Become the world's richest man from picking up tatters

Chapter 402 There is something here! (Third more)

For Ergouzi, these people still knew him. When the boss boarded the ship on the first day, he followed this dog.

Knowing that this is the boss’s dog, the waitress who was in charge of serving the food naturally had to feed Ergouzi, but after seeing this guy with the stainless steel plates used by the crew for dinner, she was a little speechless.

After thinking about it for a while, he stretched out his hand and took out a large stainless steel basin in the cabinet underneath. Then he filled Ergouzi with a pan full of food without hesitation, and placed it on Ergouzi's body. Before, and reached out to touch Er Gouzi's head and said:

"After that, this will be your exclusive tableware."

When Er Gouzi saw the food, his eyes had long been green, and he didn't care what the waitress said, so he buried his head in the stainless steel basin and gulped.

Fang Chenyi, who was not far behind, saw this, and did not pay attention to this guy. Instead, he picked up a stainless steel dinner plate and started to beat up his own food.

As for what the waitress did just now, Fang Chenyi had no objection. In any case, Ergouzi is also a dog. It would be inappropriate to share a meal with the crew.


When Fang Chenyi had just prepared the food and walked to a table to sit down, he heard a scream from the door of the restaurant. No need to think about it, it must be King Kong.

Sure enough, the next moment I saw a camouflage uniform with a camouflage hat on his head, King Kong swaggered in, and behind it, Qi Xiaotian followed.

As soon as he walked in the door, the sharp-eyed King Kong saw his master, and his big mouth suddenly split.

It's just that this guy didn't come to Fang Chenyi for the first time. Instead, he came to a small cabinet and opened the door of the small cabinet as soon as he reached out. Then, he reached out and took out a large stainless steel tray.

Then he walked over to the waiter with a large tray nearly three times larger than the ordinary tray.

The waitress was used to this for a long time, and did not reach out to take the big tray in King Kong's hand, but smiled and asked King Kong which one would like to eat.

King Kong scratched his head and pointed his finger at a dish after thinking for a while.

When the waitress saw this, she waved the big spoon and filled King Kong with a full tray.

King Kong saw that the other party filled him with a plate, and suddenly a big mouth cracked on the ear girl again.

After a while, this guy ran to Fang Chenyi's side carrying food several times the amount of ordinary people.

Perhaps the food was a little full. When he was close to Fang Chenyi, some vegetable soup spilled out. King Kong saw it and hurriedly pouted and took a sip of the vegetable soup on the tray. Fang Chenyi looked like that for a while. It's so funny.

"Brother Fang, we will be there tomorrow morning. See how many people we take to disembark."

At this time, Qi Xiaotian had also walked over with food, and sat next to Fang Chenyi and asked.

On the other hand, Fang Chenyi thought about it while watching King Kong holding the big iron spoon in his mouth, and then said:

"It doesn't need to be too much. If it doesn't work, just ten people. The rest will stay on the cruise ship. By the way, let one sit on the Apache. If anything goes wrong, you can respond as soon as possible. "

This time, the immigration procedures have been approved, but because the diamond mine is located right next to the sea, Fang Chenyi plans to land directly through the sea.

At that time, the cruise ship will directly stop on the sea near the diamond mine, and then bring people over by yourself.

In this way, a lot of trouble is also saved.

"Okay, Brother Fang, there's a Brother Fang. This is for you. It is a map of our diamond mine. We just received a message from South Africa. According to their information, we have a diamond mine. A wu outfit force of 300 people is guarding it. This wu outfit force belongs to an organization called the Cobra, which is the most powerful underground armed force in South Africa."

Fang Chenyi didn't know much about these situations. He only knew that after the previous owner of this diamond mine sold it to him, now a deputy named Pilsen is helping him manage the diamond mine.

Listening to Qi Xiaotian's explanation, Fang Chenyi's brow furrowed deeper and deeper. He always felt that it wasn't that simple, maybe there was some secret hidden behind this diamond mine.

It's just that these are just his guesses, what kind of situation it is, you still need to wait until they arrive to know.

After thinking about it for a while, Fang Chenyi suddenly spoke to Qi Xiaotian:

"Do we have anything to protect ourselves?"

Qi Xiaotian nodded: "You can rest assured, Brother Fang, when I stopped at Country X the day before yesterday, everything was done."

After hearing this, Fang Chenyi did not continue to ask, because he knew that since Qi Xiaotian said it was done.Then there must be no problems.

Here Fang Chenyi and Qi Xiaotian are chatting, the Ergouzi over there have already eaten three large pots in a row, and these three large pots put together are already more than double the amount of King Kong.

Looking at Ergouzi who was dragging his chubby belly against his feet, Fang Chenyi didn't continue to talk with Qi Xiaotian. For specific matters, let's go to the control room after dinner.

King Kong, who was eating with a spoon next to Fang Chenyi, saw Er Gouzi coming over, and he was immediately intrigued. After putting the spoon down, he stretched out his big black hand and touched Er Gouzi’s head.

Only when Er Gouzi saw this, he was very flexible and dodged from King Kong's big hand, and then looked at King Kong with an uncomfortable look.

The originally smiling King Kong saw the dog avoiding his hand and couldn't help but bared his teeth at Ergouzi, and then stopped taking care of Ergouzi and continued to eat.

On the other hand, Ergouzi, seeing King Kong gnawing his teeth, he also gnashed his teeth.

Fang Chenyi and Qi Xiaotian, who had witnessed the whole process next to them, were stunned. The reaction speed of these two dogs seemed to be a bit fast!

"You two are not allowed to fight, hear you!"

After yelling at them, Fang Chenyi stood up with the tray after eating, and then went back to the captain's room with Qi Xiaotian.

As for Ergouzi, since Fang Chenyi didn't say anything, Qi Xiaotian naturally wouldn't ask.

In the captain's room, Fang Chenyi, Qi Xiaotian and Liu Yishou talked for a long time, during which more than a dozen crew members were called in one after another.

After coming out, these people went to the warehouse to collect their own things.

ps: Add more rewards for the "Forget Trace" boss (23)!

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