Fang Chenyi looked at the magma in front of him again, but instead of the sadness he had before, he had a more confident look.

Now I can say that I have thought of a feasible way.What is waiting is to try.

I glanced around and saw that there was no such rover around, and it was already dark in the middle of the night, which was more conducive to my concealment.

Fang Chenyi took off and jumped directly into the lava cave.

Of course, he didn't dare to jump directly into the magma, but jumped on the small platform closest to the magma.

The location here is not big, only about one or two squares.

But it was next to the tumbling lava.Squatting on it, you can reach it.

Fang Chenyi's jump looked relaxed, but his heart was also very stressed.

He was also afraid that if he didn't stop the car, he rushed directly into the lava, and the Water Lingzhu could not really separate himself from the magma.

In other words, if you can't withstand the real lava temperature, I am afraid that even for a moment, there will be no bones left.

Following Fang Chenyi's feet landed on this small platform.The small platform swayed for a while, and Fang Chenyi's feet quickly sank more than ten centimeters away.

In an instant, the black-gray deposits foamed over the soles of Fang Chenyi's feet.

Obviously, this place should have been formed after lava solidified.

With a squeak in my heart, I quickly raised one of my feet, wanting to check the current situation.

But when he saw that there was no trace on it, Fang Chenyi's heart was slightly let go.

Slowly squatted down, trying to touch the lava with his palms rolling in front of him.

I was also a little worried, after all, this was different from the lava that had just fallen outside.

Those who have lost their original color are already cooled.

But these are different, these are still rolling.

The magma here is just like molten steel, even hotter.

When Fang Chenyi studied geography before, he seemed to have learned lava. The temperature of the magma flowing out of the surface was 900 to 1,200 degrees Celsius.

What's more, it can reach 1400 degrees Celsius upwards.

As for the tumbling magma in front of him, Fang Chenyi was sure that its temperature was definitely the highest.

He stared at the magma in front of him, his right hand also slowly stretched towards the magma.

Half a meter, 30 cm, 10 cm, 5 cm.

Finally, Fang Chenyi's fingers touched the rolling Yanjiang.

At the next moment, the heart that Fang Chenyi was holding was finally completely let go.

There was no reason for him. The moment his palm touched the magma, he didn't feel any temperature coming.

It's not right, I can't say that there is no to say?The feeling is like touching warm water, the kind of water temperature that is suitable for bathing...

The palm of his hand slid a few times in the lava in front of him, as if trying to feel the temperature of the bath water.After a while, Fang Chenyi slowly let his figure sit down.

At the same time, he stepped his two legs towards the magma.


A pair of legs were drawn in the magma, and Fang Chenyi closed his eyes comfortably.

This feeling is really fucking strong, just like soaking your feet.

After trying again, after confirming that nothing happened.Fang Chenyi finally gritted his teeth, pressed his hands to support under his body, and the next moment, his whole body jumped into the magma.

If this scene is seen by others, it will definitely faint directly.I have to say that it is indeed a bit scary.

However, for Fang Chenyi, who had already jumped off the magma pool.It was exactly the opposite. Both feet were stepping in the magma, and the hands were moving in front of the chest. It felt like swimming in the magma.

"Hey, let's not say it. Except for a bit high viscosity, it really doesn't feel much."

While sliding, Fang Chenyi murmured in his mouth.

I have to say that after his body has been strengthened, his strength is not so big.

Therefore, this viscous magma has no effect on it.

Try to take a breath.Then a fierce boy went down.

In an instant, Fang Chenyi felt that everything in front of him had become a fiery red world.

As for visibility, this is simply unimaginable.Let me put it this way, I can't see my fingers in front of my eyes.

After lifting his head out of magma again, Fang Chenyi muttered silently:

"This damn thing, where can I find it. Although it's not completely dark after I get down, I can't see anything."

But after thinking about it carefully, Fang Chenyi was relieved.

This magma is not water at all, and it is normal to have no visibility.

As for the asteroid, just think about it, and it must be at the bottom.

As long as I look for the direction and keep facing down, I should be able to find the asteroid.

He took a deep breath again, and plunged directly into the magma.

This time, he went straight down.But after a while, he found out sadly.It seems that he has lost his sense of direction.

This caused Fang Chenyi to panic.Although I am not afraid of the surrounding temperature, there is no air here!

It's okay outside, even if the air on the surface of the magma is evaporated, but with the effect of the water spirit, Fang Chenyi can still breathe freely, although he doesn't know the principle.

Force yourself to calm down.After that, he recognized a direction above his head, and began to struggle upstream.

One minute.three minutes.

However, three to five minutes passed in a flash, but Fang Chenyi still did not rush out of the magma, which made Fang Chenyi, who was already feeling a little uncomfortable in his lungs, really panicked.

How can this be good.I'm afraid it's just hanging here?

Fuck me!The system doesn't take you to cheating me like that!If I hang up, won't you just finish playing?

[Detecting a question in the owner's mind, the system specifically answers the question for the owner.Water Spirit Orb: Water Spirit Orb, which can be worn on the body to regulate the temperature of the whole body, and can avoid water..Swallow it into the abdomen to master the technique of water control and survive in the water.]

Perhaps it was that Fang Chenyi's dangerous state was detected at this time, and the system unexpectedly gave out a warning tone again.

Fang Chenyi couldn't help but feel a little confused by this sound.

What do you mean?Wearing on the body can regulate the temperature of the whole body, and can also avoid water.I know this myself.

But what does it mean to survive in the water after swallowing it?Could it be that after swallowing, I can stay in the water without breathing?

Fang Chenyi still has a certain understanding of this system of his own.

Fang Chenyi can be sure that telling himself this at this time must be related to his current predicament.

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