Become the world's richest man from picking up tatters

Chapter 473: Receiving the Team and Going Home~~

Fang Chenyi looked at the asteroid in front of him dumbfounded, and didn't understand what exactly it was.

Reached out and tried to explore the shining stone surface, and found nothing unusual.

However, when he took his hands away, he was really stunned again.There is no other reason, Fang Chenyi's hands at this time also exudes the same light as on an asteroid.

"Damn, this light touches my hand!"

He stared tightly at his hands.Shake it hard, wanting to shake it off.However, it was in vain.

This shocked Fang Chenyi.I really owe my hands and dare to touch this unknown object.

Just when Fang Chenyi was a little at a loss, a feeling similar to a warm current suddenly spread from the shining hands.

From the palm of the hand, it spreads along the arms to the whole body.

At the next moment, Fang Chenyi felt that there was a flow of heat that kept wandering in his body.

This feeling is very strange, as if there is a warm little snake swimming in the body.

"Damn, is this the true spirit in the legend?"

Such a thought flashed in Fang Chenyi's mind for a while.

The main reason is that this guy was an out-and-out man before getting the woven bag space.

Usually I often read some fantasy novels.In particular, I often read the writing of a guy named Muzijia Xiaoyuzi, so I immediately associated it with "in vivo true Qi".

It's just that before Fang Chenyi can feel the airflow in his body, the airflow has slowly disappeared.

Looking down at his hands again, he had already lost the halo before.

For a moment, Fang Chenyi quickly raised his head and looked at the asteroid that was still shining with light, feeling in every way.

If the true qi that existed in one's body just now was really true, then the asteroid in front of him was directly radiating light, and it might all be rare existence!

I have to say that Fang Chenyi's courage is really big enough, and before he can figure out what this is, this guy rushes directly on the asteroid.

The next moment Fang Chenyi's whole body was enveloped by the light.

At the same time, I just felt that no part of my body was impacted by the warm airflow.

This feeling is simply beyond words.It's really cool from head to toe.

Time just passed a little bit like this, Fang Chenyi, who was immersed in the kind of comfort, didn't notice it, quietly several hours had passed.

Moreover, the shopkeeper closed his eyes slowly, as if he was asleep.

When he woke up again, he felt a cold feeling from the stone wall he was holding in front of him.

He blinked in a bit of astonishment, only then did he remember what had happened just now.

"Why did I fall asleep?"

Look at the asteroid in front of him again.At this time, there was no previous light on the asteroid.

Fang Chenyi couldn't help but feel sorry for a while.

But suddenly, he seemed to think of something.I should have been holding this stone for a long time, so I wonder if my guess is correct?Isn't it true that I just got it?

Thinking of Fang Chenyi, he closed his eyes and felt the changes in his body with his heart.

If the real qi exists on this, then if you hold him for so long, your body must have been filled with zhenqi.

Just no matter how Fang Chenyi felt, he couldn't feel the existence of that air current in his body at all.

This made him speechless for a while, and he blinked his eyes. Could it be that what he just did was useless??

He shook his head helplessly, and no longer cared about whether there was still that airflow in his body.

He looked at the asteroid in front of him again.

It's just that he doesn't really know that at this moment, at the position of his dantian, there is a pale golden bead that keeps spinning.

Around this bead, a stream of light blue energy is being absorbed little by little.

It is precisely because of this that a light blue light will flash from time to time on the golden beads.

After carefully scanning the asteroid in front of him, Fang Chenyi didn't find any other novelties.

He shook his head helplessly and resumed his previous work.

One hour, two hours, and finally a few hours later, Fang Chenyi thoroughly inspected the asteroid except for a part of the asteroid.

Returning to the position of the previous disc, Fang Chenyi simply took out the garbage clip for safety.

Then I clamped it to the disc, the only groove.

With both arms hard, the asteroid in front of him shuddered.

Then Fang Chenyi picked it up with a trash clip.

And what greeted him was the magma gushing from below.

At the moment when the asteroid was caught by Fang Chenyi.The magma underneath suddenly spewed out like money, and Fang Chenyi was sure that if it wasn't for the asteroid in his hand, he would definitely be sprayed out by that magma just this time.

Fortunately, he turned the asteroid a little bit in one direction, and put it down again with a trash clip, which blocked the magma gushing out.

Looking at the asteroid with his back facing him, Fang Chenyi was relieved for a long sigh of relief when he had already turned around and revealed all the parts he had not checked.

It's just that he was relieved, he really didn't know what kind of changes had taken place on the ground because of his moving asteroids.

Above the ground, it was because Fang Chenyi had placed the rune stone on the disc, which caused magma fluctuations.

But this time, the fiery magma suddenly broke through the sky, spraying up to a height of nearly one thousand meters.

And this immediate consequence was that a volcanic crater nearly 100 meters long was instantly formed on the beach.

It is worth mentioning that there was originally only one research vehicle left in the temporary base outside Taklimakan.In this spurt, even the last one was scrapped..

All the people in this base were completely dumbfounded at this moment. I didn't expect that this time in my laboratory's action, all the assets of my laboratory would be included..

"Captain, this time, all our equipment is scrapped... What shall we do now?"

In this temporary base, the previous observer looked at the captain next to him with some bewilderment.

After hearing this, the captain sighed helplessly:

"Hey. What else can I do? Close the team and go home..."

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