"This, that, I don't know the specifics too much. I only know that these families are very powerful, and they also have the wealth of a wealthy country. According to my understanding, most of the Poseidon family’s bright-faced industries Banks have been opened in various Western countries."

Bilson's words made Fang Chenyi frowned. He opened a bank in a Western country?This is really awesome. Even Gates, the richest man in the world, dare not say to open banks in various countries.

The funds needed to support the operation of the bank are countless!

This also gave Fang Chenyi a new understanding of the Poseidon family.

With the help of the system, he is now considered super worthy, but it seems that he is far from the Poseidon family.

"Do you know that these hundred big families have those?"

Now Fang Chenyi’s inner curiosity for this hundred big families has reached a certain height. Originally, his goal was simple, that is to achieve financial freedom, but after having the system, he began to dream of becoming the world’s richest man one day. .

So he wants to build a solar system business district, he wants to integrate all resources into Qinhuangdao, and build Qinhuangdao into the world's largest economic circle.

He has already done this. It can be said that this goal will basically be successful in the last one or two years.

But now, let him know that his goal of hard work is actually not the highest, which gives him new motivation.

He wants to figure out what is going on with these hundred big families, so he is surpassing them all!

That's right, just go beyond!

It's not that he has big ambitions, it's mainly that such an awesome system is in hand, how could he let him down.

What's more, in fact, there is no difference between this and his current goal. Only by surpassing all these families can he reach the rank of the world's richest man.

"There are those specific ones. I only know the Poseidon family and the remaining eleven families of the descendants of the gods among the twelve gods. Oh, yes, there is also the Dimo ​​family in the Middle East and the Ma family in China. But horses. The family should be the last small family."

After listening to Pilsen's words, Fang Chenyi, who was thinking, was obviously taken aback. He didn't expect that he still had the world's top 100 families in China, but this Ma family, which Ma family was this??

And the Dimo ​​family in the Middle East, could it be Di Modid's family??

Fang Chenyi didn't expect that this trip to South Africa exposed him to so many things that he had never heard of before.

It seems that my vision is too low.

Just listening to Bilson's account, this guy obviously doesn't know much about these hundred big families. Fang Chenyi can also understand this. After all, the other party is just a small person, and it is normal to not know some things.

I went back to Di Modid and asked if his family was really one of the hundred big families, then the other party must know more than this Pilsen.

Thinking of this, he waved his hand and interrupted Bilson's guess about the Hundred Great Families.

Then directly turned to the topic and asked:

"Okay, I know about this. Needless to say about the Hundred Big Families, you should tell me about the diamond mine."

The matter of the Hundred Great Families, I am looking back to investigate, and now the most important thing to understand, this is the matter of this diamond mine.

I just heard what Pilsen said, there are treasures in this diamond mine. Whether this is true or not is unknown.

When Bilson heard that the boss hadn't asked about the Hundred Great Families, he was also very relieved. After all, he really didn't know much.

But he still knows what's happening here.

So he quickly wiped the sweat from his forehead and continued to speak:

"Well, I also said before. The Cobra Organization used special methods to detect the relics left by God. You may not know the importance of a Poseidon’s relic. It is not an exaggeration at all. The Dong family got this relic of the Seagod, and it is absolutely possible that the Poseidon family's status can be raised several levels among the top 100 families, and it is not impossible to even jump into the top ten families!

As if to exaggerate the importance of this matter, Bilson even danced with excitement when he said this.Only after seeing the boss's frowning expression, Xin knew that he was a little proud, so he smiled and continued to speak:

"Ahem, so, let me bring the cobra staff here to purchase, but no matter what price we offer, the original mine owner just refused to sell this diamond mine, even if he made his debut far more than The price of this diamond mine is doubled, and that guy also refuses to sell it."

Upon hearing this, Fang Chenyi was a little interested and asked:

"Oh? Not willing to double it? Did he know there might be treasures in it?"

Bilson shook his head with a wry smile:

"In the beginning we thought so too, but later we learned that the mine owner saw that we gave such a high price and thought that we must have calculated that the diamond content here would be very high, so naturally he would not sell. "

Hearing this, Fang Chenyi shook his head somewhat dumbfounded.

And Bilson continued to speak:

"In the end, there was no way. The leader of the Cobra Organization directly issued an order to seize, so we directly killed the boss of the diamond mine. Only after we were killed did we know that the diamond mine had been transferred to his son's name. under."

With a helpless sigh, he continued to tell:

"Oh, when we found his son and wanted to take the ownership of the diamond mine, we found that out of fear, his son had already sold the diamond mine. As for the buyer, you are the boss. "

It turns out that Fang Chenyi suddenly realized it. Now it can be explained. The mine owner's son was afraid that the diamond mine was hot, so he shot it. At this time, it happened to be recycled by the system.

When Bilson said this, he glanced at Fang Chenyi hesitantly before continuing to speak:

"After knowing that the diamond mine was sold to a Huaxia, I tried to search and track it. I wanted to find you, but it is strange that even if the power of the Poseidon family was used, it was impossible to find the buyer. Specific information. Of course, this is entirely because of your Huaxia identity, even if it is as strong as the Poseidon family, you cannot enter your Huaxia for inquiries."

Hearing this, Fang Chenyi showed a smug smile on his face. I have to say that Huaxia is indeed the best in terms of safety.

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