When Fang Chenyi felt that they were on the cruise ship, all crew members were ready.

After this transformation, there are still three huge Chinese characters'Chen Menghao' on the body at this time.

Qi Xiaotian's car did not stop, but drove directly onto the Chenmeng through the transport deck.

After the car stopped, the transport deck was slowly retracted, and the next moment there was a loud whistle.

Accompanied by the rising sun, the Chenmeng slowly left the pier of the port.

But when the car stopped to get off, a dog barking suddenly came from the back of the car.

Fang Chenyi and Qi Xiaotian both froze for a moment, then turned their heads intentionally, and saw that Er Gouzi appeared on the back seat at some point.

"Damn, why did you follow Ergouzi?"

Seeing this guy squinting his eyes and grinning, Fang Chenyi actually felt that this guy was deliberately following him, but this is too enchanting, how can a dog be so smart.

But since he was here, it was not good to send him down, and shook his head helplessly, and had to tell Er Gouzi not to run around.

After walking down the warrior, the two of them followed the elevator directly to Liu Yishou’s captain’s room. They glanced at King Kong who was leaning against a window and slept. Fang Chenyi didn’t bother him either, but after a few words with Liu Yishou. , Went straight back to his room on the top floor to make up for the sleep.

As for Ergouzi, it was given to Qi Xiaotian.

I have been tossing until the middle of the night last night, and I still feel a little sore all over my body. Fortunately, there is nothing to do now, so just go to sleep.


By the time Fang Chenyi woke up, it was already afternoon.

At this time, the cruise ship was still drifting in the waters of China.

After lunch at the restaurant, Fang Chenyi had nothing to do.

Lying on the largest deck chair, he reached out and took his woven bag.

I still remember that I was rewarded with two unknown items before. I haven't figured it out yet. I just have nothing to do now. Take it out and study it.

After opening the woven bag, reaching out and groping inside, he found the dark red pill.

In order not to be blown away by the sea breeze, Fang Chenyi put the woven bag into his arms again, and then he started to study with the pill in his hand.

The mouth-watering scent still got into his nose, but Fang Chenyi couldn’t figure out what kind of scent it was. When he grew up so big, he seemed to have never smelled it before. .

But this also made Fang Chenyi more curious about what it was.

For three or five minutes, Fang Chenyi kept staring at the pill like this. Several times he almost couldn't bear to throw it directly into his mouth and eat it.

It's just reason to tell him that it's best not to eat the unknown things until they are clear. Who knows if this is the legendary "smiling half-step epilepsy".

After enduring and forbearing, Fang Chenyi, who has been studying for a long time, decided to throw it into the woven bag first, and then cut it down a little bit to find a laboratory to test what the ingredients are.

Thinking of this, he carefully placed it on the small plate with fruits beside him, and then reached out to take the woven bag that had been put in his arms.

But things often have accidents. At the same time Fang Chenyi stretched out his hand to take out the weaving, he heard a grunting sound in Fang Chenyi's ears.

When he realized that it was wrong and turned his head to look at his pill, he suddenly saw a drooping Erha standing beside him with his head drooping and doing something wrong.

At this moment, the pill that was originally on the plate still disappeared.

You don't have to think too much about it, this must be eaten by this second dog!

"Fuck! Ergouzi, your uncle! You know what it is, just eat it! If it was poison that killed your dog!"

Looking at the empty plate, Fang Chenyi couldn't help but explode directly. The pill was distressed on one side. He was mainly worried that the pill was poisonous, and then poisoned Ergouzi to death!

Hearing the master's scolding, Er Gouzi's head was lowered. Seeing that pitiful appearance, Fang Chenyi couldn't bear to scold this guy for a while.

Thinking that this guy is rewarded by the system itself, I hope that the pill rewarded by the system will not bring this guy any danger.

In this way, Fang Chenyi kept staring at Ergouzi, wanting to see if something bad happened to this guy.

One minute, two minutes.

Time passed by a little bit, and soon after five minutes, Fang Chenyi, who had been staring at Ergouzi, didn’t find anything unusual about this product, so his heart was finally released. Come down.

However, just when he breathed a sigh of relief, Er Gouzi, whose head was lowered in front of him, suddenly shook his body, then fell on the deck with a thump.

A pair of dog eyes were also closed tightly.

Seeing this, Fang Chenyi was shocked and hurriedly stepped forward to check Er Gouzi's situation.

Just no matter how Fang Chenyi called these Ergouzi, Ergouzi just didn't move and didn't mean to open his eyes at all.

If it weren't for its slowly undulating body to indicate that it was still alive, Fang Chenyi would definitely think Ergouzi had died.

The movement here quickly attracted the attention of the crew, and within a short while, a dozen crew members trot over.

Seeing more and more people, Fang Chenyi simply called a crew member to help him carry Er Gouzi onto the elevator and sent him to his own floor.

After putting it on a wool stall in his room, he said thank you to the crew and let him go down first.

After all, these two dogs and that pill are all made in woven bags, and the less people know about this kind of thing, the better.

After observing Ergouzi for a while, he found that this guy was no different from falling asleep, the only difference was that he couldn't wake up anyway.

But depending on the situation, it seems that there is no danger, Fang Chenyi's heart only sent a little:

"You dog, see it, this is the end of your mouth. You are really brave, you dare to eat anything in your mouth."

Although he said so, Fang Chenyi also knew that the scent of the pill was wanted to eat it several times, let alone Ergouzi. I believe that if King Kong was present at that time, it would be like Ergouzi. Just throw it into your mouth and eat it.

I sighed helplessly. I don't know what kind of aircraft the system is working on. In the past, the system would come out to answer questions for myself. This time, no matter how I asked, there was not even a sound..

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