The words of the scientific staff in a white coat immediately caught the attention of the people around them.

When everyone looked at the big red exclamation mark on the computer screen, they all couldn't help but squeak in their hearts.

It's just that compared to the gaffes of the scientists in Ugly Country, everyone's performance is still very good.

No one of you panicked and shouted with his head in his mouth, my God!

Instead, they moved quickly.Each of them started tapping the computer keyboard quickly at their respective positions, and the instructions were quickly transmitted.

Soon the signals detected by the satellites in the sky returned to the computer screen.

After seeing the trajectory of the unknown celestial body again, his final landing point was obtained through calculations, and everyone was relieved for a long time.

"Huh, okay, okay. The landing position of this meteorite should be in the center of the Taklimakan Desert in the center of the Tarim Basin in southern Xinjiang."

That's right, based on the trajectory and route fed back by the satellite, the final landing point of this meteorite is likely to be the Taklimakan Desert.

In this way, it is a blessing in misfortune, as long as the meteorite does not run into densely populated areas.

After calculating this data, the scientists immediately typed a report on it, explaining the situation in detail.

After China received this news.It was also a long sigh of relief.

The area of ​​the Taklimakan Desert is very large, as large as 330,000 square kilometers. Even if a meteorite really rushes here, as long as it is not too big, the problem should not be big and it will not cause much impact on China.

Of course, today's asteroid is too far away from the earth. Therefore, it is not realistic to grasp its size in detail. Everyone is praying now that its size will not be too large.

This is why everyone calls it a meteorite.

Following the telephone notification of the leading scientific research personnel, the relevant departments immediately began to organize their personnel and prepared for all emergency situations.

The personnel stationed around the Taklimakan Desert also received the news as soon as possible, and all personnel entered a state of alert.


The camera turned back to the astronomical institution of Chou Country.

After a flurry of panic, they finally calmed down slowly and began to quickly tap the keys on the computer keyboard in front of them. A series of commands were also released. After receiving the reply from the satellite, they They were stunned for the first time.

It was the scientist who discovered the asteroid for the first time. He stared at the computer screen tightly, and said in an incredible mouth:

"Oh, Maika, this is so wonderful, this asteroid is not directed at my side, and based on the calculation of its trajectory, it turned out to be directed at China!"

Her exclamation also caught the attention of the people next to her. Looking at the scene of the prediction, everyone's faces unexpectedly showed a happy smile.

At the same time, Fang Chenyi, who was far away in South Africa, was standing on the deck looking up at the sky, feeling a little anxious and uneasy in his heart.

"This dog day system doesn't really want to reward yourself with an asteroid! If this Nima really hits the earth with a planet, he will become a sinner in the world."

He muttered to himself, his eyes searched in the sky.

Suddenly, a meteor struck across the distant sky, but this meteor was different from what I had seen before.

I used to see it in the distant sky, but this one came towards the earth!

"Fuck! This Nima is real!"

The speed of the meteor is very fast, and it has disappeared from sight in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, a system prompt sounded in his mind.

[After the reward is distributed, please withdraw it by yourself.Remarks.: This special reward has a time limit. If you do not receive it within one month, the system will automatically cancel the special item reward function for the master.Please rush to the place where the items are distributed to collect them as soon as possible.The distribution coordinates of the items have been sent to the owner to knit in the space, please retrieve them by yourself.]

This time the beep is very long.But Fang Shan heard that it was quite big.

What is this?Is the meteor that I saw just now really a special reward given by the system?

Also, let yourself rush over to receive it?Is there a time limit?Within a month, if you don’t receive it, then there is no chance for a special reward?

This Nima system is getting less and less reliable.

After listening to the system prompt, Fang Chenyi couldn't help but began to complain.

While vomiting, I did not forget to reach out and search in the woven bag space.

Soon, he found a map in it.

Take it out and take a look. It is a topographic map of a desert, and on the upper right corner of the map, the words "Taklimakan Desert" are also marked.

Seeing this scene, Fang Chenyi was very big again.

This time the special reward was actually distributed to the desert, and it was the Taklimakan Desert.

I have heard that it is called the Sea of ​​Death, which means that you don’t want to come in.

There is a veritable human restricted zone.

According to his memories when he went to school, Fang Chenyi remembered.

The Taklimakan Desert, located in the center of the Tarim Basin in southern Xinjiang, is truly the largest desert in China.Not only that, but also ranked tenth in the world.

Of course, the Tanramakan Desert is also the second largest mobile desert in the world.The length of the entire desert is almost thousands of kilometers, and the area is 330,000 square kilometers.

Except for camels and wolves in the desert, humans cannot survive at all.Even if you want to traverse it, you have to make many, many, many preparations, and it's not always successful.

Of course, Fang Chenyi has also heard many legends about the Taklimakan Desert.

Among them are the legends of the ancient Loulan country.

According to legend, the ancient Loulan country on the Silk Road disappeared overnight.

The exact reason is still a mystery.

Now the system wants to go to such a place by itself.

Isn't this Nima cheating?

Not only that, but the system only gave itself one month.

Counting with my fingers, even if I set off now, I might not be able to reach the center of the desert within a month.

This is simply an impossible task.

But I thought that if I didn't get the unknown asteroid back, I would never get a special reward again.

Fang Chenyi could only sigh helplessly: "Hey, fate..."

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