Become the world's richest man from picking up tatters

Chapter 456 What time do you leave tomorrow?

After hearing the words, Bai Menghan nodded, felt his somewhat weak body, and prepared to prop up his body and go with Fang Chenyi.

"I still blame you. I have been tossing for so long. But at this time, maybe my parents have not come back. They usually come back around ten o'clock."

Since Fang Chenyi redistributed the group company to them, everyone has become more busy.

However, he felt weak just as he raised his body. When Fang Chenyi saw it, he hurriedly stretched out his hand to help him and lay down again, knowing in his heart that he must have been tossing too hard.

In this state of Bo Menghan, how could he bear to take her with him, so he kissed her lightly on the forehead, and said:

"Come on, don't move, I'll walk around on my own, go to bed first, I'll be back in a while."

Bo Menghan was indeed weak. Hearing Fang Chenyi's words, he nodded and lay down in the quilt without getting up.

Fang Chenyi and Bai Menghan's weakness was the exact opposite. At this time, he was full of energy.

A carp jumped up from the bed, found his clothes and walked out of the room, gently closed the door to Bo Menghan, then turned and walked downstairs.

Walking out of the door of his villa, Fang Chenyi walked directly towards Villa No. 1.

However, when I walked to the door of Villa No. 1, I found that the light inside was turned off.

At this moment, there was a roar of engine suddenly behind him.Then came the light of a car.

Looking back, it was his father's car.

Soon, the car stopped at the door of Villa One.Fang's father and Fang's mother got out of the car and saw that their son was standing at the door. The two of them couldn't help but froze. Then the mother ran up quickly:

"Smelly boy, you are finally back. You still know that you are back. You are running outside all day. Come in, go in. I haven't eaten. Mom will give you something delicious. Huh? Where's Menghan? ?"

After the mother said a few words, she looked around for her daughter-in-law.

When Fang Chenyi heard his mother looking for Menghan, his old face was flushed.

And my mother seemed to feel something too.After taking a look at his son, he didn't ask any more.

At this time, Dad also walked up and looked at his son up and down with concern.However, he did not complain like Fang's mother that his son had been so long since he went out. Instead, he said something to Fang's mother:

"What does a woman's family know? It's when the child is doing business. If he doesn't go out at this time, he stays at home all day? Alright, alright. Go and make some dumplings for your son."

Fang's mother cast a blank look at Fang's father.But he opened his mouth and said nothing.Turning to open the door, he went to the kitchen to make dumplings for his son.

Looking at my mom and dad, although he is a little bit of a dusty, but his face is full of energy, it is obvious that the two of them are very satisfied with the current job, and they should have a very fulfilling life.

Seeing his wife went in to make dumplings, Fang Fu followed his son to the villa and asked:

"Will you go out after coming back this time?"

After hearing this, Fang Chenyi scratched his head in embarrassment:

"I have to go there, and I have to leave tomorrow morning. This time I guess it will take more than a month."

Fang's father nodded when he heard the words, but said to pay attention to safety.

"How about dad? Is the company going well?"

It seemed that when it came to a topic that Dad was interested in, Dad suddenly became excited and began to talk to Fang Chenyi about the company.

11 o'clock at night.

Fang Chenyi, who had finished eating dumplings at my parents' place, took another portion for his wife, and then walked towards his villa.

After returning to the villa room, Fang Chenyi saw that his daughter-in-law was not asleep, so he walked over with the dumplings, and said with a distressed expression:

"Why don't you sleep so late?"

Bo Menghan actually smiled at him:

"Miss you, I can't sleep if you don't come back. Huh? It smells so good, how come I smell dumplings."

Seeing Bo Menghan who was sniffing hard there, Fang Chenyi walked over and tapped her little nose, then handed the dumplings over:

"No, my mother specially asked me to bring it to you."

Bo Menghan took the dumplings and started to eat it with big mouthfuls: "Hehe, it's better for my mother."

Not to mention, Bo Menghan was really hungry, and he ate several dumplings in one go. Fang Chenyi hurriedly poured a glass of warm water and passed it over. He also kept talking and eating slowly.

Seeing that Menghan was eating very fragrantly, he wanted to tell him that he would set off again tomorrow morning, but he opened his mouth but still did not say it.

Forget it, let's wait until he finishes eating.

However, Fang Chenyi did not say that Bo Menghan, who was eating, suddenly spoke, swallowing the dumplings he was chewing, raised his head to look at Fang Chenyi, and said with a smile:

"What time will you leave tomorrow morning? How long will you go this time? Or I will go with you."

Fang Chenyi was taken aback when he heard the words.:"How did you know?"

Bo Menghan blankly whitened Fang Chenyi with a look:

"Of course, I heard what the crew said. When you first disembarked, I heard some of the crew behind you discussing this matter. But after coming back, you have been tossing me, and I will I forgot about this. I saw you hesitant just now, so I remembered it again."

When Fang Chenyi heard this, he suddenly realized that it turned out to be what the crew said, no wonder.

"This time it is estimated that it will take at least a month. If it is slow, it may be later. But you still don't go, this time the road is more difficult, I don't worry about taking you there."

After listening to this, Bo Menghan swallowed the dumplings in his mouth, and then looked at Fang Chenyi with some firmness:

"Don't you think I can't endure suffering?"

Fang Chenyi waved his hand after hearing this:

"It's not that you can't endure the hardship. The main reason is that this time I am going to the Taklimakan Desert. You also know the environment there. When there, there must be no signal. You should stay at home. The company still needs you to manage it."

After Bo Menghan heard this, his brows frowned tightly: "Are you going to the Taklimakan Desert? Then you must be careful. I heard that the desert is very dangerous and you must pay attention to safety in everything."

Bo Menghan did not ask Fang Chenyi why he went to the desert.Because she knew Fang Chenyi must have his own reasons.

Perhaps it is about to be separated again, which is destined to be another "sleepless" night...

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