A creature that suddenly appeared in his mind immediately frightened Fang Chenyi.

Snake body eagle claws!Is this the legendary dragon??

No, if it is a dragon, how can it be the head of a snake?Also, if it is really a dragon, why is there no dragon horn?

One by one questions appeared in Fang Chenyi's mind, which was very similar to the legendary dragon but was somewhat different.

But this huge body with a length of more than ten meters and a skull the size of a millstone, plus these two bone claws, what would it be if this is not a dragon?

Suddenly, Fang Chenyi thought that there seemed to be a set of super-powered rechargeable light bulbs in his woven bag, which seemed to be ready for use now.

Thinking of this, he immediately rummaged in his woven bag. After a while, Fang Chenyi took out the large light bulbs and placed them in every corner of the hall.

With the illumination of these large light bulbs, the entire hall was illuminated for a while.

After doing all this, Fang Chenyi patted the dust on his hands, raised his eyes and started to look at the skeleton in front of him again.

Stepped back a few steps and came to the very edge of the main hall, Fang Chenyi couldn't help taking a breath as he looked towards the skeleton in front of him.

At the same time, Fang Chenyi's mind came up with a creature "Jiao".

The dragon has no horns and said, it is like a snake, with claws.

It was just an instant that Fang Chenyi thought of this thing. This was the article that Fang Chenyi saw when he checked the information by chance.

Looking at this huge skeleton now, it looks like the above description.

Ten meters away, the skull is like a snake's head, with claws under the abdomen.

Not only that, at this time, with the light shining, Fang Chenyi unexpectedly saw that there was a pair of bone wings five meters away on this guy's back!

This guy not only has claws, but also wings!

And even though the one in front of him was just a skeleton, Fang Chenyi had a palpitating breath lingering in his heart. This guy must have been awesome before!

"It seems that this should indeed be the skeleton of a dragon! But this is too awesome. There is actually a creature like a dragon in this world, so does it mean that dragons really exist?"

Thinking this way, Fang Chenyi didn't stop searching for him.

Although illuminated by the light, Fang Chenyi still did not turn off the glare flashlight, stepped forward to look again, and focused the glare flashlight at the two thick claw bones.

With the glare flashlight shining, a dazzling light shone in the gap between his bones and claws.

At this moment, Fang Chenyi immediately became energetic, and hurriedly stretched out his hand and pulled the dagger from his leg towards the bone claw.

"Hey, I want to see what kind of baby can turn you into a bone and hold it tightly in your hand."


However, when the dagger made of special steel in Fang Chenyi's hand collided with the claw bones, there was a sound of golden and iron humming.

"Hey, this bone is really hard enough!"

He whispered, the dagger in Fang Chenyi's hand had also been inserted into the gap between the claw bones, and he found a support point and used a little bit of strength on his hand.

Only at the next moment, Fang Chenyi found out speechlessly that he couldn't pry open this claw bone at all when he was weak.

This made Fang Chenyi, who didn't want to destroy the integrity of the skeleton, only said sorry to the skeleton, and then the strength in his hand increased.

In Fang Chenyi's view, no matter what or how awesome the skeleton in front of him is, it is now a pile of bones. Even if it breaks without touching it, it won't be too hard.

As the strength in his hands increased, Fang Chenyi suddenly realized that his thoughts were a little sloppy.

This is not so hard. The special dagger was prying on it, and he used all his strength, but he couldn't pry the bone claws apart.


Just when Fang Chenyi's whole body strength was concentrated on his hands, he heard a jump, and immediately afterwards, his hands were light, and at the same time, the whole body shape was unstable and fell to one side due to the sudden loss of strength. Fell to the ground.

Although very embarrassed, Fang Chenyi didn't care. After getting up from the ground, he immediately looked at the bone claw.

He wants to see what the baby is in this paw!

But the next moment, he was surprised to find that the entire bone claw was still intact, but in a gap between the bone claw, there was a half-cut blade at this time!

"Fuck me, is my knife broken?"

I originally thought that the sound was prying the bone claws apart, but what I thought was that my dagger was broken!

This made Fang Chenyi a little confused. His dagger wasn't the inferior product that he bought casually on the market. It was a special dagger that Qi Xiaotian had brought.

According to Qi Xiaotian, it was forged with the world's No. 1 special steel specially used to make knives, and now it broke in front of this pile of bone shelves!

It is enough to see how strong this skeleton is!

Inserting only half of the dagger in his hand back into the scabbard on his leg, then he looked at the claw bone in front of him again.

For a while, Fang Chenyi didn't know what to do.

The hardest thing I can find on my body is the dagger that was just broken apart from that thing. Of course, that thing is not for this purpose.

With a helpless sigh, Fang Chenyi sat down on the ground beside his claw bones, taking out a bottle of water from the woven bag to drink, looking around.

He wants to see, see if there are other things in this hall, and see if there is anything that can pry the bone claws apart.

But to Fang Chenyi's disappointment, after searching around, he still didn't find anything.

"Hehe, this feeling is really unpleasant."

This feeling of throwing the beauty down and just preparing for that, only to find that the other party happened to be a relative, made Fang Chenyi depressed.

He drank the mineral water in his hand, and then subconsciously wanted to throw it into the woven bag.

But at the moment when the mineral water bottle was about to be thrown in, Fang Chenyi suddenly had a look, and then hurriedly threw the bottle in his hand aside, and a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes.

Perhaps the way to pry the bone claws apart is to look for it in your own woven bag.

Thinking of this, Fang Chenyi looked at the huge skeleton in front of him.

"Hehe, my special reward seems to have another chance, but I don't know what it will reward me this time..."

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