When I got down, the rope was not long enough, and when I got down, I slid down. Now I don’t have a rope. It is obviously unrealistic to walk up that big slope.

As for waiting for Qi Xiaotian and the others to smash the stone gate, that is obviously unrealistic.When he first came down, Fang Chenyi remembered that the thickness of the stone gate was at least about one meter.

A stone gate of this thickness is obviously not something ordinary people can break open.What's more, I don't know if there is any secret on the stone gate, and even the pneumatic pick can't drill it.

He sighed helplessly, hey, are you stuck here like this?

Although the baby was in his hand, there was no way to go out, which was a bit painful.

Feeling the feeling of hunger coming from his stomach, Fang Chenyi had to go back into the tent again and take out food to eat.

There is no way, now all around is thick bone meal, only the inside of the tent is clean.

When he came into the tent, he sat down on the ground, but his gaze suddenly turned to the small hole on the ground.

"Huh? Is this the pit made by the bone claw before?"

The bright flashlight in his hand was illuminated, and he saw that a small hole measuring more than ten centimeters on the ground looked like a trace of bone claws.

Seeing this, Fang Chenyi's eyes suddenly brightened, and he might have a way to get out!

Suppressing the joy in my heart, I hurriedly took out food to fill my stomach indiscriminately, and then reached out and took out my own garbage clip. Then, the garbage clip was clamped in the woven bag space, the half-meter-sized bone The claw was caught by Fang Chenyi.

If there was nothing to sway the garbage folder in his hand, the big bone claw in front of him also swayed.

He didn't put away the tent, but went directly to the sloped passage with his bone claws.

Looking at the sloping passage, Fang Chenyi showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, and immediately afterwards, the garbage clip in his hand with bone claws slammed towards the front stone slab.

With a loud noise, Fang Chenyi saw through the light of the flashlight that on the stone slab, there was an extra pit of nearly half a meter.

Seeing this scene, Fang Chenyi couldn't help but sucked in a cold breath: "Fuck, so fierce? It seems that I have used too much energy! But this method really works."

Fortunately, the width of this passage is enough, Fang Chenyi conducted a series of experiments below, and finally mastered the best strength.

For the next time, the trash clip in his hand was waving with bone claws.

In front of him, he was smashed out of pits like steps.

He arched his body and walked toward the top step by step, while easily pulling up the garbage clip in his hand to open the way.

The original problem has now become so relaxed and comfortable.

In half an hour, Fang Chenyi had already come to his rope.

He picked up the bone claws again and slammed it to the ground, and suddenly a large hole half a meter deep appeared in front of Fang Chenyi.

He stretched out his hand to pull the gravel in the pit, and then sat in.

Oh, let alone, this big pit is just like a bench when you sit up, it's really comfortable.

I took a sip of water and took out a piece of chocolate in my mouth to add energy.

After eating, Fang Chenyi thought for a while, and put all the bone claws and garbage clips into the woven bag.

Now that you have a rope, you should use the rope to climb upwards, which can save a little time.

In this way, the crawling stopped and stopped, and when he was tired, he took out his bone claws and knocked a big hole on the ground, came out and sat in and rested for a while.

Time passed by little by little. Finally, after more than three hours of hard work, Fang Chenyi came to the huge stone gate again.

Looking at this huge stone gate, Fang Chenyi finally breathed a long sigh of relief.

Picking up the trash clip in his hand, he smashed out a standing platform under the door three or two times.

Easily opened the rope in his hand and placed the bone claw in the large pit in front of him. Then he rubbed his hands that were a little sore by the rope, and then twisted his muscles and bones again. Then he picked up the garbage clip again. After making gestures to Shimen, he finally chose a more comfortable position.

Then he smashed the bone claws in his hands towards the top of the stone gate!

Cang Dang!Wow!

The moment the bone claw touched the stone gate, a huge sound was heard, and a big hole was smashed out of the stone gate.

At the same time, because of excessive force, he could not hold it for a while, and the bone claws on the trash clip flew directly out of the stone gate.

"I wiped it, I have used more strength!"

Looking at the empty trash clips, he shook his head with a wry smile. Fang Chenyi was speechless for a while. Originally, he was still thinking about how hard this stone gate might be, but now it seems that it is nothing more than that!

He patted the gravel on his body, Fang Chenyi didn't hesitate, and he crawled out of the hole directly.

However, when he came out, he was taken aback.

"Fuck! Xiaotian what are you doing! Put down the gun, put it down!"

At this moment, there were dozens of crew members around Shimen, but at this moment, they were all nervously pointing their guns at Shimen.

Seeing that the person crawling out of the big hole that suddenly appeared was actually Fang Chenyi, everyone was relieved for a long time. Qi Xiaotian hurriedly put down the weapon in his hand and rushed to Fang Chenyi's front:

"Huh! Brother Fang! It's great that you are fine! It scared us to death."

Looking at Qi Xiaotian with a nervous look, Fang Chenyi grinned at him, then patted the dust on his body and said:

"Haha, it's okay, it's okay, everyone, you have worked hard, let's go and rest, oh right, have you seen anything flying out?"

After listening to Fang Chenyi's words, everyone subconsciously looked at the earth wall directly opposite the stone gate.

When Fang Chenyi saw this, he looked over, and saw that there was a big hole more than half a meter away on the earth wall ten meters away.

As for the bone claws, where can I see traces at this time!

"Fuck! I finally got you back, but don't lose it!"

After murmured a word in his mouth, he stopped paying attention to everyone, and ran towards the earth wall with a trash clip in his hand.

When he got closer, Fang Chenyi's trash clip immediately moved deep into the earth wall.

When he stretched his entire arm in, finally there was a feeling of touching an object on the garbage clip.

No longer hesitating, just grab and pull, the next moment, the half-meter-long bone claw was finally pulled out of the soil easily.

Seeing that the bone claw was not lost, Fang Chenyi let out a long sigh.

It's just that when he turned his head around, he was surprised to find...

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