When he was ready, Fang Chenyi hesitated again. He stretched out his hand and picked up a fist-sized stone and threw it directly toward the passage inside the gate.

However, the sound of a series of collisions between stones and rock walls sounded, but the sound of falling to the ground was not heard for a long time.

Later, the sound disappeared.

"Fuck, it's so deep inside?"

After swallowing, Fang Chenyi even started to shake in his heart.

However, the more dangerous the place is, the greater the chance, not to mention that, apart from being deeper, there is no movement after waiting for such a long time, which also shows that there is no living thing in it.

Looking down at the bottomless dark place again, Fang Chenyi gritted his teeth, reached out and turned on the headlight on the tactical helmet he was wearing, and fixed the m4 on his back, and touched his legs. The tight dagger, and various equipment.

Finally, he was cruel, gritted his teeth and turned around and stepped on the slope with his foot.

Holding the rope hard with both arms, the body maintained a backward posture, just like that, Fang Chenyi began to walk step by step towards the inside of the passage.


However, just when Fang Chenyi descended more than ten meters into the tunnel, a creaking sound suddenly rang from the top of his head. Upon seeing it again, the two stone gates that had been wide open started to close.

Moreover, the speed was not as fast as usual. When Fang Chenyi wanted to climb up again, it was obvious that there was not enough time.

Cang Dang!

With a loud noise, the two heavy stone doors closed in vain, and the original light disappeared instantly.

Fortunately, even though the stone gate was closed, the rope tied to Fang Chenyi's body and his hands did not fall downward.

Lifting his head and looking through the bright flashlight above his head, he saw that the two ropes were actually clamped on the stone gate.

Pulling the rope hard, Fang Chenyi found that it was still very strong.

Fang Chenyi's temperament was unwilling to admit defeat. Under this situation, he was very calm and wanted to climb up, but he thought that the closed Shimen would definitely not be able to open at this time.

After hesitating for a moment, Fang Chenyi gritted his teeth and continued to move down.

Instead of working in vain at the door, let's go and see what kind of treasures are there. I can't say that I got the treasures, and there is a way to open the stone gate.

Since the rope tied to his waist had been clamped by the door, Fang Chenyi simply untied it, leaving the rope in his hand.

Fang Chenyi thought for a while, hung the safety rope on his waist by himself, and after hitting a zip buckle, his feet slammed hard, and then his hands were matched with the relaxation rope one after another, and the whole body began to fasten the rope. Down.

Three minutes, five minutes, ten minutes.After dropping for nearly ten minutes, Fang Chenyi still did not reach the bottom of the passage.

At this time, Fang Chenyi's hands and legs were already extremely sore.

Stopped his figure, tied the rope to his body to fix his body.

Of course, at this time, the rope in Fang Chenyi's hand was not the first one, but a bundle of ropes in the space of his woven bag.

As for taking a rope before, it's over long ago.

Fortunately, after surviving on that deserted island, I always sat in the woven bag with sufficient preparation.

Today, the rope in his hand is a special paratrooper rope, regardless of the thickness of the chopsticks, but it is no problem to bear a weight of five or six hundred kilograms.

Because of its small size, Fang Chenyi directly prepared nearly a kilometer.

But now this rope comes in handy.

Sitting on a sloping slope with the pulling force of the rope, his eyes are looking around through the light of the flashlight.

Fang Chenyi found that the entire stone wall was cut out of a whole piece of stone, without a trace of spelling.

It's just been a long time since Fang Chenyi found that there was nothing left besides the smooth stone walls along the way.

Shaking his head, I don't know where this is.

After resting for a while, feeling that his arm was not so sore, he stood up and continued to move downward.

Glide quickly, and from time to time, I will look at the gloomy depths to see if I can see the world below.

It's just a pity that no matter how many times he looks back, there is still endless darkness underneath.

In this way, after nearly ten minutes, the rope in his hand was almost at the end. Roughly speaking, Fang Chenyi felt that he had drawn a distance of nearly 1,300 meters toward the bottom at least.

What kind of height is this?There is nothing on the flat ground when entering the customs, which is nearly three miles away, but when it is changed to underground, it is different.

1,300 meters, according to Fang Chenyi’s understanding, the earth’s crust is only about 17 kilometers, and it’s close to the sea, and the ocean’s crust is much thinner than other places, even the thinnest place. It is only six or seven kilometers.

But now it has dropped nearly 1,300 meters, but it still hasn't reached the end.

The main thing, Fang Chenyi, didn't know how far there was.

Sliding down again for nearly two hundred meters, the rope has completely reached its end.

Looking at the still pitch-black depths under his feet, Fang Chenyi swallowed, and three words popped out with difficulty:


Raising his head and looking at the same dark top of his head, Fang Chenyi can now be said to be in a dilemma. At a depth of 1,500 meters, it's okay to get down, but it's not that easy to climb up.

After fixing the rope to his waist again, Fang Chenyi took out the woven bag and began to search inside.

He looked for something that he could use now.

"The parachute, it's useless. The inflatable boat, it's useless. Damn it, why is there a vibrator?"

Turning over, Fang Chenyi found something often seen in small movies in a corner of the woven bag space.

Chen Yi was a little speechless below this, but he also remembered that this was the special reward given to him.

I originally wanted to throw it away, but when there was a lot of things, I forgot about it. If I didn't find something and saw it today, I can't say how long this thing would have to stay in the woven bag space.

Looking helplessly at the thing in his hand, Fang Chenyi shook his head dumbfoundingly, trying to put it in the woven bag again, but stopped the movement in his hand.

At the same time, I also thought of a more reliable idea in my mind.

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