped, Fang Chenyi didn't think too much. Instead, he just threw in a one-hundred-thousand-dollar bargaining chip again and pressed the watermelon icon again to push up all the one-hundred-thousand dollars.

The cursor was turning again, and when the music stopped, the hundred thousand dollars was once again drifted away~

Once, twice, three times, within three minutes, Fang Chenyi's five chips were gone.

How many people can reach the wealth that they can't earn in a lifetime, so Fang Chenyi lost in three minutes. The people around this scene are shaking their heads.

More than half of the people have already shook their heads and left.

But when Waltz looked at this Chinese man with interest, Fang Chenyi stretched out his hand again and turned towards his back.

Seeing this, Qi Xiaotian didn't speak, and directly took out five chips from the box and handed them to Fang Chenyi.

However, Fang Chenyi shook his head:

"Five more."

Holding ten chips in his hand, Fang Chenyi began to throw all of them into the slot machine.

Seeing this scene, everyone around couldn’t help taking a breath. Is this guy crazy? He threw in a million chips at a time. At this speed, I’m afraid it won’t take a few minutes. Nine million will have to be lost.

But among the people present, one of them was extremely excited, and his mouth was about to split and his ears were gone.

That was Waltz with a beard.

He didn't care about the situation of the people around him at all, but after throwing in a million chips, he directly put them all on the peach with 50 times odds.

Seeing that all this million were pressed on a fruit, it shocked the people around again. Seriously, it was the first time I saw someone playing a slot machine like this. You said you pressed a few more fruits, When the time comes, it is impossible to say that there will be one who can get it.

This lone tree throwing approach seems a bit extreme.

After choosing, Fang Chenyi pressed his hand on the start button without any disturbance.

The music sounded and the cursor turned. At this moment, time seemed to pass very slowly. Everyone was staring at the endlessly rotating cursor on the slot machine with breathlessness.

I don't know why, Waltz unexpectedly suddenly burst into his heart, and a bad feeling hit his heart.

Finally, under the attention of everyone, the cursor gradually stopped, and then a sound of air-conditioning was intertwined with the sound of sweet winning music.

Waltz, with a big beard on his face, made a chuckle in his heart for an instant, while the boss with his eyes widened with an unbelievable look.

At the same time, he muttered to himself in disbelief: "It's hit again?"

ps: Thank you for the reward of 1000 starting coins from'Stellar Perseverance'!

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