Although knowing that the road ahead must be extremely difficult and dangerous, now Fang Chenyi can only bite the bullet and rush forward, he has no way back.

I stood on the deck and blew the cold wind for a while, sorted out what had happened recently, and thought about how to find the way back.

When Fang Chenyi returned to reality from his thoughts, the sky had gradually darkened, and a round of Yuanri had slowly descended towards the sea.

Back in the room, Fang Chenyi suddenly remembered the bone claw in his woven bag.

Right now, there is nothing to do, just take it out for good research.

Take out the woven bag, and use the garbage clip to clip the huge bone claw, and put it on the floor of the room.

It's not that Fang Chenyi doesn't want to put it on the table, but the weight of this guy is really too big.

The wooden table in my room is absolutely impossible to bear.

Looking at the huge bone claws in front of him, Fang Chenyi simply sat down in front of it, and began to look at him carefully.

In the stone temple before, although it was illuminated by searchlights, the observation was still not very careful.

Now, although it is sunset in the west, the sky has not completely darkened, and the light in the room has also been turned on by Fang Chenyi, and for a while, the entire bone claw is unusually clear before his eyes.

While the entire bone claw appeared milky white, Fang Chenyi felt that it looked more like metal.

Observing carefully, you can see that the milky white back is still glowing with black metallic luster.

Missing the little gap between the bone claws, Fang Chenyi could still see the dazzling light.

Now Fang Chenyi is really curious, what exactly is caught in this bone claw.

But I tried it before, and I couldn't open it at all, and my dagger capital was ready and broken.

Shaking his head helplessly, Fang Chenyi didn't know what to do.

But his eyes suddenly turned to the trash clip not far from him, and Fang Chenyi's eyes suddenly lit up.

Yes, why did I forget it?The special steel dagger won't move, it doesn't mean that your trash folder can't help it!

My trash clip is a treasure.It can be immune to all weight, so in other words, it can exert its invincible power.

Thinking of going to build real estate, he immediately grabbed the trash and copied it in his hand.

Ka Ka Ka, held it empty in his hand twice, staring at the bone claws in front of him, and a wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth:

"Hey, I don't believe it yet, even if you are hard, can you still have my garbage clip hard?"

Muttering in his mouth, Fang Chenyi also began to clamp the trash clip directly on one of the phalanx of the bone claw, and then he twisted it hard, and he heard a quack.

Immediately afterwards, a claw phalanx was screwed off by the garbage clamp.

"Hahaha, sure enough!"

Seeing that a claw finger bone had been twisted in front of him, Fang Chenyi's face was full of excitement, and his eyes were also anxiously looking towards the bone claw.

He couldn't wait to know what was holding in that bone claw now.

Now, one of the claw's phalanx has been snatched off, and a small part of the thing inside has been exposed, waiting until the eyes can see things clearly.

Fang Chenyi was a little confused, this thing looked round and round, more like a bead.

And looking at the color of this bead, it should appear sky blue, and Fang Chenyi faintly had an illusion, as if there were waves of water flowing in this bead.

It's just that although one of the bone claws was broken, not much was exposed, and the beads inside were still not very real.

Ever since, I clamped the bone claw on the garbage clip once, twisted it hard, and made a creak, and the bone claw broke.

This time the ball-like thing was almost all exposed, stretched out his hand and touched it, Fang Chenyi actually felt a cold breath, directly covering his whole body from the palm of his hand.

He hurriedly pulled his hand back, and at the same time couldn't help but shudder all over his body.

"Damn, what the hell is this? Why is it so cold to the touch?"

Fang Chenyi was really puzzled, that ball-shaped thing felt like he was going to be completely frozen to the touch.

But before standing in the stone hall or standing next to him, I didn't feel a trace of coolness.

Looking at the azure blue bead the size of a fist in front of him, Fang Chenyi didn't pay attention to him anymore, but broke the other bone claw that fixed him with a trash clip.

This time, the blue bead fell to the floor with a click.

After reaching out and throwing all the broken bone claws and the broken finger bones into the woven bag, he looked at the small blue bead again.

The whole bead was as transparent as glass, but Fang Chenyi could see it very clearly this time.

Among the beads, there are actually faint fluctuations like currents.

What the hell is this?With a hint of doubt and curiosity, Fang Chenyi reached out and tried to touch the bead with his finger again.

At the moment when the fingers touched the beads, a chill suddenly poured over Fang Chenyi's body again.

Ji Lingling shuddered, but Fang Chenyi did not let go this time, but took it directly.

[The owner has picked up the damaged dragon bone claw, and the system cannot recover it. Now the dragon bone claw has been modified and a dragon bone hammer has been obtained.It has been distributed to the owner's woven bag space, please pick it up by the owner.]

[The owner has picked up the damaged dragon bone claw and phalanx, and the system cannot recover it. Now the dragon bone claw and phalanx have been modified, and a dragon bone dagger has been obtained.It has been distributed to the owner's woven bag space, please pick it up by the owner.]

[The owner has picked up the damaged dragon bone claw and phalanx, and the system cannot recover it. Now the dragon bone claw and phalanx have been modified, and a dragon bone dagger has been obtained.It has been distributed to the owner's woven bag space, please pick it up by the owner.]


Just when Fang Chenyi grabbed the azure blue bead in his hand, he did suddenly think of several system prompts in his mind, which made him startled.

Then I remembered that I didn't seem to throw those bones into the woven bag space just now, but just threw them into the woven bag.

In this way, it is equivalent to want to recycle it, no wonder the system reminds of the prompt sound.

It's just that Fang Chenyi did not expect that the system would be unable to recycle again.Not only that, but also transformed the bone claws that he had thrown in. What kind of regulations is this??

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