Now under the five-meter deep pit, the stone has expanded from a diameter of about three meters originally exposed to the ground to a width of nearly ten meters, and looking at its downward trend, there is still a long distance below.

Looking at the sun above his head, Fang Chenyi asked everyone to work in shifts, and each group would come up to rest for an hour after working for an hour.

Not only that, Fang Chenyi asked Liu Yishou to airlift several large freezers and several generators.

At noon, everyone was eating in shifts, and until the evening, the pit had been dug to a depth of nearly ten meters.And looking at the big rock underneath, it's only twenty meters in diameter.

It has to be said that the diamond content here is really high enough, but after such a day's work, the crew below almost never stopped digging diamonds.

This can be seen from the small full box above the mine.

It's just that Fang Chenyi's attention was not on this box of diamonds. Seeing the excitement when everyone dug up the diamonds, Fang Chenyi waved his hand and said that these diamonds are all owned by everyone!

In a short time, the entire construction site was boiling, and the crew members who were already very hardworking were even more excited as if they were beaten in blood, and the shovel and pick in their hands turned up and down.

A little bit of time passed, and the sky soon dimmed, but at this moment, under the action of seven or eight large generators, dozens of huge searchlights illuminated the construction site with bright lights.

Fang Chenyi, holding a shovel in his hand and digging soil with the crew, looked at the tired crew beside him, and immediately called Qi Xiaotian to tell them all to go back to rest, and let the remaining one hundred. A crew member came to continue digging.

Qi Xiaotian also held a shovel in his hand, wiped the sweat from his face and nodded, then began to communicate with Liu Yishou.

Five minutes later, one hundred of the two hundred people came out, got on the amphibious armor, and walked towards the camp on the mountainside.

It has to be said that the loading capacity of the amphibious armor is really strong enough. Thirty people on the armored vehicle rated for 11 people are just a bit crowded.

After the first crew left, it took almost half an hour before the three amphibious armors were reopened.

It's just that the crew members who jumped out of the car this time are obviously full of energy.

Although these guys have already been on duty for a day, they are definitely much better than the crew members who have worked hard for a day.

With the arrival of these people, the 100 people who were working also got on amphibious armor and returned to the camp and the Chenmeng.

These powerful inputs have once again improved the progress of the project a lot, especially when these guys have also dug diamonds one after another, it is even more excited.

"Haha, these guys really have energy, Xiaotian, go back and rest first."

Qi Xiaotian fiercely stepped on the shovel in his hand with his army boots and let it plunge deeply into the soil, but said with a smile on his mouth:

"It's okay, Brother Fang, my physical fitness is much better than these guys, and I don't get tired after working all night. You should go to rest and rest first."

Fang Chenyi shook his head after hearing this. Although he was a little tired, he would not let him leave at this time. Who knows whether the legendary thing will appear in it.

Tu Tu Tu Tu~

Just when Fang Chenyi and Qi Xiaotian were chatting, a sound of propeller came. After a while, I saw Liu Yishou jump down with a grin, and came to Fang Chenyi and Qi Xiaotian's side, looking at the two people like mud monkeys. Opened his mouth and said:

"Brother Fang, Captain, you two go and rest for a while, I'll just stare here."

When Qi Xiaotian saw this guy appearing here, his eyes suddenly stared:

"Why did your kid run over? Who will command the Chenmeng?"

Seeing Qi Xiaotian getting angry, Liu Yishou immediately lowered his head.

Although the relationship between the two is usually very good, when Qi Xiaotian speaks in a business tone, Liu Yishou can control his identity well.

Upon seeing this, Fang Chenyi patted Qi Xiaotian on the shoulder a little funny:

"Okay, Lao Liu is also kind, okay, okay, now that Lao Liu is here, then you should hurry up to take over the command authority on the Chenmeng."

After speaking to Qi Xiaotian, Fang Chenyi turned his head and looked at Liu Yishou:

"One hand, I will leave it to you here. Remember, as long as you find an abnormal place, you should notify me immediately! No matter what time, you must notify me as soon as possible, and don't act privately!"

Glancing at the big rock that is still bottomless, Fang Chenyi doesn't know how long it will take to dig it out. He is indeed a little tired now. Fortunately, let Liu Yishou take care of it first.

"Yes! Fang, don't worry, if there is any situation, I will notify you as soon as possible!"

After speaking, he patted Qi Xiaotian on the shoulder and took the lead to climb up the pit.

Not far away, King Kong, who was waving an iron pick, saw his master about to leave. He threw the iron pick in his hand and yelled and chased Fang Chenyi.

Behind King Kong, Er Gouzi was a little hesitant, and wanted to go back with his master to rest for a night, but looked at the big stone in front of him, and was a little at a loss.

And when Ergouzi was in a dilemma, King Kong, who had already ran out, suddenly turned back. Then, under everyone's stunned eyes, this guy took Ergouzi in his arms, and then Zai Ci chased in Fang Chenyi's direction.

When Fang Chenyi returned to put it on, he walked directly to his room, while King Kong and Ergouzi followed Qi Xiaotian to the command room very witty.

After getting inside, an assistant who was supporting the temporary command immediately greeted Qi Xiaotian. Qi Xiaotian just nodded, and directly picked up the intercom on the ship and directly said that he was now taking over the command of the cruise ship.

Let's talk about Fang Chenyi's side. After returning to the room, he looked at himself in the mirror and gave a bitter smile, and his little white teeth suddenly appeared.

After taking a shower, changing clothes, and stretching the muscles and bones on his body, he jumped into the soft bed and fell asleep.

Ling Ling Ling~

Fang Chenyi felt that just as he lay down, the phone on the bedside rang.

He picked it up in a daze and looked at the caller ID on it, and he suddenly woke up, turned over and got up from the bed, and then hurriedly pressed the answer button and asked into the microphone:

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