Looking at the somewhat stunned King Kong, Fang Chenyi couldn't help being amused.

King Kong always relied on his long arm, and from time to time he would give Fang Chenyi a sneak attack and give him a hug, which kept Fang Chenyi speechless.

It's just that King Kong is really keen on this matter.It seems that he can hug himself and look at his helpless expression, this guy will be very happy, very happy.

But I'm afraid that from now on, as long as he doesn't want to, this guy won't be able to catch here again.

Smiling, reaching out and patting King Kong's head:

"Okay, hurry up and eat your food. If you are obedient, I will take you down for a stroll."


It seems that after hearing what Fangshan Yi Alloy Steel said, the Er Gouzi underneath also screamed.

Upon seeing this, Fang Chenyi couldn't help being amused. He also patted Er Gouzi's head and said:

"Don't worry, I can't run you, so I will take you down for a stroll."

After speaking, he ignored these two guys and walked straight into the cafeteria.

Just ate something.This way, he walked slowly towards the helicopter without rush.

When Fang Chenyi opened the door again and walked into the room where Poseidon Robton was closed, the guy was eating.

But seeing Fang Chenyi coming, he stopped eating, and hurriedly spoke to Fang Chenyi:

"Oh, my friend, you are finally here. I have already figured it out. I now control 10% of our family's business, and I can transfer all of it to you now.

However, I have to secretly proceed. My power has not been cultivated. I cannot let the family know about this. Otherwise, the family will not let me go, nor will it allow the family business to get into your hands.

And when I stick to the Poseidon family, I will give you all the remaining 40%.

how about it?my friend.I have already shown all my sincerity."

Without letting Fang Chenyi speak, Poseidon Robton said a series of conditions, and at the same time did not forget to explain to Fang Chenyi.

After I heard this condition given by the other party, Fang Chenyi was also very satisfied.

It can be seen that this should be all the other party's property.

Of course, even if this is not all the property the other party holds, Fang Chenyi is already very satisfied.

Compared to the 10% of the Poseidon family's businesses, that box of bone meal is really nothing.

However, Fang Business did not promise to respond to the party in one bite.

Instead, he nodded and said faintly:

"Is there only these? Well, let me think about it again. After all, that thing is too important and too scarce. I believe that if my news is released, there will definitely be many hidden families who want to contact I, after all, there is more than Poseidon in this world. Am I right?"

Hearing Fang Chenyi's words, Poseidon Robton suddenly became unable to sit still.

As Fang Chenyi said, there is not only a family like Poseidon in this world. On the contrary, there are many more powerful families than the Poseidon family. If they know that Fang Chenyi still has such things in his hands, they will definitely be used up. All the ways to get it.

All these methods include unscrupulous means.

Of course, Poseidon Robton knew that, relying on Fang Chenyi's strength and his terrifying skill, he believed that even if other families wanted to get it, they would not sway their minds, but would exchange their interests with him.

If that time is really reached, there may be a lot of people who will come up with better conditions than what they have given. Then, maybe this baby will really be missed.

The more he thought about it, the more anxious Poseidon Robton gritted his teeth and finally said:

"Sixth floor! I promise you that if I control the Poseidon family, I will take out the sixth floor for you! This is my last bottom line. If you still don’t agree, then I have nothing to do. ."

Hearing Poseidon Robton's words, Fang Chenyi couldn't help being stunned. He didn't expect that if he exploded like this, there would be unexpected gains.

The sixth floor, the sixth floor of a family is given to myself, but also because of this guy's ability.

But who doesn't want it for nothing?Since the other party has stuffed it into his own hand, if he doesn't want it yet, isn't he a fool?

Thinking of this, Fang Chenyi hesitated a little.

Finally, he looked at the eyes of Poseidon Robton and said in a light tone:

"Well, I can agree to your terms. Of course, it is not your terms that touched me. I believe that many people will give better terms than yours. But I am a person, I like to make friends Make friends. And you guy, I feel pretty good and have a great appetite for me."

Hearing Fang Chenyi's words, Poseidon Robton suddenly became excited.As for the words that Fang Chenyi said about treating himself as a friend, he didn't take it seriously at all, nor did he take it to heart.A shit friend, if you really think of yourself as a friend, you can't cheat yourself like this.

Of course, what I know in my heart is what I know in my heart, and I definitely won't say it. On the surface, I am naturally excited.

Fang Chenyi waved his hand to Liu Yishou beside him, indicating that he could unlock the iron lock on Poseidon Robton.

In the next moment, Fang Chenyi waved his arm, and the wooden box suddenly appeared in his hand.

This hand made Poseidon Robton's pupils suddenly shrink.

Poseidon Robton had only seen this kind of multi-purpose method in his own family.And that old family has already gone to see God now.

However, according to family records, the strength of the old Patriarch has reached an extraordinary level.

And according to legend, the old Patriarch of the year can be said to be the top three powerhouses in the world!

However, the Chinese youth in front of him has such a skill?Could it be that his true strength is not under the old Patriarch of his family?

The more I think about it, the more frightened. Poseidon Robton is really fortunate now. Fortunately, he has chosen to reconcile with the other party. Fortunately, he and the other party have not come to the opposite side. Fortunately, he has drawn him to his own camp.

Yes, he gave half of the family business to the other party, which means that the other party also belongs to half of the Poseidon family.

In this way, if the Poseidon family receives a threat, he shouldn't sit back and watch.

One more thing, Poseidon Robton knew that with the fall of his family’s old patriarch, the original top ten families can now only be ranked around 50.

And if Fang Chenyi joined him, he might be able to bring his family back to the top ten, or even the top three.....

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