Shimen front.

Luo Lanzi looked at this tall stone gate, and felt shocked and excited for a moment.

It's hard to say anything else, just by looking at this stone gate, you know that there will definitely be treasures in it!

This time, one's own credit is absolutely impossible to escape!

Thinking of this, he couldn't wait to greet his people to go in, but Pilsen waved his hand:

"Luo, you can only take two people in at most. The space inside is really limited."

Although he didn't know the true or false of Pilsen's words, he didn't entangle anything in order to get inside the first time.

As for his own safety, Pilsen didn't dare to do it to himself.

He turned around and greeted the two best men, and went directly to the hole about half a meter away.

When he got inside, Bilson also followed.

The scooter slid all the way down, and after a while, it stopped.

After looking at the spacious hall underneath that there are all Chinese people, Luo Lanzi's vigilance also mentioned the highest, frowning and looking at Pilsen. Although he did not speak, anyone can express the meaning. figure it out.

But for the look in his eyes, Pilsen didn't even look at it, but went straight to Fang Chenyi's side, then half-bended over, and said in a very respectful voice:

"Boss, people have brought you here. This is the second master of the Cobra Organization, Luo Lanzi. The other two are right-hand men, one is called Verno and the other is called Big Goblin."

After Fang Chenyi heard these three names, he was speechless for a while, and he couldn't help but slander the names of these foreigners, Luo Lanzi, Lanzi ~ lazy.And that big Goblin, Nima, someone called a monster by the name.

However, when Fang Chenyi shook his head here, Luo Lanzi over there had already reached into his arms and wanted to draw a gun. Even if he was slow to react, now he could see that something was wrong.

This Pilsen turned out to betray the institution!

This is absolutely unforgivable!

To treat traitors, the Cobra organization has always been to obliterate them!

However, before they stretched out their arms, Qi Xiaotian didn't know when he had reached him. He hit him on the nose with an elbow, and a burst of blood spurted out.At the same time, Luo Lanzi was also knocked to the ground.

Qi Xiaotian's movements did not stop because he fell to the ground. He immediately took a step forward and kicked the pistol in his arms with one kick.

With one tip toe, it was already in his hands.

Of course, the treatment of Luo Lanzi's two right-hand men is not much different from this guy. Although the crew who dealt with the two of them did not have Qi Xiaotian's skills, they couldn't stand the crowd.

The three crew members dealt with one person, and before they took out their guns, they had already been pressed to the ground and could not move.

Seeing this scene, Pilsen couldn't help but hang a sneer on the corners of his mouth. His biggest opponent in daily life is now lying in front of him like a dog. What else is more so than this. Refreshing?

However, things are often not so smooth sailing, and they are often full of endless variables.

Luo Lanzi, who was stepped on the ground by Qi Xiaotian, had her entire face pressed on the ground at this time.

And there is a thick layer of bone meal on the ground.

In addition, under Qi Xiaotian's elbow, this guy was still bleeding in his nostrils.

In desperation, he could only open his mouth and breathe hard.

Just like this, Luo Lanzi suddenly ate countless bone meal in that mouth.

What no one noticed was that after the bone meal entered his mouth and mixed with his blood, it suddenly turned into a warm current and plunged into his throat.

"Brother Fang, it has already been taken, does his life still need to be left?"

Seeing that the opponent had been taken down, Fang Chenyi stepped forward and stood beside Qi Xiaotian, speaking in his mouth:

"It's still useful for me to keep him, so I can step on him for a while and I will talk to him."

Speaking is naturally false, Fang Chenyi's real purpose is naturally to use other gods on it.

But these words can't be said to Qi Xiaotian.

Slowly squatted down, his eyes slowly stared at Luo Lanzi, with a seemingly non-existent smile on the corner of his mouth, and he began to use'other gods' on it.

One second, two seconds, a little bit of time passed, and after about half a minute, Fang Chenyi's body suddenly shook, but fortunately, he had been squatting on the ground, which was not noticed.

He quickly reached out and put a piece of chocolate in his pocket and stuffed it into his mouth. When he came back a little bit, he spoke:

"Follow me, I will give you everything you want, including the cobra mechanism."

At this time, Fang Chenyi was just acting out these words.The purpose is naturally to be heard by others.

As for the trance of Fang Chenyi's body just now and the incident of eating a piece of chocolate at this time, none of them escaped Qi Xiaotian's eyes, but this guy didn't think much about it. After all, this kind of situation happened frequently in the past. I always thought that Fang had low blood sugar.

Not to mention Qi Xiaotian's thoughts here, but Luo Lanzi, who was still trampled under his feet, suddenly shook his head after hearing Fang Chenyi's words, and then there was a respectful look on his face:

"Boss, I will listen to you from now on! You step aside first, I'm afraid I'll hurt you by mistake in a while!"

Hearing this, Fang Chenyi suddenly looked stunned. What does this mean?Is it because my other gods are not working or what?What is the other party doing?

This thought had just arisen, but Luo Lanzi on the ground gave him an answer with action.

Seeing this guy suddenly shouted, a powerful force burst out of his body. Qi Xiaotian, who was stepping on him, was shaken by the force on his body, and he stepped back more than a dozen steps before he stopped.

Immediately, he looked at the gringe who had stood up and attacked him with his fists with a vigilant face.

The opponent's speed was too fast, and before Qi Xiaotian could react, the fist was already close.

In desperation, he had to raise his arms to block his chest.

With a thud.

The next moment, Qi Xiaotian's body was hit by the opponent and slid straight back, and he didn't stop until he put on the rock wall with another bang.

But the body shape stopped, but the body also fell heavily from the wall to the ground.

Not only that, after such a collision, Qi Xiaotian suddenly felt a heart-piercing pain from both arms. Obviously, these arms were definitely broken.

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